I ask God: The poor get poorer, the rich get richer! What can I do? It is really difficult for the elderly people in America! God told me: You don't have to do anything, just proclaimed 2 curses! Is my prophecy accurate? You understand better than me! I already told you 2 years ago: If there is no problem in India this September, the epidemic will be over! Why do I feel headaches about the finances of the elders? Because there are too many liars! And the scammers usually cheat the elders of their money! (Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?~ Liars are like the snakes in Eden, they always cheat in different ways!
Let's think about why it is becoming more and more difficult for the elders living in the United States to retire? How much energy does the U.S. space station consume in a year? How much does the US space station cost a year? How much does Musk's Starlink cost a year? How much energy does Musk's Starlink consume? None of this has anything to do with US finances? In the past, the elders in the United States could retire at the age of 60. Do you know how much money you need to retire? Retirement needs at least 1-1.5 million! This is still the normal retirement age, and the age at which pensions can be obtained! Now the retirement age has risen to 70 without knowing it! And I have to tell you: Pensions are a scam! 20 years ago, $2000 a month, life was quite comfortable! But now there is no $4000-5000 a month, how can we survive? And 20 years ago, American nursing homes already spent $5000-7000 a month, and the elderly who rely on pensions can't afford it at all! American nursing homes are for the elderly who have no income and are supported by the government! This is an American political hoax! Why do we work over 30 years, but we still can't retire?
Too many liars in America! The largest fraud group in the United States ~ the US government! My first curse, this curse is valid forever on liars all over the world! Curse 1: Anyone who tells a lie ~ must have a rotten tongue! And when people tell a lie, their mouths and throats are on fire! Let these liars have to pay a terrible price for their lies! I believe that this curse will inevitably make many people taste the bitter fruit, this is called ~ self-eating! Just like the snake tricked Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of evil and good, the snake can only eat dirt for a lifetime! The second curse, this curse is quite special, it was not the curse I wanted to proclaim, but God asked me to do this special curse, because my head can’t move violently, so, I beg God to have mercy, can you not shoot so hard? God wants me to hit the ground 3 times, so that the ground will not produce any products for 3 years!
Many people may not believe in the power of God! Elijah can only say that there will be no rain and drought for 3 years! Droughts of course cause famines! And our famine is already destined, famine is God's punishment for mankind! There is no product on the ground for 3 years, it may not be a drought! It is quite scary not to produce any local products for 3 years! Under what circumstances will there be no local products for 3 years? Drought, flood, hurricane, hail, heavy snow, heavy rain, war... The land is more terrible than drought! Thank God! God have mercy on my head so badly wounded that I cannot strike the ground! But I still want to curse the earth and land! This curse is also God's lightest punishment! Curse 2: The local products on the ground are only enough for the people of their own country to eat, and they cannot be exported at all! Why am I doing this curse? Because I want to see how Arab countries drink oil? If they have oil, they rely on oil to make money. We all know the luxury of the Arab world! I just want to see which country does not want food, want for oil? Are the people of Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan going to eat AI chips?
You evildoers! Is God afraid of you doing evils? Do you harm God by doing evils? You can never hurt God, let alone kill God! It's just that you are too proud! Let's see if these two curses of mine will come true! If God has mercy on these two curses, at least half of the wicked will die in this world! Because liars are probably 1/2 of our living hoods.... liars may not actually die, but at least the lying mouths will be gone! As for countries that eat oil, energy, and AI chips, I can't help you either! Because there is only enough food in the world for our own consumption! California dry well, drink only bottled water! It's snowing in New York City right now! It must be getting cold too fast! America is going to be an ice bank for the week ahead! What does this mean? I have told everyone that in the next 3 years ~ Our food is only enough for our own country! 3 years later... just look at people's hearts! Repentance is only way to save our life!