September 29, 2023

The Bible has a very important concept, but no one has ever preached the "Truth" of the Bible in the past 2,000 years, which is that "teaching by example is more important than teaching by words"! Pastor Tang Chongrong may not have read history well! Pastor Tang Chongrong should check up historical documents first for any sermon messages! Christian speech should be: one is one, two is two! Yes means yes, no means no! We can't change any histroy and truth at will! Now "lying media" are flying everywhere! If pastors preach casually without any historical basis knowledge, it is an insult to God! Confucius predates Jesus by about 500 years! Both Confucius and Jesus did the same thing: Train students! Jesus’ students are His disciples! Confucius’s students were also his disciples! What’s interesting is that they all live with students! Why do teachers need to live with students? I have been thinking: Why can current teachers be replaced by AI robots? Because our current education is "teaching by words" rather than "teaching by example"! "Teaching by word of mouth" is one-way teaching with no feedback at all!

Confucius said: A teacher preaches the truth, imparts knowledge and resolves doubts! We must understand that "preaching the truth" is the job that both Confucius and Jesus devoted their lives to do! And what is "teaching knowledge"? "Teaching knowledge" means imparting the skills! Confucius educated a wide range of talents! The last step is to "resolve doubts". "Resolving doubts" is to solve the confusions and dilemmas in life! We must say: Confucius and Jesus devoted their lives to doing the same thing: "preaching the truth", "teaching knowledge" and "solving doubts"! Although Jesus trained 12 apostles, Jesus often preached, and when Jesus preached, thousands of people gathered to listen! "Teaching knowledge" is to tell every audience: what is a legitimate industry! The purpose of "preaching the truth" is to let people understand the "truth"! The purpose of "teaching knowledge" is to make people's words and deeds conform to the right way, which is to make righteous money! Finally, there are many unsolvable mysteries in our life, such as the "conflicts" in our interactions with people, the handling of inappropriate behaviors, etc., and various problems that arise in life. These are all “solves doubts”!

Why did Christianity corrupt? Because pastors focus on "teaching by words" and no longer cares on "teaching by example"! Since Jesus lived with his disciples, the disciples could examine Jesus' behavior and see if Jesus "taught one thing and did another"? The same is true for Confucius. Confucius and his disciples got along day and night when they traveled around the world, and his disciples could clearly see what Confucius was like. Why can other religions grow so quickly? And Christianity continues to deteriorate? It's simple: Christian leaders have no self-discipline! Christian leaders are not setting good examples! Take Tzu Chi as an example. Tzu Chi is growing very fast. I won’t criticize Tzu Chi’s masters, because just like Master Hsing Yun, the gods they believe in are different from mine, but their behavior is better than mine! Who am I to criticize them? Both Master Hsing Yun and Master Tzu Chi are doing one thing: teaching everyone to "do good" by example! Having "good intentions and good deeds" should be praised! They didn't show off their luxurious life, but what about Christianity?

Christian leaders really need to take the examined at themselves! God gives Christians many resources, but what do we use for and return to God? Why is Christianity corrupted? Because Christian leadership does not “lead by example”! The real reason why Christianity is corrupt is not that other religions are good at "preaching the truth", but that Christian pastors bring "corrupt ideas" to their congregations! There are many negative reports on Christianity: How many Christian pastors have had "extramarital affairs" with female congregants? How many Christian pastors regard church property as their own family property? How many Christian pastors are selfish for the sake of their own children? Treat the church as your ancestral heritage! This is really funny! God's estate becomes church leaders' hereditary! There are three poisons in Buddhism: greed, anger, and ignorance! "Greed" is greed! "Angry" means complaining, resentment, and dissatisfaction! "Crazy" means obsession, an addiction! This is what Buddhism says: Three poisons! I want to ask everyone: Do Christians have these "Three poisons"? Of course! Christians do! Everyone has the "Three Poisons"! No one is perfect, everyone must continue to learn in order to grow and progress! Therefore, the job of Christianity is not to criticize other religions. Christianity must find its own problems and learn from the strengths of others, so that Christians can truly glorify God! Glorifying God is not by the “mouth”! A true Christian is one who “walks the work” rather than “says it”! No matter how high-sounding your words are or what you do? Aren't you dishonoring "God, who searches people's hearts"?