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6 major sectors-Edcucation and Media

October 17, 2023

A country must be completely independent from these plates to be a truly sovereign country! Basically, the United States is not a sovereign country, it is a country monopolized by "capitalists"! 6 major sectors: 1. Education and media, 2. Real estate and finance, 3. Weapons, 4. Biotechnology and medical care, 5. Food, 6. Politics! When I see a piece of news, and start talking about education and media! Why do I put education and media together? Because "education" is originally a kind of "ideological propaganda", we often hear children say: The teacher said..., and the main function of the media and the function of education are the same "brainwashing"!

I saw a piece of news that a rich man no longer hires "Harvard graduates"! Why doesn't this rich man hire Harvard graduates? Because Harvard students support Palestine! All Ivy League students, you cannot support Palestine. You students from elite schools must support the unscrupulous Israel. This is the right thing to do! Otherwise, you will have no job at all after graduation! Isn't it that you spend such expensive tuition just to have a job where you "die for money"? What this rich man did was great! This tells us one thing: If you can get into an Ivy League school that is so expensive and useless, you still have to be "unconscionable" in order to have a job! Ivy League schools are not "education", Ivy League schools are "selling resources". They package "knowledge and network of relationships" into "resources" transactions! I can tell you the truth: an ordinary person who graduates from high school can be qualified for all "ordinary jobs". To enter an "Ivy League school" is to get that "Diploma". Another words you just spent high price to get the Ivy League Diploma that all. That "graduation diploma" can make you start faster. , but it doesn’t mean you will never fail! There are often a lot of "Ivy League graduates" in the workplace, because "educational resources are monopolized by capitalists". Education is not education, but "creating beasts in disguise"! Ivy League schools are "school shops". What do you need to get into "school shops"? "Money"! Today's "Western education" is not education at all. "Western education" is cultivating "dressed beasts"! Think about it again: If the government uses national resources to cultivate "dressed beasts", is it worth it?

Confucius said: A teacher: preaches the truth, imparts knowledge, and solves doubts! What is "preaching the Truth"? China’s education is not about selling “Western knowledge and networks”! Chinese education has deviated too far from "Chinese education"! The education Confucius mentioned does not specifically refer to "knowledge and skills." Confucius put "preaching the truth" first. Why? What is "Tao"? "The Tao is the way of heaven", "The Tao is the Truth", "The Tao is the way of life"! "Education" is the enlightenment of human life. If we are taught from a young age that "Money is the main thing", "Always put money first" and "Life is about survival for profits", we will become "unconscientious Jews"! You know: What would happen if a country was full of "unconscientious people"? This country will surely perish! The real power of the Jews: cultivating the group of heartless elites and educating the group of brainless slaves! This is the real "education" of the United States and Israel working! Israelis are polarized in their thinking, and Americans are also polarized in their thinking! The unscrupulous elite must brainwash and cultivate the group of idiots, otherwise how can this country go on? Why is the wealth gap so serious in the United States? Israel is basically a communist society, but the Israeli people basically have no ability to think independently! They are just pigs in captivity. They eat whatever the government gives them! They do whatever the government tells them to do! This kind of "people" is the favorite of governments around the world, but basically, this kind of people must have a "rich government". If the government is getting poor, the country will be doomed! Just like America now! Does the Chinese government want to become the United States? If you don’t want to become the United States, you must break the “Education system”! We must return to Confucius’ educational philosophy! Education must be "preaching, teaching and enlightening", not only making money!

Why must our education return to putting “preaching the Truth” first? I said: "Education" itself is "media", and "education" itself is the "foundation of a country"! If everyone was a "moral and well-behaved" person, how much social cost would we reduce? If the education foundation is good, the basic social law and order will be good, and there will not be so much burning, killing, looting and fraud! Who really benefits? Of course the government leadership! If all our officials have good moral character and good conduct, so that corruption in the officialdom will naturally decrease! "Greed education" will get us started quickly, but we will need to spend more "national cost" to correct these mistakes in the future! Why is China like this? If Chinese education continues with the Western system, China will inevitably perish! China’s education system is really great! We always have to return to "morality first"! This is the foundation for building the "Happiness society"! Jesus died due to "public opinion", so we know how important "Education and Media" is!