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6Major Sectors-Biotechnology and Medical Care

October 20, 2023

4. Biotechnology and medical care! I’ve been quarreling with God a lot lately! I asked God: See how you indulge your Christians? Look at how you condone your chosen people, Israel? God answered me: You humans are short-lived, and of course you cannot see the end of the evil people! How I want to punish the evildoers is my own sovereignty! He said: I could let Israel wander around and be hunted and killed before, but can’t I do it later? I gave Israel the opportunity to do good, but they chose to "continue to do evil. " Naturally, they will be even worse than before! Hamas is now going to "break it into pieces" to protect women and children! Don't commit suicide again! Retreat to the mountains! Where there is life, there is hope! And now we have to see how Israel and the United States perform this drama? If no one takes action, who will Israel punish? Who can Israel blame? And who Israel can destory? When dealing with deceitful people, we cannot follow their deceitful ideas. We must break the traps set by these ghosts for us!

God said to me: Let’s play a game. I asked: What game? He said: You should never go into the hospital! I asked: How is it possible? He asked: Where did you learn Huangdi Neijing? I answer: There are so many cancers now! How could I not get cancer? He asked me: How old are American hospitals? How long is the history of traditional Chinese medicine in China? Do you think those instruments of hospitals are really useful? He replied: These hospitals and equipment are all lies! Because the Western world is often in "wars", they are better at treating wounds, but we must know that Chinese medicine talks about "Breathe"! What is "Breathe"? Chinese medicine often says: Mind, Spirit, Breathe! You should understand what "Mind, Spirit and Breathe" is? Chinese medicine says: All causes of disease arise from "the invasion of evil energy"! If we don’t have “evil energy” in us, we generally won’t get sick! This is correct! When our body is full of "righteousness", our metabolism will not have problems and our immunity will be very good! Basically, you won’t get sick! Because there are so many "machines" nowadays, we often have the chance of getting injured! But "righteousness" can also protect us from getting hurt! I watched a video before, where Andy Lau broke a big stone on his chest, and Ko Shouliang rode a motorcycle and flew over the human wall in a fundraising event. Why can they do these miracles? Because of the righteousness in their hearts! It is that "righteousness" that protects them and allows them to successfully raise funds!

China really doesn’t need “hospitals”! I remember once in grade 6, I watched a skinny teacher in his 50s deal with four burly men who came to school to cause trouble. He just swung a few times and they all fell down! Because this teacher knows "Qigong", I heard that he is a Qigong master! I also have a client who is still in her 90s and still has a light body and can walk like flying. She is also a Qigong master! The Chinese people are really brainwashed too seriously! Are "Martial Arts" and "Qigong" Real? Do we really need "hospitals"? We don’t need “biotechnology” at all. What is “biotechnology”? "Biotechnology" means "made poisoning" and "poisoning"! When we throw away ancient traditions, we enter the small circle of Western thought! Western education is the education of "sitting in a well and looking at the sky"! Western education is too one-sided and not comprehensive at all! You say: Is it possible to fly over the roof and walk over the wall? Of course it's possible! Lingbo Weibu is also possible, and even Japanese ninjas have existed before! There is also the "acupoint technique" of Chinese martial arts, these all existed in the past! What would happen if we were quick and put a rock against the bullet hole in the pistol? If someone knows Qigong, can they make bullets turn? Bullet turning is the easiest thing! "Qigong" can change the surrounding environment! It’s what we often say: Aura!

God gave me one last scolding! He said: Why are you in a hurry to change your environment? Why can't you wait for me to do it? I said: It’s hard to live now! He asked: What is the difficulty? I know that I have fallen into the wrong concept of Western education again! We often say: Cultivate your character, manage your family, govern your country, and bring peace to the world! Western education is often: fix others! Whoever is bad, kill them and destroy them! Why is there so much massacre and war in the West? (Philippians 2:4) Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. ~Paul said: We cannot be selfish! It’s because you take yourself too seriously that you become selfish! People who learn Qigong should know that they must be "selfless"! The top level of martial arts must first be "selfless"! What is "selflessness"? When we are "selfless", we can transcend the limitations of the "physical body" and achieve higher levels of martial arts!

Sakyamuni wrote - The body is like a bodhi tree, the mind is like a mirror stand, brush it diligently at all times, and don't let it stir up dust! The Sixth Patriarch Huineng wrote - Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the beginning, so how can it cause dust! This tells us that "selflessness" is the highest state! In this troubled world, do we have to follow these fools? We have known since childhood that learning martial arts is to "protect the weak", and martial arts is never used to bully the kind! Are Chinese martial arts useful? Of course it works for me! Just like a lot of things that work for me, they don’t work for you! You would rather believe in the lying media, believe in junk metal, and believe in those ridiculously expensive medical equipment. For you, all the "spirit" of China is ignorance and pedantry! We now have "psychology", and I would like to ask everyone to think about a question: Will our psychological emotions affect our physical health? If your answer is: Yes! Then why don’t you believe in the “Mind, Spirit, and Breathe ” of Chinese medicine? If your answer is No! Then why do you see a psychiatrist? The more "selfless" a person is and the more "selfless" a person is, that healthier a person will be! This is biblical truth! This is also the most important "righteousness" of Huangdi Neijing! What do we need?