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6Major Sectors-Food

October 23, 2023

5. Food! What is "food"? We all knew before: Food is the most important thing for people! "Food" is the most important foundation for a country's existence! But when the world leaders have begun to want to wipe out the world's population, they would rather develop weapons and give up food production! Because "weapons" are more important than people's lives! Who gave us this concept? This is the principle of the "Law of the Jungle" in the Western world! There is no need for more "strong ones". This is also the "meritocracy" that the Western world has always pursued! Look at our world, there is less and less land available for farming and our land is getting more and more polluted! In fact, I have never understood why human beings cannot even manage the small earth well? Humans are really sad! Only when we see the vastness of the universe do we realize how small the earth is! And the people on earth are even more insignificant! But the destruction of the earth by humans... is really powerful!

There are many fish-raising ponds in Taiwan used to "produce electricity", and a lot of land in the United States is polluted due to the leakage of chemical substances! I believe that the scope of contaminated land in the United States is definitely beyond our imagination! How do we know if the land is contaminated? You can understand it from the people’s physical health! If cancer becomes one of the top ten causes of death in a country, the land should be seriously polluted! In the past, we have always had a concept: Most is better! The United States has a huge cultivated area, but it uses a lot of chemical fertilizers and genetically modified foods. Why? Because the United States focuses on "production"! We need to change our mindset now: We would rather eat healthy than eat too much! Look at the difference between the United States and Japan! Everything in Japan is "moderated"! Americans have infinitely expanded their desires. Why is American biotechnology so advanced? Because there is a need! Why is it needed? Because of "greed"! We often say: Jews control 70% of the world's wealth. Do you know what Jews control? The Jews really control three areas: 1. Cultivated area! 2. Energy sector! 3. High-tech weapons!

We know: cultivated area is about "food"! Let’s think about another question: Is it important to have money on hand? Or is it more important to have food? Countries that have experienced wars know that "food" is more important than "currency"! Why is it that every country can still survive this time when the Federal Reserve keeps raising interest rates? Because as early as the beginning of this year, many countries have already made sure that their countries have enough food! Many countries are no longer anchored by "currency", but are anchored by "food"! The "Russian-Ukrainian Wars" has reminded us of the importance of food! And are the people of Taiwan still sleeping? What matters most is "high technology" and all they want to do is fight all day long. It's no wonder that "inflation" is on par with the United States! "Food shortage" will inevitably lead to "inflation"!

The United States has nothing to say! Whatever God wants to judge, He will definitely judge! The universe is so vast. There must be a Creator for the universe. Otherwise, how could the universe operate in a regular manner? We humans eat "food", and machines eat "energy". This is why Jews control two major sectors of people's livelihood: Farming area and energy sector! Controlling the farming area means controlling farming methods! What does this mean? The Jews tried every means: To increase production! It's like we see a lot of big fat Americans! Does being tall and fat mean good health? On the contrary, people tall and fat but suffer from a lot of ailments. Why? "Food" is directly related to people's livelihood! "Food" is actually a kind of weapon! Just like Japan discharging nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, are they destroying food? Or do they contaminate the catch and cause more disease in other countries? We have no control over any of this! But what can we do?

Support organic farming! Support organic farms! Most of the current arable land in the United States is controlled by the Jews! And is the so-called "organic" really organic? Nobody knows! This is the drawback of corporate monopoly! China is not like countries in Europe and the United States. We must go back to the agricultural era, instead of letting capitalists monopolize our food. If capitalists monopolize food, they will monopolize our health! Why is it increasingly difficult to register in Chinese hospitals? It’s hard to find a bed in Taiwan’s hospitals! It’s not that the doctors are superb, but that our food is sick! When we get the sick food we put into our bodies, we definitely get sick! Taiwan has now deviated further and further away from democracy and has been completely "capitalized"! Taiwan has completely deviated from the "Three People's Principles"! The "Three People's Principles" are really good political ideas! This is a set of governance concepts written by the founding father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, after seeing the corruption in European and American politics! If I have the opportunity, I can discuss it with you because I have learned the "Three People's Principles"! No matter what, it is important to return food to natural farming areas and natural farming methods! We are humans, we are not machines! We don’t eat “energy”! I would rather eat less, eat more, and eat healthier! I don’t want to eat more and get more sick, and you?