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6Major Sectors-Weapons

October 19, 2023

3. Weapons! There are so many weapons to share! What exactly are weapons? Visible weapons and invisible weapons! We now have: real arms war, public opinion war, media war, Internet war, as well as biological and chemical weapons, and education are all weapons... Weapons are those that can cause harm to humans and are called "weapons"! Is Japan's discharge of "nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean" a weapon? Is changing "history" a weapon? Is spreading "wrong information" a weapon? Is using "medical equipment to kill people" a weapon? Is controlling "government officials" a weapon? Is controlling the "voting system" a weapon? There are too many weapons to list them all, but I want to tell you a shocking fact: The Morgan family controls the Democratic Party! The Rockefellers family controls the Republican Party! And the Rothschilds controls the Democratic and Republican parties! Do you know how terrible it is? The United States is now riddled with holes! The United States is not being riddled with holes by other countries, but by American politicians! Inflation is serious in the United States! American law and order is terrible! America is overrun with drugs! America is overrun with guns! Why is the United States where it is now? Since the beginning of the 20th century, it has been the disasters for the United States!

The most terrifying weapon is not external attack, the most terrifying weapon is "suicide"! There are many countries that are letting their own people commit suicide! Israel, Japan, the United States, India, most of Western Europe and the United Kingdom are already as sick as the United States! People in those countries such as Europe, the United States and the United Kingdom basically cannot have "Hope". They have no idea where our future lies? Why is social order in chaos? Why is there an epidemic of drugs? Because people cannot have the future! And these countries just give the people knives and tell them to commit suicide! The most terrifying thing in the 20th century is: "The capitalist world is turning red"! African countries were the first to be "destroyed by capitalism", and later became "South American countries"! This is why the Jewish consortium was able to rise rapidly after the 20th century! The money earned by Jews is money earned from drug trafficking, weapons trafficking, and capital control! Let me talk about the "cruelty" of the Jews. This is my final comment on the Jews! They are really good at playing: "emotional blackmail, and moral kidnapping"! Sometimes we are all brainwashed by "AI robots"! Can "big datas" be faked? If "brainwashing" education is successful, then "big datas" must be the result of brainwashing! Do you understand? "Brainwashing" is also a "weapon"!

The Book of Revelation has told us: The beast that existed in the past, that does not exist in this time, and that will appear in the future will appear near the end of time! And the "foundation of the state of Israel" is the beginning of the end! The establishment of the state of Israel has been in preparation for a long time, but after entering the 20th century, Israel began to actively promote the "establishment of the state of Israel"! Why do I say: Jews are ruthless! Why did Hitler want to exterminate the Jews? In the past, I was brainwashed that Hitler was cruel and ruthless. After Hamas bombed Israel, my thoughts about Hitler changed! It’s not that I agree with Hitler’s extermination of the Jews, but I think this is a “drama” staged by the Jews! I can tell you clearly: Hitler simply cannot destroy all the Jews! From 1933 to 1935, the Rothschild family had controlled the British economy, and the Jews that Hitler could massacre were: the number of poor Jews! Now think about it again: Are the Jews who were killed all "poor"? This time Hamas attacks Israel for the same reason! Israel already knows that Hamas is preparing to attack Israel, and those killed by Hamas are: poor people with no background, with no money and no power! Thoses people died of Israel had nothing! Do you see the situation clearly? They were the "poor people" who were wiped out by Hitler! The same method was used on 911 in the United States! The United States already knew that there would be a terrorist attack. The United States allowed the terrorist attacks the World Trade Center to create pressure from public opinion and destroy its enemies! The "Covid virus" uses the same method! The United States already knew that the "Covid virus" would be created, but the United States allowed everything to happen and spread, and then blamed China! The Jews were already quite bad at this method of attacking their enemies! Why didn't you find it? This method can eradicate the low-end and useless population, create domestic support, and kidnap people all over the world through "tragic stories and high morality standard"! Just like I keep telling everyone: The World Trade Center will be attacked on 9/11, and many people already knew it! You have power and money and you can get rid from death!

I never understood why Hitler wanted to kill the Jews? Now I totally get it! It turns out that the rich among the Jews put the poor among the Jews on the fire. They want the whole world to sympathize with the Jews, so that the Jews can have a chance to "build a nation"! You think, am I wrong in describing the Jews as "cruel and ruthless"? There is no way Hitler could exterminate the Jews! "Rich Jews" used Hitler's help to kill "poor Jews". Is this a plan to kill two birds with one stone? The "rich Jews" can take the opportunity to eliminate the "poor Jews", and the "poor Jews" are the "stumbling blocks" to the rich! Jews never care about "human lives", including their relatives and friends! As long as you have money, the Jews will be in the same country as you! In the Jewish world there are only "poor and rich"! Those who support Israel can continue to support Israel! I believe that you are "rich" and you will not be "purged" in a short time because you still have "use value" just like the United States! The United States has always been a place used by the Jews to exploit the world's wealth. The Jews originally used Britain to exploit the world, but later they turned to the United States to exploit the world! Why has the United States fought wars and plundered wealth everywhere in the past 100 years? Later, after the establishment of the state of Israel, the United States had no use value! The national destiny of the United States is rapidly declining! The United States is now overrun with drugs, chaotic law and order, overrun with guns, and filled with a lot of corrupt officials! The United States is indeed terminally ill and heading towards the defeat of Europe and the United Kingdom! "Capitalism" will turn the world red first! In the end, it will "slaughter mankind"! Because "human beings" have no residual value in the eyes of the "rich"! Because the "poor" only has value in "labor"! They can replace all humans with AI robots! This world does not belong to the "poor", this world belongs to the "rich"! There are only differences between "poor and rich" in this world. There is absolutely no "racial distinction" in this world!