September 11, 2022

911 is a shame in American history! 911 is also a disgrace to Christian history! Blind-eyed U.S. government officials and a bunch of blind and unrighteous Christian leaders, you must pay dearly for your injustice! God will definitely punish you! Not a single one will be skipped punishments from God! 911 was the beginning of God's punishment of Christianity, but Christianity never changed, Christianity never repented! There is a heavier punishment behind! Remember, I said: The Book of Revelation must come true!

Western culture, Western education, and Western thought are rubbish! Western culture and thought is like a big fat man, full of puffiness and watering! I have been looking for a suitable seminary for the past few years, and I have never found that American education is so bad! Do you know American education sucks like the preaching of those pastors! The old woman's foot wraps ~ smelly and long! The main points that can be finished in 10 minutes have been wasting the time of the congregations, and more than an hour of nonsense talking! This is Western educational thought and culture! The West has no culture at all! Where are the ideas and cultures in the West? Western culture is just a bunch of dogmas and certificates to kidnap people, it just makes us mess up, it's just taking off our pants and farting! 1+1=2 Why do we need to prove that 1+1=2? Because you have no proof, you are unscientific! Why does an invention device need a format? Truly a neurological education system! No wonder the Western world is so full of mental problem patients ! It is to make a bunch of machines. In fact, these machines can definitely be made in China culture, but the Chinese are not dedicated to machines, the Chinese culture care more about humanities! Chinese culture does not care about hedonism! Chinese culture cares about the peaceful coexistence between people!

American culture and education is like stuffing junk food in our mouths! We have to pick out the beef with a magnifying glass and throw garbage out! And there are too many essences of Chinese culture, Chinese culture is just like Chinese cuisine ~ cheap and authentic! Chinese culture can last for 5,000 years, because Chinese culture is not puffiness, but a genuine culture with good quality and low price. Chinese culture can indeed help people improve their lives! African people should learn more about Chinese culture, just like the Queen of Sheba spends a lot of money to listen to King Solomon's words of wisdom! The West has no history, no culture, and needs to be used in many ways to create lies. Chinese culture and history, we need to spend several lifetimes to study penetration! I can tell you that few people in the world can read the Bible alone, let alone Chinese culture!

Why go to de-sincization? Because it can be corrupted! De-Sinicization is the best reason for corruption! What is corruption in American education? A bunch of crappy certificates! American education relies on diplomas and certificates for corruption! They make money form diplomas and certificates, acturally students learn nothing. All they need to do paid money! Why are many college students, master's graduates, and doctoral graduates completely brainless? Can PhDs, masters and college students have good jobs with just a diploma? Of course not! Many people will study and take exams all their lives, and will not be able to do anythings! America is doomed! A country without morality is bound to perish! Look at US politics and the Department of Justice, which virtuous person is still alive? I'm too lazy to talk about Christianity! Because Christianity sucks! These people fill Christians with the rubbish thoughts of those people. If preachers spread rubbish, who would believe in Jesus Christ? God's Word is absolutely perfect, and God's redemption is absolutely ~ real! Don't defile Christianity with the trash of those trash celebrity pastors! Celebrities don't mean preached Truth! Judgment is of God! God Himself will judge Christianity! Christianity is to take the Jewish route ~ Worship money!

Christians studied Jewish financial management and learned quite successfully! Use God's name to accumulate wealth, and really accumulate wealth to the point of pure fire! A bunch of extension products of Christianity - insurance and MLM! Why is MLM so booming in the United States? Why insurance can soar quickly? The black hands behind these are all ~Jews! Jews are born out of lies! Jacob is Israel, and Jacob was a liar! Jacob only cared about his own profits! Why did God choose Israel? Because Israel has all the shortcomings of human beings, Israel has too many shortcomings, and he needs redemption too much! On the whole life, Jacob was worse than Esau! The Jews dared to destroy Jesus for the sake of profit. I would like to ask: What else can the Jews do? (Mark 12:9) What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. ~ The Bible has already said: God will surely come to destroy the vineyards! Who are "husbandmen"? "Hold the world resource" is the person who controls the world's assets! And these families will perish forever! There will never be descendants! Because the "Kingdom of God" needs drove out "greedy" people! Those who are "greedy" must never have a part in the kingdom of God! Why was Eve thrown out of the Garden of Eden? "Greedy"! And the final outcome is ~ "greedy people" will perish forever! 911 is the biggest symbol of American greed!

*** Now the Russian-Ukrainian war has turned! With a Japanese suicide attack! Remember WWII Japanese suicide planes? Now they use missiles to fight, how to crack? "Bombing"! "Soldiers never tire of deceit"! Suicide attacks are actually easy to crack! The point is GPS! I believe that those who will fight will understand! This aircraft is still very expensive... It will definitely be mass-produced in a few years, and it is cheaper than a car! Survive first! Have a chance to fly! This aircraft is fundamentally paediatric to God....


****How outrageous is America? A black pastor was arrested for watering his neighbor's flowers! Beating, smashing, looting and burning can be completely fine! Never help your neighbors to water the flowers! And I really hope that North-Korea will liberate the United States... These beasts are really crazy! Tomorrow I will share some elementary school common sense with you! Do you know I often see cats, dogs and pigs...I want to tell them that you are the president of the United States, the governor of New York, and the mayor of New York. I believe that any animal is better than these beasts! Their leadership must surpass these beasts! All I know is common sense! And God's wisdom is at least a million times better than mine! Which of you can be wiser than God? After all this is over, we will have a new environmental protection kinetic energy! This is what I said years ago! All creations and inventions come from the revelation of God, none of them come from people, let alone the elementary knowledge of human beings can create! Let's see how powerful God is? Or can the devil change the world?