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揭秘911// Reveal 911

April 20, 2022

讓我們思考一下911: 1.為什麼一個受3個月駕駛訓練的人,如此精準的撞擊?2. 飛機殘骸呢?3. 為什麼911 發生,整個曼哈頓封城?4. 911 到底損失多少金子?還有美金呢?

1.普通駕駛訓練人員不會那麼精準掌握航線,除非有飛機導航定位!而塔台怎麼可能幫助恐怖份子定位呢?2.曼哈頓周圍有許多大樓,恐怖份子肯定會讓飛機撞到周圍大樓,而我記得沒有飛機的視頻,全部都是屍體往世貿大樓噴出來!3. 他們肯定摧毀1-3架飛機,而且就是用東方航空的方法!2萬公尺俯衝!這些人完全沒有人性!用這種方式毀屍滅跡!4. 朱利安尼和川普肯定知情!因為曼哈頓全部清空,只有某些人可以留在曼哈頓!這些事情都是美國政府應該給人民交代!為了利益竟然殺死那麼多人!他們為了利益一樣讓疫苗隨便往人身上打!美國去年應該死了一千萬人….都是打過Covid疫苗的人!

        Let's think about 911: 1. Why does a man with 3 months of driving training hit so precisely to the World Trade Center? 2. What about the wreckage those airplanes? 3. Why did 9/11 happen and the entire Manhattan was locked down, everyone had to walk crossed to other places? Why people can't take subway? 4. How much gold did 911 lose? And what much money gone by 911?

        1. Ordinary driving training personnel will not master the route so accurately unless there is aircraft navigation and positioning! And how can the tower helped terrorists to locate and destroy the World Trade Center? 2. There are many buildings around Manhattan, terrorists should definitely let the plane hit the surrounding buildings, and I don't remember the video of the planes, all the bodies were sprayed out the World Trade Center building's windows! 3. They must have destroyed 1-3 airplanes, and it was the way of Eastern Airlines! 20,000 meters dived! These people are completely inhuman! Destroy corpses this way! Everything disapeared! 4. Giuliani and Trump must know! Because Manhattan is all emptied, only certain people can stay in Manhattan! These things are what the U.S. government should explain to the people! Killing so many people for profits! They let vaccines hit people casually just for the sake of profits! There should be 10 million deaths in the United States last year...all people who have been vaccinated for against Covid, but killed by vaccines!