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A trick to tackle Inflation!

September 6, 2022

I just saw an article: Western medical groups striked, the death rate was reduced by 50%! And the striked of Western medical group does indeed reduce the mortality rate! You can read this article slowly! The World Health Organization also pointed out that 1/3 of the world died due to irrational drug use! 1/3 of medical malpractice deaths! 1/3 were healed to death! We often hear people say: Once you enter the hospital, you don't have a chance discharged! Facts have proved that the people who enter the hospital and get out of the hospital are the few healthy people! Without Western medical treatments, the body will always be healthy! With Western medical treatments, we are all patients! Why do we need to know our blood type when we keep listening to others talking about blood type? We should calculate out the great contributions of Western medical treatment over the past 100 years! Only in this way can we fully understand the gap between Western medicine and Chinese medicine! No comparison never hurts! Blood type is related to surgery! But is the same blood type blood transfusion will not happen accidents? Not really! Western medical is too short after all! Western medical is like fighting a war on the battlefield ~ good people and bad people are enemies on the battlefield! Therefore, the enemy must be destroyed at all costs! Western medical has turned both healthy and unhealthy cells into enemies. We will not die if we are cured, but only half of our lives will be left!

Actually, I don't want to share medical treatment with you! I want to share the wisdom of Chinese with you! We often say: the actor is ruthless, the bitch is unjust! Actors are politicians! Bitchs are doctors! The two jobs positions the world doesn't need most in our societies: doctors and politicians! Playboys and bitches! Chinese people have always had looking down opinion of actors and bitches, but in the past 100 years, we have given high regard to actors and bitches, why? Because the culture of laughing at the poor but not at the prostitutes! When the culture of laughing at the poor but not laughed at the prostitute occupies Chinese culture, people will become immoral! And jokers and bitches are the industries that Western culture strongly advocates! Because the West has no moral culture, they advocate "money culture"! "Money culture" undoubtedly means that money comes first! It is common to have no morals and ruthlessness for money! So, Western jokes and bitches are money-making machines, and when we replace jokers with politicians and bitches with doctors, we understand that doctors and politicians are machines for Western money and cultural aggression! There has never been a doctor in Chinese culture, we call the doctor ~ Langzhong! Because most doctors are liars! And officials have a history of corruption, so we have been advocating "clean politics"! The most exported western democratic sciences are "doctors" and "democratic politics"! These are the Western money culture for the packaging! I still don't want to talk about politics, I want to talk about "money"! The economy is the most concerned thing for human beings in the world "inflation" right now! I have a very interesting idea, make sure everyone is refreshed!

(Mark 2:17) When Jesus heard it, he said unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. ~ Jesus said: Only the sick need a doctor. He came to call sinners, not the righteous! Let's think about a question: how many sinners are there in this world? Or are there many righteous people more than sinners? Of course there are more sinners! And Jesus used the metaphor of a sinner to be a sick person, which means that of course you need to see a doctor when you are sick. If there are many sinners, of course there are many people who need Jesus because Jesus came to help sinners! But why do we all deny Jesus? Because none of us feel guilty! People often have double standards! When we face our own body, even if we are not sick, we try to find out what is wrong with our bodies! We kill ourselves for trivial problems, but we refuse to admit our sins, why? Because we confess our sins, we must pay the sin debt! And why does Jesus bring us good news? Because of our sin debt Jesus is willing to pay us for free! We all have the opportunity to be new creations - start over! Don't we heal for the body to heal so that we can renew ourselves?

Now the world's biggest headaches are inflation, energy crisis and economic decreasing! And the United States is the biggest source of inflation, energy crisis and economic decreasing in the world! "To rule a troubled world, use the heavy laws"! The only thing we can do now is to let the RMB appreciate! If the Chinese government is willing to specifically manipulate the RMB, it will definitely solve the financial crisis in the world! And this time, the manipulation of RMB cannot be small, and it must be manipulated as 1 US dollar: 5 RMB! The Chinese government will definitely worry about the collapse of Chinese companies! I can assure China that this is the only way to save the Chinese economy! Let me explain it for your reference: RMB is the currency with the most holders in the world! The devaluation of the RMB means the devaluation of the intangible Chinese people's assets! Think again: What a terrible concept is the devaluation of the assets of China's 1.4 billion people? This is sure to be mourning everywhere! And China's stuffs prices are already quite high, and the devaluation of the RMB will push up high inflation again! The strong appreciation of the official RMB can legitimately regulate prices and quickly reduce the prices of all "US" imported goods. How many people will benefit from this? And the world sees that only China has the strength to manipulate the RMB, and will see the value of the RMB, and the RMB has the role of hedging. When China regulates the RMB to 1:5... The RMB will no longer be subject to the US dollar, and the RMB will be popular currency in the world. If countries will increase their holdings, the RMB will have the opportunity to replace the US dollar and become the currency that people around the world are willing to hold, at least it will not be devalued!

The U.S. dollar can become the main currency in the financial trading market because of the liquidity of the U.S. dollar and the preservation of the U.S. dollar! The U.S. dollar has been in a steady state all the time, but the Fed is evil! The Federal Reserve has been manipulating the US dollar for several years. They are manipulating the US dollar in different ways. For their own profits, they do not hesitate to let the world economy be buried with them! The Fed has made many countries bankrupt, and the Fed has also turned many national currencies into waste paper! The Chinese government must not allow the Fed to control RMB and China economic, if the RMB continues to depreciate, the Chinese economy will definitely collapse! We must understand that there are at least 1.4 billion people who use RMB, accounting for 1/5.57 of the earth's population, so of course those who hold RMB will benefit from the appreciation of RMB! And the US dollar continues to appreciate, who benefits? Those who with a lot of US dollars on hand benefits such as US politicians and business giants!

Who has a lot of dollars on their hands? Of course the business giants and the US government, and the Federal Reserve and there are also countries holding U.S. debt! The Chinese government holds a lot of U.S. debt and is of course unwilling to let the US dollar depreciate. If the RMB depreciates by one dollar, how much will the people and the government lose? Why can the US government print a lot of money? Because they use money printing to gain profits from the appreciation of the US dollar, the appreciation of the US dollar can offset the US debt and can eat up the economies of some emerging markets! The value of the US dollar is simply as the bubble! The US dollar uses money printing and foreign exchange to control the world economy! We should not let the US dollar continue to be strong, we must destroy the financial trading system of the US dollar! The only thing that can disrupt the US financial trading system right now is China! When the RMB appreciates, countries all over the world that buy food and energy from the United States can benefit! This trick is very poisonous, but we must be more poisonous than those vampires in the United States, so that we can help the people around the world! The United States must be trading with US dollars, and China is the largest creditor of US debt! The RMB only needs to control the exchange rate against the US dollar, and there is no need to control the exchange rate of other countries! China can sell US debts with other countries curreny!

Why does the RMB only need to manipulate the exchange rate of the US dollar? Let the U.S. debt in your hands be exchanged for the currencies of various countries in the world! Everyone sees that China has US dollars in hand and can buy US dollar commodities, and everyone must exchange their own currency for RMB! When China wants the RMB to dominate the world currency, it must make the RMB have a higher circulation rate! And China's trade is only in and no out, so there is no liquidity! If China takes the risk of devaluation of U.S. debt, but exchanges U.S. debt for other countries' currencies, so that the RMB becomes the world's trading currency, it can achieve a pattern of accelerated realization! If China really does not want to be strangled by the US, China must manipulate the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar! This is to use the way of others and return the body of others! There are still some details of RMB exchange rate manipulation, but this is the only way to save the world economy! When the US dollar depreciates against the RMB, the property of American politicians and business giants will inevitably depreciate! And as long as the United States has no money, the Russian-Ukrainian war cannot continue! And as long as the United States has no money, they will definitely sell energy at with lower prices! The appreciation of the RMB is the biggest economic sanctions for America! And not only the Chinese people will benefit, but the American people will also benefit! The U.S. government has no money, and the government will definitely shut down! These doctors and politicians are ruthless and unjust bitches and jugglers! As long as they have no money, they will disappear! Destroy America's abominable and immoral money culture! People all over the world benefit!