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Abomination things

October 14, 2023

Biden's dog bites people in the White House, are they sending the dog out of the White House, right? Of course not! Generally, Trump supporters say: If a dog bites someone in the White House, both the dog and Biden should be sent out of the White House! Trump said: If a dog bites a person, the dog should be humanely destroyed. By the way, Biden should be humanely destroyed together! This way Trump will have no competitors! Biden's dog bites people like Hamas bombs Israel! Did destroy Palestine, because of Hamas bombed Israel? Are all the 2-3 million Palestinians Hamas? Palestinian lives are not lives, but Israeli lives are lives? How many people died in Hamas raid on Israel? How many people died in Israel? How many people were killed by the Israeli bombing of Gaza? Israel! I tell you what "abominations things" you did, and Daniel lay in bed for 3 weeks? Let me tell you 3 short stories:

Story 1: There was a vineyard owner who rented his vineyard to a group of tenants. When the tenants wanted to occupy the vineyard, they killed those who went to collect the rent! Later, the owner of the garden sent his son to collect rent! The tenants said: He is the heir, if we kill him, we can occupy the vineyard! Israel is a tenant! Palestine originally gave Israel a small piece of land to establish a state, but now Israel has occupied the most fertile land in Palestine and massacred Palestinians, preparing to destroy the Palestinian state. Is it exactly the same as this story? Kill the people who inherited the land, and occupy Palestine land!

Story 2, David and his wife Bathsheba! David saw a woman taking a bath, so he asked the woman to sleep with him, and she became pregnant! He asked the frontline soldiers to come back and sleep with their wives, and tried to hide the fact that David slept soldier's wife. As a result, the soldier Uriah was worried about the war and did not sleep with his wife! David had no choice, but to ask his general to let Uriah die on the battlefield and take over Uriah's wife, Bathsheba! Does Israel know that Hamas is going to attack Israel? Of course Israel knows that Hamas is going to attack Israel! Hamas has been preparing for one year. If Israel does not know about it, then there is no need for Mossad to exist! And Egypt specifically reminded Israel 3 days ago: Hamas will raid Israel! We have the very strong reason to believe that Israel is deliberately sacrificing the Israeli people in order to destroy Palestine land! This is David’s mentality! Israel definitely can’t hide their ugly embezzlement behavior and faults! Then destroy Palestine and the whole world will not know the how ugliness of Israel! People of Israel, shouldn't you put the blame on Hamas? You should ask how evil your government is? To achieve their goal: Sacrifice the lives of Israel people! This has been done by 911 in the United States, and they have become perfect with practice! Japan often invaded China before!

Story 3: Your family has a dog! The rich neighbor next door often bullies your family members and the dog, and one day the dog has angry enough! Just try the dog best to bite the rich neighbor next door, and your own life will be at stake! The dog does not bite the rich neighbor next door for no reason, because the rich neighbor next door often punches and kicks your elderly, children, and even adults, and the dog has seen the rich neighbor kill your family members at will! Of course, rich neighbors often chase after your dog like crazy! Now your dog has a chance to bite your rich neighbor. The rich neighbor decides to destroy your whole family~Kill your whole family and occupy your home! Is this reasonable? "The rich neighbor is Israel"! Israel has money and weapons, they can do whatever they want! Finished telling 3 stories! Do you judge for yourselves whether "Israel" is a human being? Or the devil? I said there is a Creator in this world, and my position will never change! "Lies" will never become "truths"! The Chinese have the saying "three people make a tiger"! How many people around the world are praising Israel's massacre now? You know how "terrible and hateful" the lies can be!