November 17, 2023

Yesterday I was watching the news and knew a joke: The news said: Ancient people died between the ages of 17 and 22! It’s hard to live past 30! Therefore, the news said: We often hear that life is rare in 70 years! They said: With the advancement of modern medicine, the average life expectancy of Taiwanese men is 73 years and the average life span of women is 83 years! What a ridiculous joke! First, Western medicine has a history of up to 150 years! How many people in Japan, Taiwan, and China are now living longer because of Western medicine? All I can say is: The IQs of these reporters are worrying! Second, I wonder where the reporters’ reports on the average life expectancy of the Han and Tang Dynasty came from? Third, the Jews should all know that Moses’ lifespan was 120 years. Moses lived about 3,500 years ago. Abraham’s longevity should be 175 years! (Psalms 90:10) The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.~Bible Tell us: the average person is 70 years old and can be strong until 80 years old! This is a psalm written by Moses, so human historical records have told us that it is normal for ordinary people to live to be 70-80 years old! I would like to ask: Ignorant reporters, how dare you promote Western medicine? Fourth, Confucius lived to be 73 years old (I remember it was 83 years old). Confucius lived about 2,500 years ago. Confucius said: 30 years is standing, 40 years is not confused, 50 years is aware of destiny, 60 years is obedient, and 70 years is following the heart's desires! What does this tell us? 2,500 years ago, Confucius already knew: Life does not begin until 70 years old! When a person lives to the age of 70 and has enough wisdom, he can "do whatever he wants"! Therefore, the average life span of humans in both the East and the West is about 70-80 years, which is very normal. This is called "end of life"! The news said: Many children of royal nobles in the Qing Dynasty "died young"! Why do children die young? The Qing Dynasty has entered "industrialization", and children who do not survive to adulthood must be related to "industrialization" and "medicine"! During the Qing Dynasty, "Western medicine" had already entered China! "Western medicine" and "opium" entered China together! And children in the Qing Dynasty all died early, which may really have a big correlation!

I saw a piece of news a few days ago that was quite scary: "Resistance caused by antibiotics"! Antibiotic resistance! I remember, when I studied pharmacology more than 20 years ago, our teacher always emphasized that "antibiotics should not be abused", and "antibiotic abuse" has always been a common problem in Taiwan's medical community! More than 20 years ago, "Super Staphylococcus aureus" appeared. This bacteria is "the result of the abuse of antibiotics"! The news said a few days ago that "antibiotic resistance" will kill at least 30,000 people every year in the future! This is definitely not a problem that can be solved by killing more than 30,000 people every year! Antibiotic resistance is definitely killing people by “doubling every year”! I can't explain it to you in detail, but this will definitely become a big trouble in the future! And when are antibiotics most used? "Wound" and "Surgery"! Those rich people who often have their organs replaced, you will find that the frequency of your "organ replacement" will become more and more frequent! This is scary, but it’s true! These organ transplants require the use of a large amount of antibiotics, and these people may need to "replace organs" every year in the future! A suggestion for those of you who are undergoing organ transplantation: transplant your brain into a "monkey brain" or "pig brain" so that you don't need to suffer the "pain of organ replacement surgery"! This is Jesus driving a bunch of unclean spirits onto pigs! You can also try out-of-body experiences, which will make life easier! Poor and greedy rich people…..

However, the news is right about one thing: Many people will not live longer than 30 years old! In our generation, more and more people cannot live beyond the age of 30 years! Why? Are the causes of death from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and accidental death getting younger and younger? Therefore, it will happen in modern times that people cannot live beyond 30 years old! Nowadays, we use too many "chemical substances" and "radioactive substances" in our food, clothing, housing and transportation. These are not natural things, and they will cause "pathological changes" in our cells! Our diet: too many “pesticides” in vegetables! Fish has too many "hormones"! These "agricultural" and "hormone" residues will lead to many different diseases in the future! What were the causes of death in ancient times? Plagues, wars, famines and all kinds of natural disasters! In ancient times there were not as many diseases as there are now! "Diseases" and "accidental disasters" are the most tragic things for us modern people!

I saw a piece of news: Japanese people over 65 years old committed "mass suicide"! The elderly problem in Japan is very serious now! Why mass suicide? Just like many Japanese elderly people go to prison to retire! The proportion of elderly people in Japan is too high now, and "elderly care is too expensive." The elderly simply cannot survive. Of course, they will choose "mass suicide" or "go to prison for retirement"! All I can say is: This is a sad phenomenon in Japanese society! "Western medicine" and "Western science" have brought many "sequelae" to humans! "Cancer", "Heart disease", "Stroke", "Diabetes" and "Accidental disasters"! It is because "Western medicine" and "Western science" intervene in our lives that it makes our lives more and more difficult! Because of too many "elderly diseases" and too many "unexpected disasters", our expenses for elderly care have increased significantly! This is why Japanese elderly people must commit "mass suicide" and "go to jail" to have a future! After the age of 65, the elderly encourage each other to "commit suicide". Japan is really a sad country!

"Western Medicine" and "Traditional Chinese Medicine", do you still blindly believe in those "pseudoscience" and "liar doctors"? I used to be an intern in a hospital and knew that many doctors have no medical ethics! In order to make everyone think that they have "superior medical skills", they often "overuse antibiotics"! The consequences of "antibiotic abuse" are very terrible! Does "Western Medicine" really "benefit mankind"? Or is "Western medicine" just for "making money"? These are all "different opinions"! Only those with "medical ethics" can become "doctors", but now too many people become doctors "for the purpose of making money"! Just like the current politicians in the United States and Taiwan, do they become government officials to "Hollow out the country"? Or are they to "serve the people"?