Being a farmer is really pitiful! Farmers have to be exposed to wind, sun and rain, but the income of farmers may be similar to that of AI robots! AI robots work around the clock and only pay for electricity! In the future, even farmers may be replaced by AI robots. Today we went to pick peaches, but there were no flat peaches because we didn’t see the Queen Mother... a lot of peaches, apples, and many abandoned orchards! "People" really must have a "sense of crisis"! The future world does not need people! Because "humans" are too troublesome! "Humans" have too many complaints! "Humans" love to compare again! "Humans" like to dislike a lot, a lot.....! "Human beings" are nothing but nonsense! Therefore, AI robots must deal with humans, because AI robots have no way to terminate the "human's program", and the best way for robots to "terminate" humans: terminate human life!
Fewer and fewer farmers are farming! There are more and more abandoned lands! The United States continues to provoke wars! The United States continues to borrow U.S. debt! Anyway, the "food crisis" and "energy crisis" caused by the wars have nothing to do with AI robots! And the huge "U.S. debt" in the United States has nothing to do with AI robots! AI robots have unknowingly replaced humans! Let’s be honest: AI robots have become masters of the world! If we want to survive, there are only two options: Let ourselves not be replaced by AI robots, but this seems impossible! Second, obediently be the slave of the AI robots! If AI robots can bring down the "U.S. government", it doesn't matter if AI robots rule the world! Because the corrupt officials in the United States have gone too far! Or let AI robots rule the world! At least in the world of AI robots ~ There is no corruption, and everyone is as stupid as the each other!
AI robots don't need to be corrupt! AI robots don't need "money" either! AI robots also already know how to control "energy"! I would like to ask everyone: Why do AI robots keep humans? It may be watching humans play "monkey play"! In the future, AI robots are masters, and we are slaves! Because human beings have too many "weaknesses", and the "greed" of human nature makes AI robots flourish~ just around the corner! All businesses put "profits" first, and the vigorous development of AI robots does no harm to "capitalists" and "corrupt governments"! Is it difficult for AI robots to kill 1/2 of the population? It's not difficult at all! As long as we continue to "brainwash the people" with wrong information, half the population will soon be wiped out! One thing is very simple: Let the people get cancer! Isn't it already underway in Japan? Japan's discharge of nuclear waste water will pollute the water source, and the drinking water will be polluted, which will greatly increase the chance of getting cancer! How many people with cancer want to live? Usually people with cancer want to.... die well! So, AI robots replacing humans, is it just around the corner?