September 29, 2024

The world is interesting! Everyone does not want to be replaced by AI, but a group of idiots are spending their money to research AI, and there are also a group of idiots who are spending money to pursue AI! What can't end in this world? Food processing industry! Do you know who is raising for the "hospital"? Of course it is the "food processing industry" that supports the "hospital"! If hospitals around the world are doomed, then biotechnology giants such as the United States, Japan and Israel are also preparing to be doomed! If there were no United States, Japan, and Israel in this world, there would be many fewer military and industrial consortiums in the world! If the world loses a bunch of military-industrial groups and biotech pharmaceutical factories, what else will the world lose? Bank! There is no arsenal, no biotechnology industry, and the stock market will definitely crash! So what does the world need banks for?

Therefore, the number one in the world must be the "food processing factory"! Food processing plants are related to the global industrial chain! If there are no food processing plants, hospitals will disappear, and doctors and nurses will lose their jobs! Food processing plants will disappear, and the biotechnology industry chain will also disappear, and many people will lose their jobs and factories will close down. Finally, American universities should also close down! Without hospitals, there would be no arsenal with huge profits to support the development of weapons. Although people like to fight, fighting requires money! If wars always uses people as cannon fodder, wouldn't people all die soon? Therefore, hospitals are very important to the wars! Without hospitals, wars is worthless! Basically, if there is no "food processing factories" or "hospitals" in this world, the chance of "wars" will be less! Since there is no way to make money, how can weapons be produced? There are no "food processing plants", no "hospitals", and basically no need for Wall Street! If people don’t have excess profits, how can they have money to invest? Therefore, "banks" and "Wall Street" can basically close their doors!

Sometimes I think Chinese people are funny! Everyone doesn’t like driverless cars, but everyone especially likes to play with AI robots! Many people say: Self-driving cars will steal the jobs of taxi drivers! Are you fools? Self-driving cars are taking jobs from the “traffic police”! I just like that the whole United States is "unmanned driving", why? Then we don't need "traffic police"at all! We don’t need to buy insurance either! Public security in the United States will also be much better. Because you can’t get away even if you do any crimes! Why is public security in the United States so chaotic? Because all American police officers work as traffic police, and no police officer wants to maintain law and order at all! Think about it: Is it fun to fight against illegal immigrants? Is it easy to deal with people who beat, smash, loot and burn? Being a police officer is just a job, just to make money! Of course, you have to find easy ways to "make money"! Like U.S. government officials, who lie easily and casually and pocket hundreds of millions, why should they work hard as police officers? ! There is no "wars", and there are no financial backers behind American soldiers! Why do you think the United States spends so much money on wars? Is the United States really for "world peace"? This is the most ridiculous lie in human history! Anyone who believes that the United States is fighting for "peace" is a "standard retard"! There were "funders" behind the "Korean War" and "Vietnam War" fought by the United States! Including the recent "Persian Gulf War", every war has huge benefits for the United States! If you don’t want others to know, you must do nothing except yourself! Does the United States, like Israel, think that by blocking the media, the whole world will not know the "truth"? We are so stupid! We are all so easy to fool! The United States never fights wars for "peace." Every war in the United States is fought by "people and groups with vested profits." Who is it? Check the history!

The whole world believes in the ignorant "evolution theory" of the United States! "Evolution" is really ignorant! We all know now that there is Wi-Fi wireless, how could you not believe that there is a God in this world? If Wi-Fi was a myth 1,000 years ago, people living that age think wifi is impossbile. Then God has existed for hundreds of millions of years and it is also absurd for us ignorant humans! Let me tell you again: We humans are the fools of history! We replace intangible things with tangible machines, and our modern human civilization is just a pile of junk! We are not even as good as AI robots, we are not as good as a pile of scrap metal, we modern humans are really pathetic and ignorant! We are just a tool of the consortiums! In the eyes of the biotechnology consortiums, we are organ donors and "guinea pigs" for researching new drugs and treatments! In the eyes of the military-industrial complex, we are cannon fodder for testing the lethality of advanced weapons! There is also meat that can be sacrificed at will on the battlefield! Human beings are even worse than animals!