The Federal Reserve has been singing the praises of the employment rate and saying that the U.S. economy is soft landing... Who is it lying to? Lie to Americans! These data are all hidden by the US government! A postdoc in the United States became a homeless person! He used to work on Wall Street with an annual salary of 100,000, but now he is a homeless person! Is the U.S. economy going well? The United States is the world's largest economy. The total GDP of the United States exceeds that of China, and China is the second! But 60% of the United States lives at the poverty line. Why? The total GDP income of the United States is very high. There are 300 million people in the United States and 1.4 billion people in China. Logically speaking, everyone in the United States should be more than four times richer than the Chinese. But are the American people richer than China? Of course not!
The biggest problem in the United States is not that the total GDP is not large enough. The biggest problem in the United States is that wealth is controlled by 10% of the people! The 30 million people at the top of the pyramid in the United States control 90% of the wealth in the United States! The other 10% of wealth is distributed to 270 million people! This is the real gap between the lives of the American people and the Chinese people! Why does the United States always want a "strong US dollar"? Why has the Fed been afraid to cut interest rates? We shouldn't learn from Japan!
Japan's economy has been in recession for 30 years! There is already a group of middle-aged people in Japan who have been unemployed for more than 20 years. They play games at home all day long and live off their parents' pensions. The United States is also following Japan's route now! More and more young people in the United States are unemployed! They have no employment opportunities at all! We must understand that 90% of wealth is controlled by 10% of people. This is quite sad! Because "high interest rates" kill entrepreneurial opportunities! Because "high interest rates" kill people's "livelihoods"! What does the Fed want? What the Fed wants is: How to make American consortiums make more money! "High interest rates" can keep the U.S. dollar exchange rate "high"! The United States is not an importing country, it is an exporting country! The United States exports "food", "natural gas", "weapons", and "medical resources" because of the "high exchange rate", allowing American consortiums to make money, but who is the most pitiful? The conglomerates control the United States, and the most pitiful ones are: America young people! Do we want our children to be unemployed after graduation? Or do we hope that our children will spend their entire lives chewing the elderly?
The "Republican Party" is arsenic and poison! The "Democrat Party" is morphine and a drug! No matter poison or drugs, they are harmful to our children and grandchildren and our country! Stop believing that the "Democrats" and "Republicans" love the American people. They don't love the United States at all! They don’t love the American people even more! What these politicians love most is "money"! As long as politicians can make money, they can do anything for money! Selling out the profits of the country and the people is a matter of course for these poisonous politicians and their politicians. Do we really care about our children's future? Do we want to continue to be controlled by capitalists? Think about it!