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America Education destroys America!

September 15, 2022

Who killed New York? Who Killed the New Yorker? Who killed our children? What is America's real problem? Politicians blame each other! Politicians are trying to kill Russia and China! America's real problem is ~ bad education! American education is worse and worse than China's education! American education destroys the creativity of our children! Ruin your kids' workforce and competitiveness! Ruin children's ability to correct mistakes and judgement! American education has brainwashed children from an early age to have no morals, only care about money, no creativity, no labor, just want to everything free, just want to stay in the comfort zone forever, no knowledge, only lies, our children will become worms unknowingly! They become big bugs, human waste! Our politicians are still lying! The United States is not the problem of children, the United States is the Democratic Party is not good, the Democratic Party is too left! The United States is not good for the Republican Party, the Republican Party is too conservative! America's problems are caused by China and Russia because their country is too powerful! Do you see the real problems in America? Like what's the real problems with New York City? The government is incompetent! It is a downpour at all, why is it flooded once a year? Why was it not flooded decades ago, but now technological progress often floods? Because corruption is too serious, urban construction and urban planning are completely the result of collusion between officials and businessmen! Homeless people and subway security all show that the government is incompetent! Can the government's inability to attack Russia and China change people's lives? An incompetent government attacks any country that is the same - it cannot change people's lives!

Cooking alone is not delicious, can you blame the ingredients? People who don't cook well, no matter how expensive the ingredients are, they will be the kitchen waste that goes into the trash! Just like letting the homeless and illegal immigrants stay in hotels, can they change their fate? No one's fate will be changed because of changes in the external environment. Just like the chaos in the United States and the corruption in the United States, it will never change because of the elimination of China and Russia! Democrats and Republicans are a bunch of bad embryos! They are always fooling the people and treating us as stupid ants! American corruption, China and Russia should be blamed! America has no infrastructures, blame China and Russia! The American people have no morals and should blame China and Russia! All people will always be strange, never think about their own problems, and never change their destiny! Why do rich people send their children to private schools? Why did Musk build private schools for his children? "Education" changes "thoughts", "thoughts" changes "behaviors", and only "behaviors" changed can change "person's destiny"!

(Romans 12:2) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (3) For I say , through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.~I must said that the education of American for children is quite bad! After the 1990s, the education of American children is completely failed! My children were born in the United States, and they go to kindergarten here. They are all post-00s. When they were in kindergarten, I found that American kindergarten education is quite bad! So, bringing them back to China and Taiwan for elementary education is quite hard because I had to give up my jobs here! Many people go to China to make money, I took my children to China purely for education!

Paul said: We must renew our minds and be transformed to accomplish God's good, perfect, and pleasing God's will for us! What does it mean when we say and do what God has given us and be sober? That is, after we become Christians, our thinking must change! This is the real "mind renewal"! Every time I see those Christians who are baptized, nothing has changed before and after they are baptized. When Christians are full of evil and greed, I really have nothing to say! The purpose of our becoming Christians is to renew our hearts to accomplish God's good, perfect, and pleasing God's will! Christians can renew their minds because we have the will to fulfill God’s will. No Christian can do good by themselves, because we can change because God has put goodness in our hearts when He created mankind! And God created everyone to be unique, and God gave us different specialties. When we were not Christians, we often used our talents to do evil, but after we know God, we can use our talents to complete God’s Will, this is what it really means to be a Christian!

Why do I say: the education of American children is totally failed? I came to the United States to study at a university because I was in a private university, and I really think the atmosphere of a private university in the United States is really good! Originally thought that American kindergarten and public school education would be good! American public school education is completely aimed at the poor, because I put my children in a kindergarten near Flushing for convenience. Of course, the school district near our home is quite good, but I work in Flushing, so I put my children there for easy pick-up and drop-off! American public school education is completely ranked according to school districts, and the educational resources in poor school districts are quite poor! Therefore, my two daughters' kindergarten education resources are quite poor. When they returned to the United States from China and Taiwan, their middle and high schools were good schools, but the educational resources were very good, and the educational quality was too poor! Thank God! My two daughters are in primary school in China and Taiwan, because education in China and Taiwan really has a profound impact on them!

America is not only racist, the worst thing in America is classism! What is classism? Rich and poor! Many people don't believe that there is classism in the United States. In fact, there is no racism in the United States, but there is a strong classism in the United States, and it is the school teachers who cause classism! School teachers are the kind of people who not only distinguish between high grades and low grades, but also treat students separately depending on whether their parents have money or not! Why do I know? Because one of my two daughters has good grades and good English, and the other daughter has poor grades and poor English! I will go to their parent-teacher meetings, and the teachers will also see if their parents can speak English? There are different ways to treat! So, why is American education so poor? Because the teachers are so bad! The teacher's difference is not the poor knowledge level, but the teacher's moral education is too poor! If teachers with racism and classism, what kind of children can be educated?

The purpose of school education is not to popularize knowledge, but to change people's thinking! American education is putting children in the hands of the devil! The Bible has told us plainly: Do what is righteous according to what God has given you! Why are Americans doing things more and more deviated from the right path? Because the children in the United States are educated by the devils, the children who are educated have the devil's thoughts! And rich people don't need to throw their children in public schools! Public schools are where poor children learn to be slaves! They treat children as human robots, they program our children! Our children are simply no creative, no competitive, and labor forced(you just follow whatever govenment wants you do)! A humanoid robot that walks and acts according to the rulers! Therefore, the rich can always enslave the children of the poor! The thinking of the children of the poor will always stay in the frame of the devils! Only when we think outside the frame of the devils can we see the position that God has given us—the child of God! We are God's children, we have the Creator as our father, our place is not poverty, but holiness and abundance!