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America's father is the Devil and Money!

September 4, 2022

Let's talk scam syndicates! The world's largest fraud group is the US financial system! This fraud group has an unbeatable fraud system! They call the unbreakable fraud system a financial transaction! What is a "financial transaction"? The purpose of real financial transactions is to promote the economic cycle and achieve the purpose of making money for everyone! The financial transaction of the fraudulent group is to deceive the money in the pockets of people all over the world into their own pockets! The role of the Wall Street stock market is that investors raise funds and invest in some companies with insufficient funds. Investors exchange spare money for profits. Many investors do not have enough funds to develop a single enterprise. Some people have business acumen but no funds. There is the stock market on Wall Street! The purpose of the Wall Street stock market in the United States is to play the hell money pit of investors and small businesses! Use short selling to eliminate small and medium-sized enterprises, and then eat investors' funds! The Wall Street stock market is not as good as the casino! The casino at least loses its own money, and Wall Street eats your money abruptly!

Let's talk about the "insurance system" again! Another the biggest scams in America! What is the purpose of insurance? Insurance is all about sharing risk! But we found one thing: the insurance system all over the world is the product of financial fraud! What insurance companies do is not to share risk, but to take money from customers' pockets indefinitely! Medical insurance, auto insurance, life insurance...all insurance is like a withdrawal ~ it is an endless payment, without payments, there is no insurance! Is this right? Seemingly correct, but totally wrong! Will we die if we don't buy insurance from big insurance corporations? Will we have an accident? Death and accidents can never be avoided, but we must understand the real purpose of insurance: insurance is to pool a sum of money to help those who need money, but can't suddenly have enough money! Our insurance system is crazy to make money and completely loses the function of an insurance company! If we had 100 people saving a sum of money every year to pay for our own traffic accidents, ask: what would happen? First of all, you will definitely find 100 people, all of whom are familiar friends, and these people will not cause traffic accidents casually, right? In 10 years, you may be able to make even more substantial investments with this capital, and you should all no longer need to pay insurance premiums! And our insurance company is ~ constantly exploiting the insured! Our medical insurance, auto insurance, home insurance.... There is no end to the payment! We should pay more and more for insurance policy!

(Matthew 23:9) And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.(10) Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.~ What happened to the Americans, what is the problem? The problem for Americans is: they treat money as their father! Rich is father! The US financial system even recognizes money but not people! The American financial system is constantly taking money from the pockets of the people, and the transactions in the American financial market are not for the well-being of the people at all, but to allow corporate groups to take money from the people! This is really pretty nasty! The US financial system is the world's largest "fraud group"!

Jesus told us in the Gospel of Matthew: We have but one Father, the Father in heaven! We have only one teacher and that is Jesus! Why did Jesus say this? Many Christians and non-Christians felt that Jesus was quite unfilial, and by saying this, Jesus made all Christians unfilial! I want to explain this verse in particular! This is really important! Because the New Testament has been circulated for about 1900 years, but in the past 1900 years, the human world has become more and more corrupt, which has a lot to do with the spread of the Bible, and many wrong teachers and pastors are cultivating Antichrists! The wickedness of these teachers and pastors can really be said for an entire year!

Fathers and teachers are the most important enlighteners in our lives! Why do Chinese call Confucius the most holy teacher? Because Confucius' thought has always influenced the Chinese people! And Jesus also wants us to understand: fathers and teachers influence the path of our life! Let’s talk about fathers first. If a person’s father is a homeless person who is a drug and alcohol abuser, then the probability his son becoming a homeless person and drug and alcohol abuser is quite high when he becomes an adult! Chinese people often say: the dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of the mouse can make a hole! We don't mean "genetic", but the environment! The influence of "environment" on people is more important than the influence of heredity! During the war, many people from childhood because their families were poor and their parents could not support their children, they gave them to those who had money and needed children. They all followed the adoption family and achieved quite good achievements! Just like many Americans go to China to adopt disabled children, the fate of these children in China and in the United States will be completely different! And Jesus wants us to call our Heavenly Father our Father, because our Heavenly Father is perfect and great. Of course, Jesus didn’t tell us not to really recognize our earthly Father, but to call our earthly Father a necessity, but we can’t put our earthly Father on the line. Our father always is the standard of our life. Everyone has different shortcomings. This is what Jesus told us to "recognize" the Father in heaven. We should take the Father as our role model and umbrella, because only the Father is the most perfect. !

We have only one teacher and that is Jesus! I totally agree with this! Why did Jesus say this? Whether in ancient and modern life there are many, many different teachers, many different people who teach us different areas of the field, but not everyone's teaching is correct,right ? The answer is :No ! Everyone's teaching has its own biased concepts! Take traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine: the most important thing in traditional Chinese medicine is to save lives and make people feel painless! Western medicine treats diseases completely without regard to the patient's body, their purpose is to cure the disease! But many people's illnesses may be cured, but people are already suffering to the point that they don't want to live! This is the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine! And many teachers will teach children wrong concepts because of "Profits"! Just like many teachers may help children to cheat in order to get good grades! There are also many teachers who use grades to classify children into categories, which will leave children with shadows for a lifetime! Jesus told us: We have only one teacher's purpose - Jesus wants us to learn the "love" of Jesus! And there is no one in the whole world who is more loving than Jesus, right? Jesus wants us to make learning "love" the most important thing in our lives! While teachers all over the world teach knowledge, only Jesus teaches us "love"! Therefore, Jesus is the single most important teacher in our life! Jesus didn't want us to not learn or recognize our teachers, but Jesus wanted us to understand what is the most important thing in life!

When we read this article, did we find out why the United States has become the most evil country in the world? Because Americans don't read the Bible at all, they don't obey Heavenly Father as Father at all! They take money and the devil as their father! More importantly: they did not learn the love of Jesus at all! They have too many messy teachers, and they regard all the elites of fraud groups as teachers, so the United States has become a country of fraud groups, and the financial system of the United States is the highest level of fraud groups! The US financial system has collapsed the economies of many countries! The US financial system has bankrupted many countries! The US financial system makes poor countries even more poorer, and puts the people of poor countries into the predicament of life! This is why God is going to judge America! Americans fathered the devil and money! Americans don't learn "love" all their lives, they just learn knowledge! It is a robot without "love"! Robots can learn all kinds of knowledge, and robots can be teachers of all kinds of knowledge, but robots can never teach us "love" because they don't have "love" at all! Do we want to be like this? Only by recognizing the Heavenly Father as our father and Jesus as our teacher can God give us blessings and grace! God gives blessing and grace we must conform to God's will!