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American political culture raises corrupt officials!

January 3, 2023

Chinese culture is the most Christian culture! Why can't Christianity be integrated into Chinese culture? Because Christians do not understand Chinese culture, and they deliberately discredit and prohibit Chinese culture! The humanistic thinking of Chinese culture is most in line with "Christian culture"! If any of you have different opinions, criticism and advice are welcome! It's just that I don't want those ignorant Christians to wipe out Chinese culture! This is also the reason why Christianity has not been able to integrate into everyone's life: it is too subjective! Do not fit in the life! No progress! Do not grow!

Let us see how much harm "Christian culture" has brought to the United States? I don't know if it's because the Creator is too bad? Or is the church too bad? Let's think carefully! Why does the book of Revelation judge the church at the beginning? And the church does need judgment! I was literally shaking when I read the Moses song in Deuteronomy last night! I really don't know where those politicians in the United States who are full of lies will die? The first big joke in 2023: New York the Shit mayor Dang Shit said: Why I called the mayor Adams " Dang Shit"? Because the shit become feces, that he doesn't know what's shameless! How shameless is he? He said: The law and order in New York City has improved! Such a shameless joke can be told... It's really full of shit! Adams did nothing at all! Is he thinking a fool for the people of New York? Keep getting fined! Land tax has been increased! Even the bridge tolls are added in a mess! You bunch of shit! New York belongs to the people of New York! Why are we moving? We're kicking you out of New York! Since New York officials want to make New Yorkers unable to live in New York! We can only drive out all of you corrupt officials! You have only two paths now: step down, or prepare to become a corpse! "Biological weapons" are too simple! Let's talk again when we have time! Let's talk about Chinese culture first!

We have often said since ancient times; "Get a family and start a business"! The Chinese really value "family"! Why do Chinese people say: "Get married and start a business"? Because when a person has a child, his thoughts and ideas will change, and his behavior attitude will also change! "Children" are like garbage in American society! You can kill kids if you want to kill them, and that is legal ways in America! And parents have absolutely no sense of "responsibility" for their children! This is why America is getting more and more chaotic! Because Americans don't know what "responsibility" is! Just like U.S. government officials, their purpose of being officials is to embezzle and make money! No one really knows: the responsibility of government officials! Adams keeps increasing the bridge tolls and increasing the cost of living for the people. This kind of mayor is better than him if replaces him by a pig! In fact, after couples have children, they will find their life goals and focus! Men with children are more likely to succeed in their careers! That's why the Chinese often say: Get married and start a business! Usually wealthy families would like their children to start a family early, because it is easier for them to train successors!

American abortion culture is in complete conflict with Chinese family values! Abortion, transgender, and homosexual culture in the United States are not only in conflict with Christian culture, they are completely inconsistent with the values ​​of Chinese culture! I am not discriminating against homosexuals and transgender people, but I am thinking from an objective point of view! "Children" are really troublesome! Especially for children born in the United States, American education really turns our children into "beasts"! American children don't understand "respect"! American children don't understand "gratitude"! American children don't understand what "grouping" is! American children don't know thankful! We all know that animals live in groups, and animals will help each other, but in human society, we are inferior to animals! The worst thing in the United States is to educate a group of "greedy" and "selfish" children! Families with kids have different fun, but if we have greedy and selfish children is disasters!

We often say: People are for me, I am for people! In fact, the education I have received in Taiwan, since I was little that is not a "selfish" education at all! And isn't the education of "People are for me, I am for people" in line with the Bible's "love your neighbor as yourself"? I throw my hands up for the Book of Revelation judging the church because the church is totally wrong! The extensive and profound Chinese culture must have the value of the continuation of Chinese culture! Americans really enjoy lying, and those politicians lie without a bottom line! If, American politicians, and American officials all started with the heart of "People are for me, I am for people", would corruption in the United States be so serious? American officials and politicians can say: Christian culture is too narrow, you cannot accept Christian culture, but you don't even have the most basic humanity, you are just a bunch of animals! Since, you take pleasure in killing the American people, is it wrong for us to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye? Is it hard to deal with shameless people? Americans are not grabage, but we brainwashed useless, greediness and selfness!