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American's Education 5

December 24, 2022

Every time God asks me to do something, there must be His own way! The weather in North America is so bad, may I ask: Where did Zelensky's special plane fly from? How long will the brainless American people be deceived? God would love Zelensky so much? His plane is particularly in good weather? Deceiving people need to type a draft! Americans are deceiving people more and more outrageously! Treat the whole world for fools! Are vaccines effective? Vaccines are really effective! More than 300,000 people died in 2020, more than 400,000 people died in 2021 after vaccination, and more than 400,000 people died in 2022! Vaccines are really quite effective! The more people die, and the more people die! Corrupt US officials and those greedy politicians...keep lying! You are really dishonoring God! You underestimate the power of God! Do you think your bullshit lies can kill God? If God can be killed by liars, is He the Creator? Trump's lies are the funniest! A bunch of conspiracy theories, a bunch of aliens, a bunch of alien alliances, great! Lie officials and politicians rely on your alien alliance to save you! I rely on God to protect me! I often ask myself: Who am I afraid of? I am only afraid of Him~ God! I am not afraid of ghosts! How could I be afraid of people?

(Numbers 35:33) So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleaned of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.~United States this land is already unclean! Why does the United States educate the American people to be lies? Because the United States is a country without culture, what can a country without culture use to control the people? It is "lies"! Just like Trump is a "local tyrant"! In Trump's eyes "money" is all! Seeing this group of brainless officials and politicians in the United States, Americans are really, really sad! How pathetic are we? We are abused by these beasts, isn't it sad that we should be grateful to them? Amd worship them as gods!

What do American universities teach? "Rubbish"! Why did Bill Gates drop out of university? Why did Zuckerberg drop out of university? It is because the school teaches "garbage"! What is the ranking of universities in the world? "People"! It's not "knowledge", let alone "problem-solving ability", it's all about "connections"! Ivy universities are expensive enough! Of course, "there are many rich people"! "More rich people" means more money resource! Why is American universities tuition more and more expensive? Because they use tuition fees to weed out talents! And they use money to buy talent! Outstanding talents will be crowned with honorary doctorates! "Honorary doctorate" is for "absorbing money"! This is America's failed education system! The most failed place in American education is "money education"! Every American has been educated to "make money" since childhood, and all dreams can be realized with money! I feel that the educational philosophy of Americans is like the "ideas" of refugees! Every refugee flees to the United States to realize the "gold rush dream"!

Why is the land of America defiled? Because Americans can use any dirty means in order to make money! The real failure of American education is "money worship education"! People who come to the United States to study in universities are all for their "gold rush dream", hoping to "plate gold" in the United States, and "gold pan" when they return hometown! "Gold Rush" makes me think of whores! Why are the children of many "prostitutes" inseparable from prostitute households for life after life? Because they have no qualifications for education since they were young, they can only work in prostitutes from generation to generation! Hearing the excuses of American corrupt officials to raise their own salary, I feel shameless and ridiculous! How can American officials be so shameless and ridiculous? Because American officials are hereditary! As long as you have money, you can be an official! As long as you become an official, you can get rich! They said: They left their families to work in Albany, only money can compensate them for leaving their families! Then these officials are too cheap! Can money buy relationship? And you clearly know that you work in Albany, how much money has already been negotiated? Why sit on the ground and raise the price? Does this look like what the Jews did? If you don't want to work in Albany and don't run office... You can't increase salary as will!

Why can the Chinese have nearly 4,000 years of civilization on Chinese soil? Why do Jews have a "Bible", but they don't even have their own country? This is the difference between real Chinese and Jews! Hebrew, Chinese, and English, you can only choose one language, which one will you choose? Chinese! Why is English always simplified? Because English wants to be accepted by the whole world, English must always be simplified! If English is to be popularized, English must be simplified, because this is driven by interests! And Chinese does not need to be popularized at all! The population base of Chinese people using Chinese is already there! Many European countries do not speak English, so we only have a little time and energy to learn a second language, of course we choose "Chinese"! No one will choose "Hebrew", "Hebrew" is not mainstream at all! Learning "Chinese" is the most efficient and scientific thing! And learning "Hebrew" is the bondage of those beliefs. Those who know "Hebrew" interpret the Bible as garbage! Do you still want to learn Hebrew from them?

The worst thing about Jews: they throw all the garbage they don't want to others! The Chinese say: Don't put what you don't want to do to others! The Jews really use the whole world as a trash can and throw their trash everywhere! "Garbage thinking" is what Jews are best at! Why don't Jews get an American college education, but they set up shop in America? The Jews will not teach children not to value family relationship! Just like the rich in China, they definitely don't want their children to only have money in their eyes, but they all hope that other people's children have only money in their eyes! That's why the Jews don't educate their children to be "money slaves", but they want our children to be "money slaves"! Children only have "money" and "material" in their eyes. They don't care about "relationships between people" at all, and they are even less likely to have "love" because they only "love money"! When children pay more attention to material things and money, this is the best slave for these consortiums and companies to use! In order to satisfy their own desires, children have become slaves of business owners for life after life!

Can the education of "money first" really satisfy our "gold rush dreams"? Or does the "money first" education make us slaves for the rest of our lives? Let's think for ourselves!