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American's Education1

December 18, 2022

The Chinese often say: A scholar can be killed but not humiliated! That is, we can be beheaded, but not humiliated! I must say: these things do not happen to the Jews at all! The Jews are the completely selfish groups who can do anything for money and survival! There is no bottom line for Jews to behave and do things. Look at the President of Ukraine, he is an Jew's example! But it's strange why all the pastors keep praising the Jews? Why must Christians become Jews? Because God blessed Abraham! Because God called Abraham a "righteous man"! The "righteous person" in our Chinese hearts is different from the "righteous person" in God's heart! We must think: the standard of "righteous people" in God's heart is very high! Wrong! We are just so stupid! We have been brainwashed by those nonsense pastors! Those pastors don’t want us to be saved at all, and those pastors have been exaggerating their own status and role, which is why Christianity is becoming more and more corrupt, and human nature is becoming more and more evils! "Education" is really important! Christians are "Justified by Faith"!

America has been killing God! Why is it so easy for God to be killed? Because we think God is too difficult to live togeter, we would rather stay away from God and go to hell! First of all, Abraham left his hometown of Ur because of his "belief in God". Therefore, because of Abraham's Faith in God, God chose Abraham and blessed him! Abraham once let his wife Sarah marry the Philistine king in order to survive. Both Abraham and Isaac let his wife marry the Philistine king. Later, God told the Philistine king not to marry their wives. The wife returns them! Will we Chinese allow our wives to sleep with others? Just to survive and let the wife sleep with someone else, right? So, who will say: the Israelites are good? The hearts of these people are really quite bad! Christians are definitely "Justified by Faith"! The Jews are so bad that God chose Abraham and Abraham's descendants! Therefore, God's "righteous" standard is not high! As long as we believe in God, we can all be called "righteous" by God!

America has been killing God! American education advocates science! Why are Americans killing God? Because they want to turn themselves into gods! In fact, Americans and Jews do the same thing! Do the same with all pastors! They want to turn the true God into a superstition, into a nonsensical joke, so that people want to use some channels to know the God they created, and this God is not the real Creator, but a God they made up with lies! The United States regards "science" as its god! And the church is fabricating "its own false gods" to make everyone blindly worship "false gods"! Hasn’t the church been creating all kinds of gods? "Abraham", "Isaac", "Daniel", "Paul", "Mary"...the Bible has too many gods! Human beings have only one God, the Creator! This Creator is the Lord who created the heavens, the earth and all things!


We must know that Christianity has always emphasized the "Trinity God"! What is the "Trinity God"? I once said in the video: "Trinity God" is the three energy bodies! We may not understand the "light body". Our gods have no material image, but they are energy bodies, and they are very powerful energy bodies! In the era of underdeveloped science, it is difficult to clearly define the "energy body". I have always said: "Science" is to prove the existence of the Creator! We all know that there is "dark matter", and "dark matter" does exist that we cannot see! "Energy" also exists, we can't see it! Both "universe black holes" and "universal gravity" are huge energies, but we can't see them, and we can't understand where the energy comes from? The "Creator" is a very huge energy body, they feel like a huge light source, but they are energy bodies! We use the energy body to understand, we know that they can create everything in the universe!

(Proverbs 22:6) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~ We must know that science education in the United States has completely failed! And we should let children fear God from an early age, that is, fear the Creator! Why should children fear God? First of all, the Ten Commandments God gave to Moses are enough to become the law of all mankind! We don't need too many ~pants off and farts! Let's look at us modern people and make a mess of our lives! People are not like people! Ghosts are not like ghosts! We don't have the dignity that people should have! These government animals treat us like cash cows, just throw any garbage at us, and we will have to work for a lifetime! We are worse than ghosts! Wherever ghosts like to run, they will run there! We are worse than animals! If the animals cannot work, they will go on strike! We dare not even go on strike! Well! We are stupid!


I can tell you that there must be the "Creator" in this world! And it must be true that Jesus performed miracles! I originally wanted to use science to share miracles with you, but I will stop here for now! Why did Jesus come to the world? Because God already knows the wickedness of man! Human beings create gods and deliberately make some people completely disbelieve in the existence of God! And the purpose of Jesus coming into the world is to let each of us experience God by ourselves! We don't need priests! We don't need Levites anymore either! We can experience God ourselves! "Education" changes minds! "Thoughts" can change lives! "Life" can change for "Eternal life"! The Creator created all things to let us enjoy the cuteness of all things! We don't moan all the time! It’s not about being born and waiting for death or sickness, or working until old age, sickness and death! There are many good options in life, but the devil destroys our options! Get ready to start killing devils together! Killing devils is fun!