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American's Education3

December 20, 2022

What is the purpose of education? I really want to say to the lying media and lying politicians: Do you even have primary education? Didn't your teachers teach you not to lie? American education is the worst ~ Lies are taught from childhood! However, these liars are already in hell, and we don't need to pull them out of the flames! The real purpose of "education" is to change people's hearts! And "education" is like "a key", and the "key" must enter the right "lock" for this key to be effective! If the "key" does not have a matching "lock", the "key" is useless! What does it mean? That is, our education cannot change people's hearts, then this kind of "teaching" is "waste", this is useless "education"!

We need to understand: "key" and "lock" are both tools! And "tools" are not good or bad, the real good or bad are the people who use the tools! (Matthew 16:19) And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whateversoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whateversoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.~ I suddenly remembered a scripture that has been misinterpreted all the time! This scripture has been misinterpreted for almost 2000 years, that's why there is "St. Peter's Basilica"! Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Did Jesus give us the keys of the kingdom of heaven? For a long time, many Christians believed that Jesus was particularly partial to Peter, so Peter was regarded as a god! Peter, Judas, John...all the disciples of Jesus, Jesus never took sides! It should even be said: God's love for the world is the same! God loves every "good person" of us, because "good people" are made in the image of God! God is never partial to anyone! Each of us has a key, but because people's hearts are different, does our key open the kingdom of heaven? Or open the gates of hell? Let me explain!

If we follow God, our key is to open the door of the kingdom of heaven! If we follow the devil, our key is to open the gates of hell! Both keys and locks are tools, but the important thing is ~ the person who holds the key! There is a kind of people who follow the devil, and they lie to us: they take the keys of the kingdom of heaven! Such people are hypocrites! On the surface, they make people feel like Christians, but in fact they have been doing evil! Today I wanted to tell you about medical knowledge, because this is my strong point, but it seems that I don't have enough energy and time! What is a hypocritical Christian? In fact, these Christians are following the devil. They just entered God’s church and stole God’s sheep, turning Christians into tools of the devil! Just like a thief, they take the right key, open the locks of rich people, enter other people's homes and steal valuable things, let them use it for themselves, or sell it to make money! We never know they are thieves, because they pretend they owners the houses.

Many Christian churches and Christians have been taken by the devil! The devil controls Christianity and Christians, making them tools used by the devil. The devil manipulates them to keep working, making money, and more reputation...Christians can't bare good fruits! Christians see is material! See how big the church is? How luxury is the church? How many congregations? Christian Churches Don't Care About Christian Lives Changed! Christian churches and leaders care how much they get! If congregations don't give enough money, they say they don't conform to God's will, and they don't give tithes actively! These churches don't pay attention to God's words, they pay attention~ Is our church big enough? Is church great enough? Do pastors have enough money to show off? Pastors care about their influence! Why is there 1.5 billion Christians in the world, and this world is like "purgatory on earth"? Why do people think that living is "hard work" and "suffering"? Why are Christians less and less "peaceful" and "joyful"? Why do more and more people hate Christians?

Many Christians always like to make excuses in our circumstances! The environment we are facing now is different! We work very hard! We are very difficult! Our kids find the Bible boring! Our children have been brainwashed by the devil! Our Christian culture is hard to pass on... Christians are we too many excuses? How old was Old John to follow Jesus? Were all the disciples of Jesus that they were old? Why are the disciples of Jesus all young, but now Christians are all old? Do you know how many of the World Cup players are Christians? You ask if Messi is a Christian? Are World Cup players always picky? The World Cup players have always taken practical actions~Glory to God! If God is false! Why do World Cup players glorify God? Now the church is too outrageous! Now pastors are following the devil! What you see is "money"! What you see is ~ how to cater to the public taste, you can get more dedication!

What is the true Church of Jesus Christ? The Church of Jesus Christ is the "body" of Jesus Christ! What exactly does "body" mean? "Body" is to take practical actions ~ to glorify God! How can you honor God if you can't even get along with your "community" neighbors? There are many idiot Christians being played around by pastors! If you want to glorify God in politics, get into politics! Don't discriminate between public and private! When the players play on the court and do their jobs, they are glorifying God! When the pastor preaches in the church, he needs to preach the "Truth"! It's not a bunch of psychological theories, let alone talking about government persecution all the time, these are just sick! Since God is God, of course He knows what we will suffer! Of course God understands politics! God never intended Christians to fight the government! Jesus Christ is God's beloved Son, He did not choose to fight against the government! What are we doing to fight governments? I would like to ask: Why do we fight against the government? How wicked are the hearts of many pastors! Make fun of Christians' lives! When others slap us on the left cheek and the right cheek, why? Because these people are government officials! If the evil of government officials is satisfied, they will die even worse! Because they use God's authority to "do evil"! God and Jesus never promote Christians to fight governments. China a lot of Christians killed by pastors because they promoted to fight governments!

Christians don't need to avenge themselves! You have so much time and energy to engage in government confrontation, why not help your neighbors? If Christianity is going to work, your church should be all young people, and all neighbors! It's not that the neighbors want to wipe you out! "Neighbors" can't get along well. I don't understand how you can light and make salt? Finally, each of us has a key. If we follow God, we must have the key to go home! The kingdom of heaven is our home, and our key can surely open the door of the kingdom of heaven! If you follow the devil! Of course you also have the key to open the gates of hell! But hell doesn't need a key to open the door! So, we have to think: How to make the kingdom of heaven our home? Let our key be able to open the door of the kingdom of heaven, so that we can return to our heavenly home!