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Animals husbandry education!

September 1, 2022

I really wanted to cry when I saw a piece of news in Taiwan yesterday! There are only 3 teachers + 1 principal left in a school, not a single student! Taiwan has entered the era of low birthrate for a long time! Should be childless by now! Almost all of Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Europe, America and the UK have entered the era of childlessness! Why is there no birth rate? We found that the so-called high-tech civilized countries almost have a negative birth rate growth. The so-called negative growth birth rate means that the death rate is greater than the birth rate! Almost all of Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Europe, the United Kingdom have a mortality rate greater than the birth rate, and the population aging is super serious! The United States, the United Kingdom and Europe are quite clever. They open up refugees and illegal immigrants to save Europe, the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom from destroying the country! Basically, Europe, America and Britain are no longer attracting people from all over the world, and their populations are aging enough to kill the country!

Why are the birth rates in high-tech civilizations so low? No wonder Musk works hard to be a breeding pig! "Birth" is not just about giving birth! To give birth one must raise children! High-tech civilized countries produce high-tech products, but none of these countries produce high-quality humans! The quality of human beings in these countries is too low, so they are eliminated by the theory of evolution! This is really the embodiment of "evolution theory"! Nature selects the fittest to survive, and the unfit have no chance to be born! Why have children? No kids! Too many troubles for kids! Raising children is the beginning of a disaster! There are very few children in this era who are filial to their parents, and a lot of them insult and make their parents angry! The low birth rate is the "retribution" of these high-tech countries! And this "retribution" will definitely be borne by the whole people! Why is the low birth rate a retribution? Because children are always a blessing from God! God is willing to bless to have offspring, how can there be offspring without God's blessing? Is India a blessing from God? India is God punished! There must be no women in India in the future because patriarchy is preferred and men are overrun! Even the male lizards were sexual assault, look how terrible?

(Matthew 13:12) For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.~ Many people do not understand the true meaning of this verse , and Jesus used the parable of the sower to describe this verse. We saw the parable of the sower, but we couldn't understand the meaning of this verse. I used the parable of the sower to explain this verse to make it easier for everyone to understand! The most important thing about "sowing the seed" is that it is sown in good soil, and only the seeds sown in good soil can bear a hundredfold! And the sowing of human seed must have good soil, in order to be a hundred times more fruitful! What is good soil? "A kind heart that fears God" is good soil! Interesting, right? And Jesus has always told us: the human heart is soil, and only the human heart that fears God is good soil! Children are inherently blessed by God, and only those who fear God can God bless good children!

Our age has been emphasizing the unfilial and callousness of children and creating a lot of trouble, let us ask why? Where do children spend the most time? Children spend the most time in "school"! Because usually children go home to do their homework, eat, sleep, and school is the time when children are most energetic, why is it so scary for children of our generation? Because our generation is not producing "human beings", we are producing "making money machines"! This is why India wants men and not women! When a woman gets married, she has to pay a dowry, and it also depends on the face of her husband's family. If you marry, you will be the husband's family. This is how Indians don't want women, they treat women as tools of production, and the whole family men can share a woman. See how bad this is. And disrespect women's bodies! Women are the tools for men to vent in any generation! Many poor families support their entire families by selling girls as prostitutes! Even in the 21st century, many countries still rely on prostitution of women to support their families! Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, South American countries, China, Africa... Almost relying on women's prostitution is already an "industry of all countries in the world"!

And why are birth rates so low in these high-tech countries? Because there is a big problem with education in high-tech countries! High-tech countries have technology, but no cultural literacy! High-tech countries have been cultivating cash cows! The cash cow used to be "prostitution"! Now the cash cow is a "fraud"! Prostitution and fraud are all about making money, but high-tech countries don't care about the maturity of life and moral education at all. The children they educate are based on "knowledge" and "high-tech"! The life cognition of these children is "money" and "knowledge". The children of this generation have no morals, no sense of responsibility, only love themselves, and don't care about others at all! "Knowledge changes destiny" is our motto. We occupy a bunch of astronomy, geography...all knowledge in children's brains, but does it really help children's lives? A lot of this knowledge is even made up by some scholars themselves. They put their rubbish in children's brains. You really treat children as trash cans! These children are really good at memorizing formulas and reading, but they are completely unable to apply what they have learned. Children have absolutely no independent thinking ability and rubbish values ​​of rubbish scholars!

A child filled with knowledge garbage, okay? Not good at all! They only have "knowledge" and "money" in their hearts, and they have nothing but knowledge and money! A person is most afraid of no culture! What is culture? "Culture" is the quality of a person, and culture is the soul of a country! And these high-tech countries are moving towards countries without culture! Their people are also heading in the direction of being impersonal! No culture is no soul! Is a person without character and soul, still human? They are not human, they are all tools to make money! In the past, I used prostitution to make money, but now I use fraud to make money. They are all tools to make money! Why is our birth rate so low? Because our beast rate is too high! Too many children turn into beasts, so the parents are lucky not to give birth! Jesus said, "The heart" is soil! And God-fearing hearts are good soil! How much God-fearing do children have now? Our education has never taught our children to fear God, even the children of this generation have been killing God and denying God! That's why the beast rate of our children is so high!

Children are an inheritance from the Lord! We are not blessed people, so our children are not the product of good soil, and our children are getting fewer and fewer! If we are blessed and our hearts are "good soil", we can certainly be a hundredfold more fruitful! We are very little now, and God is going to take away some of the children we have! This is why abortion is so popular in Europe, America and the UK! And European and American countries use illegal immigrants and refugees to fill the population gap! It seems that their population has increased, but all of them are animals that create social problems and make the social environment more unviable! Now God not only takes away the only "people" they have, but also puts more animals to corrupt these countries. Therefore, these high-tech countries have been producing animals all the time! That's why more and more people don't want to have children, and more and more people prefer abortion! The environment and education make our children into beasts, the economic cost of raising children is so high, and the time and energy we spend, children are high-cost negative assets! We invest money, time and energy to get a bunch of complaints and anger, who wants to make such a stupid investment? Only countries and people with moral culture will be blessed by God! Kids are gifts from God!