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Are Christians going to move our tents to Hell?

August 12, 2022

I have been thinking: Why is the Christian church so corrupted to the point what's happened today? Because all the churches and Christian leaders simply don't understand - why should there be Christians? Why do churches exist? They have turned Christianity into a sect of lies, they have been delivering "lies" and sending false messages! What do they pass on? They say we are all good, but we need to be Christians, we need to give, and we can go to heaven! Do Christians give for missions, for the devotion of God? Or for the pastors to expand their territory? Many pastors have been expanding their territory. In order to expand their territory, they must have more congregations and more devotions. A territory without congregations and enough money pastors cannot expand at all! I have heard many different criticisms of pastors! Some pastors criticize pastors! Congregations criticized the pastors! Congregations criticizes the other congregations! In the church, we have too much criticism! Do we go to church to listen to criticism? If you want to listen to criticism, just stay at home. I believe we already have a lot of criticism at home, and we don’t need to go to church to listen to criticism or be criticized!

The problem with Christianity from beginning to end is: It keeps moving its tent! It's good to feel that moving the tent is expanding the churches! But we moved the tent in the direction of the Korah party! God wants people to stay away from the Korah, because the earth will open its mouth and swallow the Korah! But the current churches are completely belong to the Korah party, they don't believe in God! They believe more that the self-righteous Levites, the Korah party are all leaders of the tribe of Levi, and the Korah party challenged God's sovereignty by relying on their influence in the tribe! This is the picture of the modern church! The era of Moses is about 4,000 years away from now. We have been looking for prehistoric civilizations, but we use ancient civilizations to deny the existence of God! I don't understand why people are looking for prehistoric civilizations? Prove that God does not exist? Prove that there is no creator? Christianity is literally killing God all the time now! Christian leaders ~ deny the truth! Revised the Bible! Make your own holiday! As long as a bunch of leaders agree, they can revise the teachings of the Bible at will! Is this Christianity? Christians do not follow "People", Christians will always have only one "God"!

(Luke 12:51) Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:~Jesus has told us plainly: Jesus did not come to this world for peace on earth, but to bring strife into the world world! We feel that Jesus has always stood for world peace! So Jesus would rather nail himself to the cross, that is, let the world have peace! Does no war mean peace? God led the Israelites in the wilderness, did the Israelites have peace? The Israelites did not fight, but the Israelites will always have different disputes. This is the sinful nature of man! Although, Jesus died for our sins! But Jesus became our eternal battle! "War" is always a by-product of people's shortsightedness and short-sightedness! In order to obtain their immediate interests, people will not hesitate to provoke wars and disputes!

Why did Korah attack Moses? Because he felt that he was also the leader of the tribe of Levi, why did Moses make himself great? Why did Jehovah God only speak to Moses? They don't believe in the sovereignty of God! They believed that with congregations supporting them, they could put Moses to death and bring Moses down! Moses was a man chosen by God! God speaks to whomever he wants to speak to! Does God need your permission to speak to whom? Who does God use that you need to accept? God judges people and countries, does it need our support and consent? Are you gods? Or is God a God? You take God as the lamp slave of Aladdin's lamp! The genie of Aladdin's lamp is a slave, not a god! God didn't need our help to release him from the lamp! No man or anything can shut up God! And Korah party doesn't believe in God! Think Moses is a liar! Moses lied to the congregations that Yahweh God to speak to him, but Yahweh God did not speak to him! They forget that God is God! God wants to use people and talk to people, without the consent of anyone! As long as the people who use it by God agree to it! This is the relationship between Moses and God!

There are too many liars in the modern church, too many people who can pull a party! They used influence on the congregations to destroy Moses! What is the destruction of Moses? Just like the Jews destroyed Jesus! The Jews gathered a crowd to kill Jesus! They deliberately distort the facts, they deliberately distort the truth! Many people ask: If Jesus was God, of course he could save Himself! That's right! Jesus didn't die at all! Jesus also saved Himself! But what we need to think about is: Why did Jesus go to the cross to be humiliated? Why didn't Jesus use the sword to solve problems? Why didn't Jesus start a war? What was the purpose of Jesus' coming to the world? Don't you find Jesus' speech contradictory? Jesus said that he was the king of peace, but he said: He did not come to make the world peaceful, but to make the world strife! Did Jesus speak too contradictory? There is no contradiction in Jesus' speech, but we are not smart enough! We are all Korah party idiots, and of course we can't understand what Jesus said!

"War" and "Dispute" are all ways for people to gain benefits by quick means! The Korah party used the congregations to destroy Moses, and they could seize power and lead the congregations! Why did the Jewish priests of the Pharisees destroy Jesus? Because they can't let Jesus take their dominion away! If everyone believed in Jesus, no one would follow these Pharisee priests! You may understand better why they want to get rid of Moses and Jesus because these people want to be in power! So all wars and disputes are related to power and interests! The Bible is really wise! I repeat: all wars and disputes are related to power and interests! Without the struggle for power and interests, there is no wars! And Jesus didn't come to this world to fight for power and interests, so Jesus didn't start a war! This is why Jesus was crucified on the cross! Because He did not come to the world to fight for power and interests!

Why did Jesus say again: He did not bring peace to the world, but strife in the world? Because Jesus brought one thing "Truth"! Jesus keeps telling us: Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life! "Truth" is what Jesus meant by making the world strife! If we don't know the Truth, we won't have strife! Why is there no conflict in idolatry? Because they have no truth! They are the truth themselves! They can do whatever they like! As long as there is no truth in this world, there will be no disputes, but there will definitely be bloodshed and killing! Like "abortion"! Without the truth, we can kill unborn children at will. This is killing! "Truth" rebukes us in our hearts and teaches us! Therefore, the real dispute with the Truth is in one's own heart! Jesus didn't want us to learn to fight with swords and spears. Jesus wanted us to learn "Truth" and walk in a way that is pleasing to God, and we will surely gain new life and God's blessings! The real battlefield of Christians is within us! And God will bless us, and the army of the LORD of hosts will fight for us! We don't want to create conflicts between people, or just keep moving closer to Korah party! We must stand on the way of Truth, never move our tent, and follow God closely, He will surely protect us through all difficulties! The Truth must set us free! Thank God!