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Are there ghosts in western countries?

October 12, 2022

"Exorcise demons" I said to my non-Christian friends, "Exorcise demons"! They are all laughing! Is there a ghost in Christianity? I even tell many Christian sisters: Cast out demons! They don't believe in casting out demons at all! They all feel that there can be no "ghosts"! Why did Christianity become Chicken Soup for the Soul? Because these Christians and Christian leaders don't believe in ghosts at all! They think the Bible is: nonsense! What did Jesus send his disciples to do: heal, cast out demons, and preach! You don't believe in ghosts, so ask: What can those missionaries do? These Christians don't even know what "ghost possession" is! They really have no experience, and they really don't know! Because I just finished the "Exorcism" part studying, it turns out that these pastors have never met the ghosts! And the United States should be the country with the most "species"! The more serious the "violence", the more ghosts! These pastors simply don't understand "casting out demons", so they pretend they can't see it! If pastors can: cast out demons and heal, then Christianity will never be corrupted!

I often say to my friends: I am not afraid of ghosts! In fact, I'm not really afraid of ghosts! And my friend told me: Do you know Jiangxi chases corpses? I really heard "Jiangxi Chasing Corpse", because I like watching zombie movies since I was a child, but I always thought that Chasing Corpse was fake, but my friend said: Chasing Corpse is real! "Carrying out corpses" means that people who go to other places to do business die in other places, and those who drive corpses drive their bodies back hometown for burial! Most of our corpses are now cremated, so there is no need to expel corpses at all, and expelling corpses has long been lost! Many people think that American ghosts are vampires! America doesn't have as many ghosts as Asia! Why are folk religions popular in Taiwan? Because many people in Taiwan are possessed by ghosts, and Taiwanese will go to temples to exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits! And why is Christianity the religion of singing and dancing in Taiwan? Because these pastors and leaders do not know how to exorcise and ward off evil spirits! Let me ask you: You can't help people at all, so why do people believe in Christianity? You can't ward off evil spirits, and you can't heal, so of course no one believes in Christianity! Of course no one believes in the Bible, and of course no one believes in Jesus! Why do you call yourself disciples of Jesus? Just spreading nonsense and deceiving people, are you the disciple of Jesus? So funny! What do you do as disciples?

(Mark 5:3) Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains: (4) Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.(5) And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.~This is in the Bible the recorded stronger ghost! "Ghosts" exist in different forms and enter the human body! And this person is in Gadarens, he has been living in the tomb, because his ghosts power is too strong, he has a legion of ghosts possessed, people can't subdue him at all! People even need to use shackles and handcuffs to lock him up! Because there are nearly 2,000 ghosts on this person! Jesus asked about the group of ghosts, they were called the group, and in the end, the group of demons possessed the pigs, jumped into the river, and killed more than 2,000 pigs!

I'm not Jesus, but I've also had several experiences of casting out demons! I have casted out different ghosts! The most powerful ghost is a church sister who suddenly lost control in the chapel! The pastor was preaching on the stage, and she was screaming, bitter and noisy in the audience, lying on the ground crying like a child. Later, two brothers and more than 10 sisters carried her out. This was the first time I casted out a demon, and I remember it very clearly! We carried her to the corridor, we held her down, because she kept hurting herself, we had to hold her down together, she was a very powerful ghost, she was quite powerful, she usually looked like a weak sister, and suddenly she needed more than 10 sisters can hold her down. Even when we made her lie flat on the bench, she kept hurting herself. Later, when I casted the ghost out of her, she found herself bleeding because she scratched herself. Many sisters and brothers were there that day. Why did I cast out demons? I do not know either? But I just seemed to hear a voice saying: Cast out demons! And I did somethings to cast out ghosts! That was my first time casting out a ghost!

Everyone says: Christianity has no ghosts! In fact, I helped a lot of people cast out ghosts! I used to cast out demons for non-Christians too! I also helped my sister to drive away Japanese ghosts! And that sister, I has been helping her clean up the "ghost possession" some times. I keep going to cast ghosts our from her! Ghosts are real! And why doesn't Christianity attach importance to "ghosts"? Remember, there was a young man in our church who flipped tables, kicked doors, and was pretty violent! He is also possessed by ghosts! Later, after the demons were cast out, the man became quieter! Not many pastors in Christianity can cast out demons! And Christianity is now completely degenerated! They believe in "psychology"! "Psychology" is a science, and Christian exorcism is not scientific at all! Therefore, when we serve single parents, what we attach importance to is the psychological teaching! We don't pray much and don't cast out demons at all! Too many times Christians do not believe in the Holy Spirit at all, and do not believe in the power of the Holy Spirit at all, so how can Christians have power?

This sister I used to cast out demons, when the person is possessed by the demons, they become completely a totally different person! This sister suddenly became so powerful that even 10 sisters and 2 brothers could not subdue her! She usually has depression, and she was in her 50s, how could she had so much power? But when one is possessed by a ghost, the power is really unpredictable! I also helped my brother drive out ghosts! My brother doesn't usually have much energy, but I remember that time I struggled to subdue him so he could be quiet! Those who are possessed by ghosts, we have absolutely no idea how many ghosts there are in them! I also helped a sister cast out Japanese ghosts. She was subdued by many people and sent to a mental hospital. Later, I cast out ghosts over the phone at the mental hospital! Because Japanese mental hospitals can't enter at all! And she is in Japan, so I can't fly directly to Japan. This sister is now a pretty good Christian sister!

"Ghosts" are real! And "ghosts" don't exist only in Christians! Ghosts meet Christians and non-Christians alike! Why was Jesus' ministry so successful? Why did so many people in the early church believe in Christianity? Because each of us has a need to "heal" and "cast out demons"! And modern pseudoscience not only killed Jesus, but also killed many human beings! Why are modern suicide rates so high? We must distinguish clearly: "Sin" and "Devil Possession" are completely different! "Sin" brings many diseases! And "ghost possession" will cause damage! Generally, people who are "ghost-possessed" have no idea what they are doing? When the ghosts leave them temporarily, they wake up temporarily, and they can't imagine that's what they do! And the destructive power and power of "ghost-possessed" people are beyond our imagination! Modern people use ignorant "psychology" to explain ghost possession, which is really stupid and self-deceiving! The web of lies in Western science and medicine has too many loopholes! Let's decipher slowly!