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Babylon of Revelation!

November 10, 2022

Seeing Russia's withdrawal, I thought Russia was defeated! It turns out that Ukraine has completely withdrawn from Donetsk! Donetsk, which had been occupied by Ukraine for 8 years, was returned to the people of Donetsk, and this may be the main reason for the Russian-Ukrainian wars. Russia also fulfilled, its promise and completed a special military operation, so Russia withdrew its troops from southern Ukraine! Let's look at another news: the British Prime Minister who just came to power, his wife's family does business with Russia! Do you think these high-ranking officials treat the people as fools? Inflation in the UK is so strong, why inflation? Why is there an energy and food crisis? Isn't this all because of the joint sanctions against Russia by USA, Europe and the United Kingdom? And the family of the British Prime Minister's wife has been doing business with Russia, is this a bit outrageous? Your sanctions against Russia have put people's lives in trouble, but senior officials can justifiably make the country difficult to make money! What business will they do with Russia? Just like importing energy and food, and selling them to the people at high prices! The inflation comes from greedy politicans!

Yesterday I told you about "India"! This time India is the big winner of the world! India has fully benefited from both Covid and the Russian-Ukrainian wars! British's dog killed the British! India is making huge money from energy and food, we all know that! And Covid India is making huge bucks too! Why do Europe, America and the UK want India to rise up? Because they want to counterbalance China with India! And India is still under control by Europe, America and Britain, but Europe, America and Britain really think India is too stupid! India may be the beast of Revelation! In the book of Revelation, there is a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, and the 10 horns should be the European Union countries! 7 heads? The first 5 heads have disappeared! The five heads should be Germany, France, Britain, Japan, and Russia, and the current head should be the United States! And the seventh head is India! Here is my interpretation of Revelation! I don't interpret the Bible based on the slobber of those pastors who don't understand the Bible at all!

(Revelation 18:2) And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.(3) For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.~ I have never understood why Old John clearly knew that Babylon had already collapsed overnight, and why did Old John bring up Babylon again in the Book of Revelation? Babylon was destroyed by Persia! Babylon destroyed the kingdom of Judah, and Babylon was divided into two kingdoms of Persia and Midia overnight! Do you know which country is modern Babylon? America!

The book of Revelation is truly amazing! We really can't read the drool bible! Babylon has been destroyed, but Babylon has appeared in modern times! America is really modern Babylon! America's power in the world, America's arbitrary actions, America's blasphemy against God, America must be judged! When we think carefully about the Bible, we will be able to completely place the United States in the position of Babylon, and the United States is a country that did not exist in the past. The United States is a country that has only appeared 400 years ago! In fact, there are many things we are not clear about, whether the earth's plate changes and whether there is Babylon's footprint in the American continent? But we know that the Bible says: there was before, there is no now, and the end times will come! And all the political, military and economic means of the United States are more and more in the direction of Babylon! America is also extravagant and rebellious to God! Can we see if Revelation will be fulfilled?

The Babylonian Empire was wiped out by two nations: the Medes and the Persians! I don't know which country Median is? But some people say: Persia is Iran! Some people say: Persia is Russia! It seems that history really keeps repeating itself! Do you believe in God? Think for yourself! I interpret the Bible exactly as I interpret the Bible! I'm not one of those lie pastors who interpret the Bible according to their own feelings and thoughts, and make Christians all over the world become fools! Let me tell you again: Jesus' disciples absolutely have: the authority to heal, cast out demons, and teach! This is "authority" not "gift"! "Authority" is what you have as long as you follow Jesus! I have these "authorities"! I have a "gift" too! I have the gift of speaking in tongues! My tongue is to communicate with the Holy Spirit! I have the gift of praying in tongues! I also have the gift of prophecy! These are called "gifts"! "Healing" and "casting out demons" are "authorities"! And "authority" comes from the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is willing to "heal", and will be "healed"! But the Holy Spirit can't heal you if you don't have faith! This is clearly stated in the Bible! Stop fooling people! Are you a true Christian? Is there the presence of the Holy Spirit? Totally clear! In the last days, it is even more necessary to have authority to distinguish between antichrists, false teachers and false pastors!

***The Chaldeans used guns to pierce the belly of pregnant women to kill the fetus. Isn't that the abortion bill that the United States has been advocating now?