November 18, 2023

Frauds like Evergrande and Country Garden are nothing, they are called “physical frauds”! The truly terrible scam is: "Virtual Scam"! The most successful “virtual fraud” is “Bitcoin”! The United States has always been keen on financial markets. Why? Because it’s easy to cheat money in the “financial market”! The most powerful thing in the United States is to use "Wall Street" to launder money! Now I finally know: How can the money from Jewish drug trafficking and arms trafficking be laundered? They control the banks, and they can use "stock market transactions" to launder their dirty money! Now they can use "Bitcoin" to clean their money! Controlling banks means controlling "financial markets"!

The Federal Reserve is controlled by Jewish capitalists! The Federal Reserve prints $100 in U.S. dollars, and they can use this piece of paper to exchange for $100 in physical goods worth $100! You say: Is it easy for the Fed to make money? The profits in "USD" is too small! The real huge profits come from "virtual currency", and among virtual currencies, Bitcoin is the most powerful! One Bitcoin can be exchanged for $36,000 USD! I once said: As long as the stock market and Bitcoin hit 8,000 and 8,999 is around 8,000, there will be the world war. Let’s just wait and see! It seems like a long time away now, but we never know when the crash will be? "Bitcoin" is a big scam! "Bitcoin" emphasizes "decentralization", which is to attract corruption, drug trafficking, illegal arms trading, fraud, etc. and all black money to enter the Bitcoin market. Why is Bitcoin so popular all of a sudden? Because all the "illegal gains" of these "criminal groups" have legal exports! Because "Bitcoin" claims to be "decentralized," all "black money" entering the Bitcoin market can be "laundered" out. This is quite favored by criminal groups. This is the reason why Bitcoin is so popular!

If the amount of "Bitcoin" is small, it can be "decentralized", but if the amount of Bitcoin is large, decentralization is certainly impossible! Why can Bitcoin be decentralized due to its small amount? This is a method of Jewish fraud! Jews control banks, and Jews can print US dollars at will. Of course, Jewish banks can trade "Bitcoins" at will! I heard that Bitcoin was created by Satoshi Kanemoto. Is Satoshi Kanemoto the name of a liar? Jews created Bitcoin and used Bitcoin to launder the proceeds of their crimes and also use Bitcoin to make money! Are Jews greedy or not? The Jews are quite greedy! If the amount of Bitcoin is small, you can rely on the Jewish banking system to convert Bitcoin into "US dollars", because basically, the "US dollars" in the world are controlled by the "Federal Reserve", and the "Federal Reserve" is controlled by the Jewish plutocrats! But let us not forget: the RMB is a currency that is not freely convertible! If the RMB can be "freely convertible" today, then all of China's RMB will also be in the hands of the Jews! The "financial market" makes money quickly, but the financial market is also a base for money laundering! Think about it: one Bitcoin can be exchanged for $36,000 US dollars, and one Bitcoin can be exchanged for 260,000 RMB. How terrible is this? How many people in China are struggling to have three meals a day? But these criminals can make money easily with illegal proceeds of crimes. This is the real "unfair"! This is what we call: "The Golden Belt of Murders and Arsonists"! If China does not stop Bitcoin transactions, then the whole world will rely on "crimes" to make money!

"Bitcoin" is not only "a place for criminals to launder money"! "Bitcoin" is even more of an "electricity-eating beast"! Many people "mine" to earn Bitcoins. Do you know how much electricity a Bitcoin consumes? I once saw a mining site in Taiwan stealing more than 70 million Taiwan Power’s electricity bills! Taiwan’s electricity bills are much cheaper than those in the United States, but more than 70 million was still stolen. How terrible is that? The decentralization and de-blockchain of "Bitcoin" are all lies. Things like computers are very simple and will leave traces wherever they go! Why do many kidnapping and extortion cases require “Bitcoin” payment? Because these fools have been brainwashed into thinking that Bitcoin cannot trace where the money is and money goes! I'm never that naive! I have been playing with computers since I was a kid, so how could I not find the source and whereabouts? All I can say is: Those clearing houses should check their whereabouts! China must now confiscate "Bitcoin", or ban Bitcoin transactions, and also ban Bitcoin mining! Because electricity in China is quite cheap, this is also a favorite among Bitcoin miners! If there is a market for Bitcoin now, first clear the Bitcoins in the hands of Xu Jiayin, Country Garden... these criminals! Bitcoin will definitely fall sharply in the future! Why is Bitcoin suddenly high? We must understand: "Bitcoin" is becoming more and more difficult to mine, which means that Bitcoin requires more and more equipment costs and electricity to mine Bitcoin! If "Bitcoin" falls to $100, think about it: Who is mining? If the profits from mining is not enough to pay for electricity and equipment, will anyone still mine? If Bitcoin is not popular, it will not have market share at all, and Bitcoin will definitely collapse! The reason why Bitcoin can sustain itself now is because the Federal Reserve has the right to print and trade U.S. dollars. The Federal Reserve uses the American people’s money to support “Bitcoin”! Just like Wall Street tycoons, they all use money to plow stocks. They drive stocks high to attract funds. Finally, when the funds come in, they clear out and leave! The same games goes for Bitcoin! "Financial market" is the easiest way to make money, but we must be quick and clear enough, otherwise we will waste our money for nothing!