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Boycott Jews merchants/抵制犹太商人

October 13, 2023

You Jews are so abominable! You have really gone too far! You actually used "white phosphorus bombs"! You are not trying to eliminate "Hamas" at all, you are trying to eliminate "the Palestinian people"! You are clearly doing "the big to bully the small" and "the strong to bully the weak"! Jews and the nation of Israel, since you do not respect life and you do not respect the Creator, the Creator will no longer tolerate you! Are the lives of the Israelis the only ones in the world who matter? Don’t the people's lives of other countries also not matter? Israel has done too many evil things, and they have caused Taiwan to become flooded with drugs! Can Israel really compete with 5 billion people in the world? All Middle Eastern countries do not need to help Palestine fight the war, because Israel is ready to wipe Palestine off the face of the earth!

Let's play a big game! Anyone around the world who supports "Palestine" begins to boycott "Israeli products"! All Jews' products are no longer in use! We cannot use weapons to fight Israel, but we can reject all Jews' goods! Do you understand what I'm saying? All high-tech products are no longer consumed! There are also pharmaceutical products that are not consumed! What do other Arab countries do? You don’t need to fight, you just need to learn from Russia and drive out the Jews' money and Jews from your country! Confiscate all Jewish assets in your land, just do whatever Jews did to Palestinians! This is the retribution they deserve! "Banks" would be best if they could drive Jewish banks out of the United States!

What do Americans do? People in the United States who support "Palestine", you will be very busy if you have the opportunity! All Jewish communities sued the Jewish Board of Management! Jewish management committees are generally "corrupt"! And all Jewish energy investments, please stop doing them for “$0 Shop”! Directly end the economic lifeline of Jews in the United States! The Jews dare to do evil because the United States backs them up! Don't confront Israel head-on. We, the people of the world, use our actions to boycott the Jews! Let the Jews "not take a dime from us"!


