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Brainless medias, brainless Americans!

September 1, 2022

I laughed again when I saw this news! Why is there a bunch of brainless media in the United States? If Musk Starlink is attacked, it will definitely not be done by China! Let me tell you why? And the Musk Starlink Chain was attacked, definitely out of the hand of God! Remember what I once said: Let God destroy Musk's Starlink! You can find my prayers, and words! Only God can destroy Musk's Starlink!

Why not the Chinese government? First, if the Chinese government destroys the Musk Star Chain, what profits does the Chinese government have? Second, why is the Chinese government so hard to destroy Musk's Starlink? This is a waste of energy and resources! Musk has so much business in China, will it be difficult for the Chinese government to ask Musk to stop the Starlink project? Of course not! If the Chinese government wants to restrict Musk's Starlink project, it can restrict Musk's business! Musk is a mercenary businessman! Third, this is another villain trick of the US government! Can't the US government do what mankind do? Always do this kind of slander and humiliation! The purpose of this news release is to make the American people ~hate Chinese! "China Virus" is enough to hate China! Covid viruses does not know who made it? Whose scientists have gene sequence recombination technology? Basically, genetic recombination technology requires ~ equipment! And which country can provide instruments and technology - at a glance! Need to argue? The U.S. government will never provide the Chinese government with genetic recombination equipment and technology for no reason. What kind of transaction is it?

Fake news can be read, but you must read it with your brain! Don't believe what anyone says! So aren't you an idiot? The U.S. government is educating our children to be ~ profit-seeking, self-serving idiots! Musk grew up with this kind of education. He doesn't see morality in him, only "profits"! People who are occupied by profits are too easy to control! Give them some shit and they'll be grateful! Just like our government uses "marijuana", "$0 dollar purchase", "infanticide casually", "criminal casually" to boost the approval rate! It's too easy to control these people! Cannabis bugs give cannabis! "$0 dollar purchase" let them grab it freely! "Abortion" is better to kill infants. This kind of person is a waste of resources to live! The "casual crime" government is not unlucky at all! The government never loses! Musk can buy it as long as China has enough profits for him! Do you still believe in these ignorant and ignorant news? You are great! Keep smoking marijuana! Continue to $0 dollar to buy! Keep getting abortions! Continue to sin! Because we all have to pay a terrible price together!