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Break the Business model/打破经营模式

October 22, 2023

How do you feel when you see these brands monopolized by Israel? Jews do not know how to make money, but Jews know how to monopolize the market! The way they make money is very simple: they use "money" and "politics" to monopolize the market! In the United States, nothing about our "food, clothing, housing, and transportation" can escape the clutches of the "Jews"! This is why Americans must always be slaves to the Jews, and America must be the dogs of the Jews throughout the world! What is a Jewish dog? Who do the Jews want the United States to bite? The United States must bite anyone! This is the fate of America! But a group of ignorant people simply cannot understand the situation and blindly worship the Jews! What you value is "Jewish property"! Isn't "Jewish property" the United States plundering people all over the world for the Jews? You bunch of "doglegs who help the tyrants commit evil"! One day you will definitely "bring it to yourself"! I will never pity the devil! To have mercy on the devil is to resist God! How many chances did Jesus give Judas? God has also given Israel enough opportunities to repent!

Why is China's economy so bad now? Chinese businessmen and the government should take a look at these Jewish brands, and China really cannot follow this model. If China follows the "Jewish model", the Chinese people will definitely become more and more miserable! The Chinese have just started to open up. In order to maintain their "livelihood", China has always followed the "imitation route"! Chinese people always make money wherever they go when doing business! Moreover, everyone is always "imitating" and "selling profits" to compete. This is quite stupid and chronic suicide! You need to accumulate business capital at the beginning, and of course you can make quick money! But Chinese people are greedy for the "comfort zone". They have been in the "comfort zone" for a long time! And if the previous method can make money, they will keep using the previous method until they go bankrupt! Only then did he realize that he had fallen into the quagmire! Companies that are still alive should try their best to climb out of their "comfort zone"! Why did "Huawei" become stronger after being suppressed by the United States? Because Huawei realized it earlier than other industries and needs to jump out of the quagmire quickly! "Comfort zone" will always be the "quagmire" of our lives!

China has always followed the "imitation route", which has resulted in one result: There is no independent brand! And there is no brand with corporate style and corporate image! Does "Huawei" have its own corporate image? Does "Huawei" have its own corporate style? Let's take a look at many catering companies. We don't care about the price, but they all have their own corporate personality and culture! To survive, a company must have corporate culture and corporate style! In the past, Chinese manufacturers used plagiarism and imitation brands to earn high profits, but we must know: plagiarizing brands is easy! And as long as it is cheaper than the original brand and has good quality, there will definitely be a market! But this will also ruin your future! Why can Li Ning and Bute become famous? China has the markets that is blooming everywhere! Can China's population base be compared with that of Europe and the United States? All electrical appliances in Europe and the United States are broken and thrown it away. Can China do the same? What were China’s dividends in the past? Earn meager profits with huge environmental costs! This is a stupid approach!

We need to change our business model and values! We must improve quality and incorporate "environmental protection elements"! We need to understand that if the clothes we wear can make our bodies healthier, let me ask: Will we choose those "flashy" clothes that can cause skin allergies? Or are you willing to dress healthier? Reduce the production of "waste"! Because China has such a huge population base, when people buy less garbage, the environment will be protected more! And conveying a "healthy life concept" is the way to sustainable management! Don’t learn from the Jewish “monopoly profits”! The Jews are "scavenging resources" and "destroying the environment" everywhere, so that they can make huge profits! Jews don’t value “life” at all! If we want our living environment to be better, we must sacrifice wealth! Think about it first: What does “wealth” bring you? Think again: How many disasters will "wealth" bring to our environment and future generations? "Healthy living" is the key to happiness in life! If you are not healthy, no matter how rich you are, you will not be happy!





