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Build the Kingdom of God!

November 11, 2022

(Revelation 22:2) In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.(15) For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.~ The end of Revelation is to bring down a new heaven and a new earth, we must study the Bible by ourselves. Only by reading the book of Revelation can we understand what the world will look like in the future! Revelation is credible! First of all, we have to think about a question: Why is the gap between the rich and the poor in the world so huge? The reason for the disparity between the rich and the poor is "values"! We have always felt that the gap between the rich and the poor is due to the uneven distribution of resources, but the real reason for the gap between the rich and the poor is not resources, but "values"!

What are "values"? Values ​​are inherently subjective, but we modern people "quantify" values! What is value quantification? Just like we quantify aesthetics! We can only have other people agree with our "values" and "aesthetics", and when our values ​​and aesthetics are different from the world, they call these people insane! Like why is "homosexuality" a problem in America? Because Americans force everyone to accept LGBTQ values, everyone has their own values, everyone has their own aesthetics, why is it too expensive for Hunter Biden's paintings to sell 500,000? Why is it normal for Trump's wife's painting to sell 700,000? These are all wrong! Just like the high price of a few photos of Trump's books, these are forcing others to accept your values! None of us are qualified to force anyone to accept your values! Even God doesn't force our values, you are really too proud to yourself and you are greater than God, so force people to accept your values! Don't use the value of money to measure and limit "values" and "aesthetics"!

If each of us could have our own values, we wouldn't be quantified! Not being quantified is our only weapon against inflation! If we want to defeat these consortia and corrupt officials, we must not follow the world, let alone Trump! We must not follow idolaters! Trump is the same as other corrupt officials and their god is "money"! They put "money and profits" above God! They're taking advantage of the economy to win against these idiots from the Democrats! Democrats are a bunch of greedy idiots! Americans let pigs rule the country better than ask Democrats to rule the country!

How "values" can defeat "inflation"! Let me do the math with you: What are we doing in our whole lives? Buy a car, buy a house, and finally save money to buy a coffin! First, Americans need to understand: Where is our money going? Where was the gold deposited in the World Trade Center before 9/11? And people all over the world need to know: Where did your country's gold reserves go? America's debt is 33 trillion, why should we carry it? We pay taxes every year, why do we still have 33 trillion in debt? We don't want to be in debt. It's simple - let America go bankrupt! We don't need the US government! Let's think about what the U.S. government does for the people? The U.S. government has favors for illegal immigrants and scammers, but the U.S. government has never helped American citizens! Security is so bad! Inflation is serious! Poor quality of education! The taxes we pay are enough for dozens of countries to spend a year, and they dare to borrow money at will, so let these officials repay the debt themselves! We renounce American citizenship. There are many people born in the United States who have no choice. Those born in the United States are God's children! We build the kingdom of God ourselves! We no longer belong to America!

There is fruit from the tree of life in the kingdom of God! The leaves of the tree of life can heal diseases! If Americans, or even the people of any country, are to become God's nationality, let's get to work! Why can Israel form a nation, but God's people cannot? We are not building a small country like the Vatican, we are building the kingdom of God on earth! We must build a nation! Stop listening to those pastors! Let's start praying now, how long was build the state of Israel? We have some confidence! I believe it is not difficult to build the kingdom of God! As long as we build our kingdom....we can let God reign and be first in our kingdom! Why do people live so hard? Not only do we have to raise children, houses, cars, but also we should raise the corrupt officials! Are our whole lives going to be ruined by these corrupt officials? In the kingdom of God, we live in promises! God is our umbrella! We do not need to develop weapons! We don't need high tech! We have all kinds of animals as our transportation! We don't even need to buy insurance! Because animals don't collide with each other! We don't have to worry about food and energy crises at all because the kingdom of God - He will supply it all! Most importantly we don't need weapons because God himself will protect his country and people! How many weapons are there to fight the Scourge? As long as God promises, He can surely lead us out of Egypt! Babylon is Egypt! Babylon is America! Let's pray together! I don't know if Americans renounce their American citizenship... How many corrupt officials can survive?