October 3, 2024

Taiwan’s recent typhoon, the last typhoon flooded 1/3 of Taiwan! There have indeed been many natural disasters in recent years! Taiwan suffered from drought every year in the past few years, but now it is flooded at every turn! There was also a hurricane in Florida a few days ago. I heard that tens of thousands of households in Florida, Tennessee, and North Carolina were without power and water! My question is: There are many new properties in Florida. I heard that housing prices in Florida suddenly skyrocketed. Will the insurance company cover the flooding in these new properties? There are many risks involved in buying a house in the United States! American real estate developers are the most unscrupulous people, they are not human beings at all! There are some places in the United States that are prone to natural disasters and are not suitable for human habitation at all! In order to make money, developers will tell any lie! Many places in Florida and New Orleans are hurricane-prone areas, and American developers and insurance companies are just as shameless! Why don’t insurance companies lose money? Because insurance companies pass their losses on to "good people"! Places where houses should not be built should not be built in the dangerous place! In order to earn expensive insurance premiums, insurance companies have all insured persons bear the claims costs, so that they can make money easily! Why is our car insurance getting more expensive every-year? Because insurance companies allow drivers without accidents to bear all claims for car accidents. Is this insurance system reasonable? The insurance company will punish by God!

Are "natural disasters" really bad? (Matthew 7:26) And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: ~The Bible has told us: The house cannot be built on the sand, as it will be washed away by rain and typhoons! "Natural disaster" is the time to test the construction of our houses! We now feel that our high technology is very powerful. We just use "money" to build houses. We believe that as long as "money" is thrown on the ground, there is no house that cannot be built. The architectural structure of American houses is like "tofu construction"! The United States feels that no country in the world dares to punish the United States. I would like to ask the American people: Is God afraid of the United States? Let’s take a look at the disasters brought by Hurricane Helene to Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Let’s look at the land of Palestine. Palestine has been attacked by Israel for a year. How many artillery shells and tanks did Israel drop to create the messy Palestine it is today? Is it difficult for God to destroy America? Look at Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Is this hurricane difficult for God? Also let me tell you: Tesla will explode if soaked in water! Americans! Don't be too proud! Do you think Trump can save Americans? Do you still think that Kamala can save Americans from the hand of God’s wrath?

In fact, I also hope that New Yorkers will taste the wrath of God! Do you remember Hurricane Sandy more than ten years ago? Americans are indeed proud! To put it bluntly: Americans have insurance on their houses, so why are they afraid of natural disasters? I have decided not to buy interior house insurance now, why? Because basically, the property management company buys insurance on the outside of the condo, but the inside of the previous building was really bad! Houses in the United States have no sense of architectural design at all, no texture at all, and the sound insulation is very, very poor! For those of us with 50-60 year old houses, it’s time to ask God to help us update them! Property management companies charge so much property management fees and insurance companies charge so much insurance premiums. It’s time for them to spit it out! Americans, if you dare to offend God, you must bear the consequences yourself! America is really stupid! Do you really think capitalists will be responsible for your future?

I want to ask: How many major earthquakes can California withstand? I would like to ask: How long can Texas withstand large hail? I want to ask the Great Lakes: How long can you sustain a snow storm? By the way, here’s a question for New York: How long can we sustain snow and flooding? Then ask how many tornadoes and hurricanes Florida, North Carolina, and Tennessee can withstand? "Good weather" has always been the highest ritual and standard of worshiping heaven in China in history! Are the ancestors of the Chinese people stupid? Why is it necessary to worship heaven every spring? Why have all the kings in China never offended heaven? Because the Chinese are based on agriculture, we really know that "good weather" is very, very important! "Good weather" is important for agriculture, just as important for fishery, but isn't it important for industry? Industry is equally important! Hurricanes blow down power poles, hurricanes and lightning strikes damage power stations. Aren't these all a lot of troubles? No matter in any era or in any place, "climate" is closely related to human activities! "The climate is good", plants and animals grow well, and of course people have fewer diseases! Such a simple truth, why do you AI elites with big datas and a lot of knowledge in your brain never know that! Maybe, you are all thinking about how to go to Mars, then let the earth fend for itself! Let me tell you a joke: Mars is so good, why don’t you go there quickly? Just like why do the astronauts on the space station want to come back? If you can't stay on the space station for a year, how long do you think you can stay on Mars? Can humans stop being so proud and ignorant? People who want to go to Mars, just go and live in the desert for the rest of your life! Maybe the environment of living in the desert is better than that living of Mars!

The Chinese would like to thank Israel, and Palestine will definitely be rebuilt! Ukraine must also be rebuilt! Now China is the only country in the world that can help these two countries rebuild! Think about it: How many business opportunities there will be in China’s construction and building materials industries in the future! To be honest: Apart from China, which has these construction technologies and building materials, which country in the world can achieve high quality and low price built the buildings? China's stock market and real estate may not be good, but building materials stocks and some small home appliance stocks still have great prospects! I have promised God not to buy stocks! Because the gambling nature of stocks is too high risks! I hate gambling! I don't like gambling! "Gambling" to me means: A waste of time, energy, and stupidity! Therefore, I don’t buy stocks or Bitcoin! This is a personal investment concept, so don’t pay too much attention to it!