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Bullied Chinese families!

December 5, 2022

My Church sister called me, and I heard a rather shocking news! She said: Didn't you do single parent care before? Now there is a sister in our church who may need single-parent care. She asked me: Do you recognize XX? I said: I know her! Her husband is pretty good! What's up with her? Why do she need single parent care? The sister told me: Her husband committed suicide! I'm pretty pretty sad to hear that! When I prayed, I kept crying! Because their daughter is about 10 years old! And I know this sister is quite difficult! Actually, I still don't know how to comfort her?


Her husband was a good man! He married this sister from the church. The sister has severe depression, and her husband was responsible for taking care of their whole family. But her husband was really unlucky. Her husband and sister have been married for 10 years! But now he didn't even have an SSN, and his daughter is nearly 10 years old, and he didn't even have an identity! They spent money for legal status, but spent a lot of money and it should be said: money wasted! The sisters are citizens, but her husband can't get identity for 10 years, not even a social security card! Is this reasonable? The US government really bullies the good people and fears the evil! Do the Chinese deserve to die for obeying the laws? America is all about noisy kids getting candy! See how badly the Chinese are bullied? Black people have Democrat protection! White people are protected by the Republican Party, but Chinese people are all piece of shit! Trampled at the bottom by the US government! The sister and her husband are good Christians! He loves his family and takes care of this sister and child very much, but because of his identity, he had to leave New York to work in another state, because there is no job in New York without identity!


This sister has quite severe depression! I don’t know her very well, but I remember one time: she picked up a ring on the ground, and she put the ring on her hand, and then the ring made her finger inflamed, and she couldn’t pull it off the ring, so she went to the hospital. Cut off the finger and take off the ring! Why do i remember this? Because one day the Holy Spirit moved me to call her, I called her! This sister sometimes she can't recognize me! When she was ill, she was often unable to recognize people! I called her that day just to ask how her hands were doing? Because many sisters told her to go to the hospital, she was unwilling to go to the hospital! I called her and she knew who I was! I prayed for her! After praying, she said: My hands are bleeding! I asked her: what's going on? It felt like she was suddenly sober after praying! She said: "She just went to the hospital to take off the ring! Later, the doctor wanted to bandage her, but she ran out to prevent the doctor from bandaging her! I told her to go back quickly! Hurry up and bandage the finger! She will go back obediently! When she arrived at the hospital, she called me again and asked me: The doctor asked her to do a test, is it okay? What test do I ask? She said: Urine test! I think the doctor wants to see if there is any other infection? I said OK! She is willing to let the doctor do the test! I know she was possessed the evil by that ring! This is the key to getting acquainted with this sister!


I know the situation of her and her husband, and I also asked my lawyer friend to help them, but because they have paid other lawyers, my friend who is also a Christian sister is not convenient to intervene! During the Covid epidemic, I heard that their whole family was diagnosed, and I also called to pray for their whole family. Later, their whole family recovered. Thank God! When I heard about this sister's husband committing suicide, I was really, really sad. I just cried when I was praying! Although I do single parent care, I really don't know what to do at this time? Because this sister's depression is quite serious, and their child is still young, and her husband was the only pillar of their family! It's really really hard! Economically and psychologically, this sister is not easy! Not to mention she has severe depression! Actually, it's really not easy! It is difficult for normal women to accept, let alone this sister? I hope more brothers and sisters can help her! I am also praying to God to give me wisdom and let me know how to help her get out of this predicament in life! I have never thought of helping people in return, and I always remember a sentence: (Romans 12:9) Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. ~Our God is definitely a righteous God! He must repay each man according to his deeds! As a Christian, if you don't want to help, just refuse, but don't be false! Delayed this family case, harmed the life of this family!