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Business 5.0model/商业5.0模式

October 21, 2023

I just saw the business 5.0 model in the video. I started thinking about what is the business 5.0 model? I remember my daughter once asked me: Do we buy and drive new cars very early in mainland China? I said: Yes! She asked: Is driving a car that great thing? I said: Very ordinary! She asked: Is our family rich? I answer: We are very ordinary! What is the Business 5.0 model? It’s just that we have been brainwashed in the past, and we have been implanted with the “famous brand effect”. We believe that “famous brands” are good and “famous brands” are valuable! The business 5.0 model is precisely to break the "brand effect"! Business 5.0 model introduces Costco. In fact, I shouldn’t keep my Costco membership card! But I still pay membership fees every year, why? Some items at Costco still have a certain quality! Let’s think about it: How much time have we spent pursuing “famous brands” in our past lives? We have forgotten that we are "human beings" and what we need is "quality of life". We do not need to use our money to help companies create "goods gaps"! It is the so-called "brand effect". How much "time", "money" and "energy" have we wasted?

What is the Business 5.0 model? Are you giving "garbage" to others? Or "help" others? I often think about a problem: It is very convenient to buy things online, but I often unknowingly accumulate a pile of garbage at home! Also, we think that the mobile phone should use "Apple", why? Because "Apple" is of good quality! Actually, I really don’t want to use an iPhone! Very early on, I disliked using Apple phones. Why do I keep changing phone brands? Apple phones have too many restrictions! But because of work, I have to use an iPhone! Because my customers all use Apple phones, Apple has Facetime and Message for online communication, but they are not available in China! Only applicable to the United States and Taiwan! The United States, Taiwan, and Mainland China are all connected via “WeChat”! But after all, not many Americans use WeChat!

The real business 5.0 model is: get rid of "junk" and make our lives more "refined"! What is "life refinement"? Many people think that "refining life" means spending money on famous brands! No! What can really improve our quality of life is "health"! Only with "good health" can our quality of life be improved! I don’t want to sell “health products”! Don’t get me wrong! I just want to tell you a concept: "Cars" are used for transportation! Do you use your car for transportation? Or showing off? Clothes are used to keep warm and cover the body! Are you using clothes to show off your wealth? Or keep warm? There are many things that can make us fall into the "famous brand myth"! Why are Jews so rich? Because they rely on "celebrity effect" and "brand effect" to brainwash people all over the world!

Let us recognize another fact: How much "garbage" is there in the "American political arena" now? And how much "garbage" does "American education" produce? How much "garbage" does "Ivy League school" produce? What is "garbage"? If we want to enter the business 5.0 model, we must first understand what "garbage" is? In the past, we have been dominated by a kind of impulse shopping! And do you know why "celebrity effect" and "brand effect" are successful? It’s because of the “impulse shopping” mentality! "Impulse shopping" is also suitable for various "award ceremonies" and "concerts"! Jews use various "awards" to create "celebrity effect and brand effect"! When everyone sees people rushing to shop, they will have "impulse shopping"! It’s just businessmen using various methods to enhance their brand’s “awareness”! Remember! "Famousness" has nothing to do with "competitiveness"! "Competitiveness" is related to "quality"! "Celebrity effect and brand effect" rely on "mass effect", and "mass effect" depends on "awards and publicity". We often buy things online, and we all look at sales and reviews, which will really improve "quality" ? These can all be "fake"! To truly enter the business 5.0 model, we must understand what "garbage" is? What can "help" us? Human life is limited, is it worth spending too much time and energy on "garbage"? Just like the price difference between a brand-name bag and an ordinary bag is 20-30 times, is it worth it? Also, is it worth supporting "corrupt American politicians" to harm the world? It’s even more important to make friends, don’t waste time on “junk”!



