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Capitalism and Democracy 4

December 29, 2022

I once said: To read the Bible well, you must have a foundation in Chinese culture. This is not wrong at all! Why do the more Christians there are, the more corrupt human nature becomes? Because for nearly 2,000 years, we have mis-study the "Bible"! The "Bible" was introduced to the Gentiles after the New Testament! And many people who don't know the Bible will always have to learn Hebrew and Greek! God is the Almighty Creator, does God not understand Chinese? If God does not understand Chinese, then He is not the Creator! Why do I say that we mis-study the "Bible"! Because the Bible is not a literary novel, the Bible is to preach "Truth"! We must know what is the "Truth" of the Bible! Jesus said: not one stroke of my word shall be broken! It does not mean that the words of the Bible cannot be modified, but that the "Truth" of the Bible cannot be modified! Do you understand now? There are so many words and languages ​​in the world, the words and words used in translation must be different, but the "Truth" will never change! "Truth" will not change because of Hebrew and Greek, or translation into Chinese! "Truth" never changes!

Confucius said: If you don't know life, how can you know death! This sentence is: Zilu asked Confucius about ghosts and gods, and Confucius replied: If you don't know life, how can you know death! It means: you don’t even know the truth of life, how do you have so much time to care about death? (John 3:12) If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?~And this passage is what Jesus told his disciples: Jesus told his disciples how to live on earth , and the disciples did not believe and obey the teachings of Jesus, how could they know the things in heaven? I often ask my mother: who can go to heaven? Certainly one who obeys the law of God! If there is a group of people that you obviously hate, ask: would you invite them to your house to visit? Of course God will not let: those whom He hates and those who hate Him go to heaven! This is common sense! It is not possible to deceive people all over the world by mis-interpreting the Bible!

Let's keep talking about capitalism and democracy! We must know: Confucianism does not conflict with the Bible at all! Only those who do not understand the Bible will give up Confucianism and culture! The greatest harm capitalism has done to the United States is "education"! And the "Bible" has a very important Truth: we cannot worship money and God at the same time, this is the Truth Jesus told us! The biggest failure of the United States until today is: Capitalism! Capitalism makes Americans mercenary! We should look at Jewish history! The history of the Jewish state should only be 500-600 years! Because the Jews really had a country after King Saul, and Jehoiachin, the last king of Judah, was taken captive to Babylon, so the Israelites really had a country only about 500-600 years ago. What does this tell us? The Israelites don't know how to govern the country!

American capitalism is a trick of the Jews! Jews use "money" to control American politics! The U.S. government believes that as long as it has "money" and "arms", it can dominate the world! The Jews are totally wrong! "High technology" and "money" simply cannot dominate the world! Let's take a look at which dynasty in the past Chinese dynasty dominated the world with "money" and "force"? The "Qin Dynasty" burned books and robbed Confucian scholars, so the "Qin Dynasty" had a particularly short lifespan! The "Yuan Dynasty" is powerful in martial arts, but the lifespan of the Yuan Dynasty is also very short! The most powerful thing in China should be the "Government of the Sui and Tang Dynasties"! "Confucian cultural thought" has always been the mainstream culture of Chinese culture, and it is a coincidence that the traditional Confucian thought is consistent with the Bible! We do not memorize books by rote, we must understand the central idea of ​​the author when we read! And the Bible is to teach us "Truth"! Confucianism is to convey "moral culture"!

"Capitalism" educates us to become ~ money slaves! Think again: now the education in the United States and Europe is the same! All care about material satisfaction and "money" and "weapons"! These civilized people in Western society are not civilized at all! They are like gold and jade, but inside all garbage full of them! Is a beggar wearing a dragon robe the prince? A beggar wearing a dragon robe is still a beggar! If beggars don't change their beggar minds, beggars will always be beggars! And the founding of the Israelites has always been to inherit the "slave thinking"! The Israelites have always been slaves in Egypt, and the hearts of the Israelites do not want to get out of Egypt at all! The Israelites never came out of Egypt, that's why the Israelites have such a short history of the nation! Like the Egyptians, the Israelites believe that as long as they have money and military power, they can build a country! And the United States is controlled by the Jews in politics, and the Jews have turned the United States into a "capitalist" garbage country! God can destroy Egypt, can't God destroy America?

"Capitalism" doesn't just corrupt the world! "Capitalism" is a form of self-destruction! "Capitalist" education is to use piles and piles of material desires to control the people! The idea of ​​governing the country in the United States: Cultivate garbage talents in the country! Constantly using material and money to control the people is to make the people bear heavy taxes and make the people's life miserable! That's what Solomon's son Rehoboam did! Constantly launching all kinds of wars abroad! Because the United States has advanced weapons, it can rob and kill everywhere! What is the US government doing? The U.S. government is the greedy capitalists dominated by the U.S. government! The US government does not belong to the American people! The US government belongs to "capitalists"! "Capitalism" is to educate our poor children ~ they are destined to be slaves for generation and generation! Why? Because in "capitalists" countries, children receive money education from an early age! The only thing that children can break the curse of slavery is the "Bible", but these people are very powerful, let American children deviate from the Truth of the Bible from an early age, so that capitalists can control their slave thoughts for generation after generation! But now the church is completely deviated from the "biblical truth", and now the church is also "money first"! Going to church or not doesn't make a difference anymore!