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Capitalism and Democracy3

December 28, 2022


What happens when democracy and capitalism come together? Freedom is precious, and the price of money is even higher. If it is for money, your head will be thrown away! The conclusion is: people die for money! A capitalist democratic country is a group of citizens who die for money! People living in this kind of country is ~ living for money! They can "sell their freedom" and "sell their lives" for money and interests! Are people who only care about "money" good? Think for yourselves! Because "love money" and "die for money" are personal "choices", and there is "freedom" in everything that has the "right to choose"! Many people choose to live and die for "money", and "money" is their "supreme god", okay? My conclusion is definitely not good! Because I've been this way! But everyone is ~ people will never stop if they don’t meet the end! Many of them are soldiers of Egypt, and they all follow Pharaoh to the Red Sea with all their heart!

Capitalist democracies like it best ~ abusing "freedom"! ”(Deuteronomy 12:28) Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doesest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God.~ There is no problem with "democracy"! "Freedom" is no problem! There is nothing wrong with "capitalism"! But "freedom and democracy" based on "money" is a disaster for mankind! What is God telling us? We must do what is "good" and "right" in the eyes of the Lord! Democracy and freedom with "money first" ~ completely deviates from the "right way" and "good way", and completely contradicts God's commandments!

What is money-first freedom? That is, the United States can use "viruses" and "weapons" to control the whole world! The United States can sacrifice the lives and future of all mankind for "profits"! The freedom of "capitalism" is ~ all evil can be rationalized for money! This is exactly the route America is taking now! Many churches and pastors are doing the same thing, sacrificing the congregations for money! Why preach? They are not preaching "good ways" and "righteous ways", but they are preaching "the way to make money"! Turning the church into a "multilevel marketing" venue, they think they are very smart, this is called effective use of resources! You have turned the temple into a "den of thieves". Is this called efficient use of resources? You know that 90% of the Ukrainian people are in a state of famine, and Ukraine is a big food country. If 90% of the Ukrainian people are in a state of famine, Ukraine is really miserable! But the tragedy in Ukraine was not caused by Putin, it was caused by the President of Ukraine and the US government! Putin didn't attack most of Ukraine at all, why don't Ukrainian people work hard? Ukrainian people have become American people ~ they earn money, they can do anything! Ukrainian people can sell wombs, why work?

I have always emphasized that "capitalism has nothing to do with freedom and democracy", but capitalism will kill "free democracy"! Let's take the simplest example: before the United States mandatory "Covid vaccine", at the beginning the US government used "money" to attract people to get vaccinated! Many people are willing to get vaccinated for money! Later, "money" was no longer attractive, and the US government restricted people's right to work. As a result, everyone had to get vaccinated in order to work and survive! Is the "Covid vaccine" a cure? Or kill? I don't make conclusions, you think for yourself! But I know this is completely against the "right way" and "good way"! First, how effective is the vaccine? Second, is the vaccine harmful to the body? Third, will the vaccine spread the virus? Do we all have enough data to support a Covid vaccine? No! We haven't done enough research at all, we just want people all over the world to get vaccinated! What makes me find it interesting is that countries with low vaccination rates seem to be returning to normal life soon!

I do not criticize nor judge the Ukrainian and American people! But the Bible has clearly told us: You cannot worship money and worship God! We ask ourselves: 1. Do "vaccines" really help humans? 2. Will "war" really resolve the conflict between Russia and Ukraine? "War" will never solve the problem! Tell everyone one thing: The United States is now forcing Russia to use nuclear weapons! The tactics of the United States are really shabby! Can the U.S. government find some useful people to run the country? Can we not use those brain-dead people? "Brain disabled people" should retire like Obama! You American government officials should all retire and step down! Russia used nuclear weapons against Ukraine, of course in Ukraine! Now, as long as the Ukrainian president uses a small nuclear bomb against Russia, Russia will definitely use nuclear weapons against Ukraine! Why did Ukraine dare to attack Moscow? Ukraine is now firing missiles towards the Russian mainland, which is not funny at all! Ukraine is provoking Russia's bottom line!

If the battlefield of nuclear weapons is in Ukraine, then European countries will suffer! If the battlefield of nuclear weapons is in Russia, then China and Asia may be in trouble! Where do you think the nuclear battlefield should be? I'm guessing it's in Russia! Because it's killing two birds with one stone! Russia and China can be knocked out! And China may hope to use "money" to solve the problem, but I can tell China: "money" will never solve the problem! The US government is like a greedy wolf! They are never satisfied, they will use different means to get what they want! Like Big Big Wolf in Pleasant Goat, very stupid! stupid! But at least in order to eat mutton ~ work hard! The U.S. government is now a thug of the "capitalists"! What do "capitalists" value? "Benefits"! Wherever there are "profits", deal with them! And the "capitalists" don't need to take action, they let the US government help Ukraine, they eliminate the Russian and China governments, and they support their own governments, they can control Russia and the China (this is an ideal situation)!

If you are more ruthless! "Virus" kills too slowly! The United States has 6,000 nuclear warheads! How to play? For capitalists: Is there a difference between 8 billion people in the world and 500 million people in the world? Be more ruthless! As long as Russia moves Ukraine! Eliminate Russia and China, including North Korea, immediately! We need to know that "nuclear weapons" are not ordinary weapons! Whoever uses "nuclear weapons" first will be the "world hegemony"! "Nuclear weapons" are not ordinary weapons to fight back and forth! Let's think again: who do these "capitalists" need to care about? Who do they need to care about besides themselves? The United States is very ruthless in destroying its enemies! And they really regard all Chinese as the enemy of the Americans! Look at how Trump deals with the Chinese! Just know how much they hate Chinese people! And why do black people hate Chinese people? These are not without reason! We better all be mentally prepared! If tomorrow is the end of the world, will you continue to do evil today? What exactly do Americans get from capitalist democracy? Do "viruses" and "weapons" benefit Americans? All U.S. government officials and capitalists benefit!