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Capitalism and Democracy5

December 30, 2022

Yesterday I cried and asked God: Why am I so poor? I could have retired a long time ago, but because I wanted to do your ministry, I gave up a better job opportunity and I study hard every day, and I was still really poor! I don't want to apply food stamps at all, who wants to get benefits? This year is really the poorest year of my life! I'm the kind of person who is preparing to retire, and I can't beat the pressure of inflation. See how many people are really poor enough to eat? How many elderly people cannot retire at all and must continue to work again? Those who says that America is good at capitalism! You are all great! You are all rich! There is no inflation in your life at all. Inflation can't afford food. That's the poor's business. What's the matter with the rich? There is never "fairness" in a capitalist country! A capitalist country is a hereditary system! Rich people always have money! The poor are always poor! The children of politicians either continue to be in politics, or do business to make money, and then go into politics! This is the benefit of capitalism ~ hereditary for rich people and for powerful people!

The United States does not need small businesses at all, and the United States does not encourage small businesses! Small businesses will disperse capital, small businesses will exploit the business of consortiums, and small businesses will give people the opportunity to meet their basic needs! The U.S. government encourages vandalism! Why encourage vandalism? Because the people need government protection! All the more reason for the government to raise the police budget! The US government has created various "imaginary enemies" in the world! They created "Cuba", "China" and "Russia" as imaginary enemies! As long as the country does not listen to the words of the US government, it is the enemy of the United States! In this way, the United States can continue to increase "military expenditure" domestically, while the international community can continue to create "wars" and fabricate all kinds of war scares! Why make up all kinds of war scares? Because they can sell "weapons"! The US government is controlled by "capitalists"! All profits are given priority to the business of capitalists! The U.S. government uses the tax money of the American people to help the military industry develop new products, and then, to help the military industry create wars and imaginary enemies, and sell the weapons of the military industry! The military industry then "bribes" politicians with the profits from selling weapons. What kind of industrial chain is this? Can we stop them to make money? (Why America politicians can make money for themselves, but America has so high debts?

There is also a profitable industrial chain! Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt politicians! Although Trump has not had a war for four years, Trump is laying out a larger industrial chain! This industrial chain was conceived by Obama and carried forward by Trump! The industrial chain of the war was conceived by the Republican Party and carried forward by the Democratic Party! The Republican Party has always made money with the military-industrial consortium, but this time it only uses the Democratic Party to make money, but the military-industrial group still uses American politicians to make money! And the medical industry chain also uses politicians to make money! Let's take a look at how much evil the United States has done by developing viruses and using vaccines to make money from AIDS to flu vaccines. And is the Covid virus really a coincidence? Do you think that Trump's resignation is the result of cheating by the Democratic Party? It's an open secret! Capital consortia already have their plans! Trump is a tool used by capitalists to make money! And Trump can make money and be an American hero, so why not do it? It's just that Americans are really really pretty stupid! So stupid that I can't find an adjective...

Do you know? Talking to the kind of "self-smart fools" are the most tiring in the world! What you say to them, they can't listen, and they have no brains! Talking to such a self-smart fool, I'd rather teach pigs to climb trees! It's easier to "teach a pig to climb a tree" than to show them how wrong they are with "sself-mart fools"! These "sself-mart fools" never see their mistakes! Trump is an expert at juggling this kind of "self-smart fools"! Therefore, we see the group of "fools who think they are smart" closely following Trump, and those who regard Trump as a god are all crazy! Let me tell you how Trump uses them and tricks them! Trump uses public opinion to attack the "Democratic Party", but in fact, the Democratic Party is really ugly! The Democratic Party is also made up of a group of greedy pig politicians, but the Democratic Party just looks ugly! The Democratic Party is not soft on corruption! The Republican Party is the bunch of cunning and greedy politicians! Did the Republican Party accept bribes? Of course there is! But the Republicans will at least cover themselves up a bit! The Democratic Party is completely open to "corruption"!


(Proverbs 22:7) The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.~We are controlled by these consortia from generation to generations! Because we are forever poor! Who are you still stupid? Think Democrats and Republicans will help the American people? These corrupt politicians are basically thugs of the consortium! If they are not corrupt, they cannot be politicians at all! Without the support of the consortium, they cannot become government officials at all! And government officials still have many levels. If they don't have a certain level, they don't know the internal plan at all! Playing politics must be sinister, ruthless, and greedy enough! Otherwise, how can you play with them, no one politican is kind person! Playing house with jackals--jokes? A friend just asked me about vaccines and viruses in Singapore! I told her: There are different kinds of viruses! There are different kinds of vaccines! I think everyone is confused, what do you mean?

"Biotechnology" is fun! Let me explain so you guys understand! "Viruses" include deadly viruses and non-lethal viruses! "Vaccines" have vaccines with different ingredients! Whether it is effective or not is not important, will it spread the virus that is the point? There are dead people in Singapore, why are there dead people in Singapore? Wrong vaccination! Singapore is the most successful "vaccine demonstration area"! Logically speaking: Singapore should not spread the virus at all! We all know how big Singapore is? And Singapore is so strictly controlled! Why is Singapore the most successful "vaccine demonstration zone" in the world? If, we only focus on the number of confirmed cases and deaths in Singapore, we will think that Singapore is simply "anti-epidemic"! In fact, this is the most brilliant method of the fraud group! Why are countries around the world restricting Chinese entry? Because they all know what the Chinese strain is? I have always emphasized "different strains" and "different vaccines"! I can only say: American politicians are too ruthless! they will surely be punished! Americans really need to open their eyes and stop being that "fools who think self-smart"! Americans are really being played around by these politicians! This is only part of the secret, and there are more scandals!