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Capitalism and Democracy6

December 31, 2022

We need to understand what is the essence of capitalism "selfishness and greed"! Many people have asked me: What is wrong with America? The real problem with America and American education is: "selfish and greedy" education! Isn't there a church in America? Isn't the United States a country founded on Christianity? God puts me in everything for a reason! Just like what God gave me in January 2020: (Ezekiel 5:6) And she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the nations, and my statutes more than the countries that are round about her: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes, they have not walked in them.~ I always thought Ezekiel's country meant China, then I found out I was wrong! God means America! And God wants me to pray for Trump. I thought Trump was the candidate for president in God's heart, but then I was wrong again! God wants me to pray for stopping Trump's evil and repent! After these 3 years, I fully see the faithfulness and power of God! What God has said ~ will surely come true! There should be 3 years of famine in the United States in the future, you read that right~ it is the United States! And the future population will definitely be 2 billion left! God has always given us the opportunity to repent, but the sword of God is out! There is no chance of repentance! What you want to do, just do it quickly! Will there be famine in America? It feels impossible! Nothing is impossible with God! (3 years ago, God gave me this scripture before Chinese New Year, and now it is the same!)

In the past 3 years, I have seen how Christianity deviates from the truth! Both Christian churches and Christian schools have turned the Temple of God into a den of thieves! Now I help you to re-understand and redefine Christianity. Christianity should be the only religion of mankind, and this is also the only hope of our mankind! I am not forcing you to become Christians! I just want you to understand one thing: true "Christianity" is to believe that we have only one "Creator" and that Creator is "the only God"! And what is the core content of Christianity and the Bible: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself! When we understand that this is the core value of Christianity, we must understand that it does not matter whether we read the Bible or not! It doesn't matter if you are baptized or not! Most importantly, have we done it: Love God and love our neighbor as ourselves? ! And loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself is the sum total of the New Testament and the Old Testament! Why is Christianity becoming more and more corrupt? Because they are the ones who teach Christians to "worship money"! Christians and Christian teachings have become "money first", and we cannot go to heaven even if we are baptized 1,000 times!

(1 Corinthians 13:1) Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.--Thinking about why Christianity is so corrupt? The excuse many Christians have is: Christianity is out of date! Christianity is behind! I can tell everyone: "Love" will never lag behind! "Love and care" is never out of season! And many people often say: Christianity is the overflow of "love", and Christianity will be corrupted! Is "doting" "true love"? I want to tell you a Truth: if we do things with "True Love", God will surely bless us! In "True Love", there is no fault! We really want to touch our own conscience, is what we do ~really loving others? Or are we doing it for our own benefits? God is always the God who searches the heart! God can see the evil of the United States and Trump, can't God see the evil in our hearts! ?

China has now started to trace the source of the Covid virus, which should have been done in 2020! What did the United States do in these 3 years? "Do evil"! What are Americans doing? The Americans are "blind" together! Americans are "blind eyes" and "blind hearts"! Now Americans are being punished. It seems that there is a problem with the cornea replacement technology, which will make many people "blind eyes"! Isn't it wise for God to punish people? God is the only Creator! I will not ask you to become a Christian, but we must know: We have the Creator who is in charge of the universe! There are many people who will think me bad! Don't let people go to heaven! Jesus said: You need to be reborn by "water" and "Holy Spirit"! The true meaning of "Water Rebirth" is to sever the "sin" of the past! The real purpose of "Rebirth of the Holy Spirit" is that the Holy Spirit will be with us! Just because a person is baptized doesn't mean he can go to heaven! Must be "regenerated by the Holy Spirit"! And those who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit will definitely see the "Creator"! The most famous example in the Bible "Paul"! So, I'm just explaining what Jesus said: Every word Jesus said ~ must be fulfilled! Jesus said: Loving God and loving your neighbor as yourself is the sum total of the Bible! Therefore, we must believe that there is the "Creator", and if we love others with "true love", we will surely go to heaven!

Why did I talk about "capitalism" and "democracy" with you instead of talking about religion? Because we don't need to care about the political system, what we need to care about is the people who manage us! If all the people who rule us are corrupt officials, then no matter how successful the political system is, it will not be able to make the people haveing happiness life! Seeing that the Western world has been advocating "euthanasia", "abortion", "homosexuality", "transgender" recently... and the research and development of "virus" and "vaccine" are all for "killing live"! There is a thought in Buddhism that I really don't like! What human beings are "birth, old age, sickness and death", "life without love and hope"... I really don't like this kind of disregard for the meaning and value of life! Why are more and more people in this world choosing "euthanasia" and "suicide" because they feel that life is painic! God created human beings so that we "love" God's creation! "Love" our life! "Love" our environments! "Love everthing God creation". "Love" our every day! This is the most meaningful and valuable thing in life! Don't focus on "money" and "benefits" in life, ask yourself: How to turn every unlovable person around us into a lovable person, this is how we truly understand the meaning of "love your neighbor as yourself"! To love the Creator is to love God's creation! God made everything good! I wish you all have a Happy New Year! Let's have a brand new 2023!