Went to worship at a Catholic church on Christmas Eve! As a result, I saw a very sad scene: A quite large church, with a few old gentlemen and old ladies remaining worshiping! Why is it that the streets of Dyker Heights are full of people, but cannot attract people to stop by the church for a short time? I discovered that the Catholic Church has a pretty big problem: They don't teach biblical "truth"! Why? They just "pray"! This is the most wrong concept among Christians around the world: If we don’t understand the “truth” of the Bible, how can we be “blessed”? Christians all over the world have this misconception: As long as I am willing to "pray", God will definitely "answer and achieved"! Who is talking nonsense? Where does the Bible tell Christians that prayers will definitely come true and be answered? Christians around the world must change their misconceptions: Christians must "Work the truth" in order for our prayers to be "Answered"! If there is an Antichrist who does not practice the truth, can prayers be answered? "Answered Prayers" this is God's "grace"!
The Bible says: The prayer of a righteous man has great effect! What means? "Righteous people" do not pray casually! “Righteous people” do not pray to God to work on “unrighteous things”! Just like Abraham prayed for Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham finally asked that as long as there were 10 righteous people in the city, Jehovah God would not destroy the city! There were not even 10 righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah! Later, Jehovah God saved Lot and his family! Why did Abraham continue to pray? Because Abraham knew: God is merciful and righteous, but he cannot completely allow sin! 10 righteous people are already Jehovah God’s bottom line! We must understand that when God punishes people, He must punish those around them along with they! Just like Eve gave Adam to eat: the fruit of good and evil from the tree of good and evil! Adam did not pick the fruit of good and evil, and Adam did not listen to the serpent, but Adam still had to be punished. The punishment was the same as Eve. Why? Adam clearly knew the law of Jehovah God, but did Adam reject Eve’s fruit of good and evil? No! Did Adam ask Eve to confess her sin? No! Did Adam tell Eve that you had sinned? No! Therefore, Adam deserves punishment! Among them, snakes have the lightest punishment. Why? Snakes are inherently evil! It was in its nature to deceive Eve! What did God punish the snake for? Walking on its belly is the nature of snakes, isn't it? To put it more clearly: The snake and the devil are of the same kind, why did Eve listen to the devil?
I would like to ask Catholic priests: If you do not teach biblical truth, how will the congregation know "truth"? (Deuteronomy 12:28) Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the LORD thy God.~We must understand: We must do things that are “right” and “good” in the eyes of Jehovah God, only then can we be blessed! Many people ask me: Why are the Jews blessed? Where are the Jews blessed? Are Jews blessed if they have money? The Jews are miserable! The Jews are worse off than the Taiwanese! Taiwan has a population of 23 million! The Jews have been wandering for thousands of years, and their population is only 15 million! The Jews drifted to various countries around the world, and it was easier for them to survive! Why are their populations smaller? Let’s look at the Jews again. If the Jews didn’t have “money” to protect them, could they survive in the world? Jews without "money" are more disgusting than garbage! Why? Ask how many people around you like Jews?
"Jews" and "Indians" are almost the same! Sometimes I feel that Jews and Indians should be the same! Jews should not stay in the United States, they should go to India! India has a population of 1.4 billion that can be enslaved, and India has the "caste system" that the Jews love most! The "class division" in India is quite serious! What is the problem between Jews and Indians? "Class issue"! The "class issue" is also a problem that the United States needs to face now! Both Jews and Indians are "profit-seeking" and will do everything for money! I believe everyone who has set up a factory in India understands this! Why can't Jews and Indians get rid of "slavery"? We are chatting away again! The Bible clearly tells us: We must do what is “right and good” in the eyes of the Lord. We will be blessed, and our descendants will also be blessed. I want to ask you: If you don’t read the Bible, how can you understand the requirements of Jehovah God? The Bible is not a decoration. The Bible must be "practiced." If you don't know the "truth" of the Bible, how can you "practice the truth"?
This time Israel attacks Palestine, Christians all over the world make me stumble! This is not a "war of faith"! What idiots are you playing? You "devils in the name of faith" go to hell! Are you religious leaders inhumane devils? Why does Israel kill innocent people indiscriminately? There are also some religions that spread "lies"! Will Israel provide water, electricity, and medical care to the Palestinian people "for free"? Are you idiots? Israel makes money everything, and nothing for free. Americans people know Jew chaebols! If the Israeli government really treated the Palestinian people well, would there be Hamas? If the Israeli government treats the Palestinian people well, will Palestinian children say they cannot grow up? All you liars go to hell! Israel's attack on Palestine has nothing to do with "religion"! This is not a conflict between "Muslims" and "Jews", this is a "massacre"! From 36 hospitals to 9 hospitals, at least more than 200,000 Palestinians were killed or injured! Are 9 hospitals good enough? Anyone with a bit of "humanity" and a bit of "intelligence" knows that Israel is massacring the Palestinian people! As for those who tell lies, they are either "mentally retarded" or completely "inhuman devils"! Do you want to believe the words of "mentally retarded" people? Or do you follow the "inhuman devil"?
There are 1.6 billion Christians in the world, but why is the world so corrupt? Every Christian, let us ask ourselves: Are we “real Christians”? Or are we “anti-Christians”? A true Christian must do what is “good and right” in the eyes of the Lord! A true Christian will never "open his eyes and tell lies"! Christians will not take advantage of their brothers and sisters, let alone use God’s name to do evil things!