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Christians' Authorities!

October 16, 2022

New York has several ghost departments, and we Christians need to start casting out ghosts! Now is the time to show off the hard power of Christians! These departments are in the power of the devils. If we really want to become disciples of Jesus, we must take back the departments in which the devils is in power! 1. Government departments: The New York State government and the city government are all under the control of the devils! 2. Energy Sector: We have to take back all the energy sector to benefit the people of New York! 3. Medical system: New York's medical system has a lot of ills, we must eliminate the devils! 4. Education system: New York's education has tended to be demonized, and it is imperative that the education system casts out demons! 5. Insurance system: This system is more professional, but it still has to be clean! 6. Network communication system: These all need to be redefined! 7. Corruption and waste in the executive department of cities and the state branch! 8. Heavy punishments for scam groups! 9. Care for the elderly and vulnerable groups! If we clean up the ghosts in these 9 departments, I guarantee the crime rate in New York will drop!

Christians have the power to "heal" and "cast out demons"! But many Christians simply don't know it, and they won't use it! When we become Christians, each of us has the authority to "heal" and "cast out demons"! But these authorities must be learned! Why is it necessary to attend Sunday worship to become a Christian? Sunday worship is not singing, dancing and eating the Holy communion! Sunday Worship is for every Christian to learn the authority to "heal" and "cast out demons"!

Simplest example: Why can Buddhists help believers to have a better mentality? Why are Christians noisy, jealous, bitter, complaining...? Because we are all learning heresy! We throw in the trash the authority Jesus gave us to "heal" and "cast out demons"! "Healing" is the easiest thing to do! There are many people who are troubled by different things, maybe you can't help them relieve their troubles, but at least you can help them relieve their emotions! Letting others scold for no reason may express their emotions, but how many Christians are willing to be the outlet to vent their emotions? We can't do any great healing, but we can do the simplest kind of healing, which is... (Matthew 5:5) Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. ~ We must be a gentle person, not a person who will not fight back, but a gentle person! Only a gentle and considerate heart can bear the earth! Can we use a tender heart to appreciate the pain and difficulties of others? Only when we have a tender and considerate heart can we win more good soil for God! We need to take back the soil not for ourselves, but for the kingdom of God, and work hard for the hard soil in the hearts of more people to become good soil! Come on! True Christians! We begin to exercise the authority to "heal" and "cast out demons"!