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Christians, don't let your Jealousy Destroy the Kingdom of God!

April 9, 2022

        Thank God! God is so faithful! Full of love and grace, completely new boiler and heater! Totally free!  This is grace! My god is really too cute and too great! He knows my needs!

          Just chatting with 3 people who came to install the machine, I asked them: Do you believe in Jesus?  2 of them are Christians and 1 doesn't seem to believe in God! And both believers are Catholics because they are Latino! The other one is white! The Faith of white Americans has completely collapsed! And another Latino said: His wife doesn't believe in God! His wife is a teacher, and his wife said: The school teaches that there are neither men nor women! Although his wife doesn't believe in God, she said: It is not the teacher's responsibility to teach these things that are the responsibility of the parents! New York State requires the teachers to teach students don't know boys or girls. Our kids have to accept this kind of education! Therefore, she never taught such things that don't know neither men or women! She said: They don't use my mouth to teach these rubbish!

          The worst thing about American education is that they are already distorting Christian beliefs and values! Why is Faith getting worse and worse? There are many people who believe, but there are more people who do evil things and become evil people! It is because too many churches preach for the purpose of making money! If we cannot pass the test of money and material desires, how can we preach better? Preachers today should ask themselves a question: Do you really have a calling from God? Is God's call to preach? Or God wants you to clean church? Or God just wants you to stop being evil things?  There are many callings from God, not everyone is called to preach, the Holy Spirit will give us different callings according to individuals and characteristics and circumstances! And the most important calling of Christians is to understand God's call and be a good steward of all kinds of gifts!

          We don't have to be famous, but we must be "honest people"! No matter how many gifts and callings there are, but with bad intentions, everything is in vain! The people God uses must be "upright people"! Unrighteous people, God will never use! Unrighteous people, God will never give grace! Don't forget! Paul was gifted to perform miracles after he repented! When he persecuted Christians, he relied on his own ability and his own authority! The Bible already has many witnesses! We need to believe in these witnesses so that we don't let our faith become a hollow fruit without faith!

          Christians are not about learning how to be hypocritical! The most important thing for Christians is our relationship with God! We don't have to care what others think of us, but we must care what God thinks of us! God is our true master! Only He can rule our lives and life time! And the Creator can dominate our future! I asked them about religion to evangelize because I think they are young and they should believe in science and not God! But their answers surprised me! Is there any hope for New York?  The answer is that New York is promising! 2 out of 3 are Christians, and the other white guy looks dazed!  What does this represent? Together with the other 2/3 Christians, we will make the life of the 1/3 dazed people no longer the same,and they have a chance to renew their life! 

          New York still has a tough road ahead! The most important thing is ~ the government is evil! Now the U.S. government uses evil to rule the American people! We can make more money, but we also have to pay more taxes! If we obey the government, we can make money! If you don't obey the government, you must be locked up at home! Drug addiction, prostitution, abortion, beating, smashing, looting and burning are all methods used by the government to control the people! What kind of police do we train?  The police who issued the tickets! What teachers do we train? Trash teacher! Teacher without morality!  What doctors do we train? Doctors without ethics! It's the government's evil who controls the people, and let people stupit to control! Because our government officials are a bunch of brainless officials! A truly powerful leader will make the people stronger and stronger!  (John 14:12) Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.~Jesus is Capable leaders! He has promised us that those who believe in Him will do greater than Him! Look how proud! It's like a bunch of pastors now have pink eye disease!  These people are doomed to die! They will let their jealousy kill themselves, and they will not grow in their entire lives! Don't let Jealousy to kill God's kingdom!