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Christians!End your Scam!

March 31, 2022

          I would like to ask Christians: Why do you want to go to church? Since you believe in evolution, you shouldn't go to church! Since you believe in the Big Bang, you don't have to go to church! Since you believe there is no creator, don't go to church! There should be no Christians in this world at all! Since you believe in chicken soup for the soul, you should look for chicken soup for the soul! You believe in money, you should worship money! You believe in your knowledge, and you can just treat yourselves as gods! Don't need to go to church anymore! Going to church first, waste of time! Second, your deceitful behavior is what God hates the most! Third, going to church will only increase your sin and let your lies deceive more people! If you go to church to deduct taxes, you can use other names to make money!

          (Jeremiah 17:9) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? ~ Jeremiah is really right! The heart is deceitful above all things! You believe that science is all truth, and you should rely on science to eliminate the plague! If you believe in science, you should not be afraid of climate change. You should use science to eliminate all factors that are unfavorable to climate. The most unfavorable factor is "people"! You believe in the supremacy of science, you believe in your abilities, and you can rely on yourself! I totally refuse to follow you!

           I believe in the Creator! Like I said: I believe Joshua defeated the Amalekites, not because Joshua could fight, but because Moses prayed for Joshua, because Moses didn't droop! You believe that the number of your people is strength, then you can rely on yourself! I don't believe in vaccines! I don't trust people! I won't put my fate in anyone's hands either! I will not worship money and monkeys! I don't think of monkeys as ancestors! I only believe in one Lord who created all things in the universe!  Believe in your God! Like, the Jews said to Jesus: Your God should save you! Why was Jesus not saved?  This has already foreshadowed that your fate will be the same as that of the Jews~ miserable! Jesus originally died for sinners, but if sinners do not accept salvation, then salvation has nothing to do with you! Jesus told his disciples to preach, and never forced people to accept the true way! Families who are unwilling to accept the true way will shake off the dust! Your actions have shown your will and determined your future!