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Cleaning New York!

January 4, 2023

We've been really pretty stupid for the past 3 years! "Covid" is a means of weeding out the population! The American world and Western countries have been using different methods to eliminate the population. The most common thing we hear is "eugenics", and later "abortion", "homosexuality", "transgender", "euthanasia"! Recently, it has become more ruthless and used "viruses" to eliminate the population! Why are they weeding out the population? Because these people have no use value! What kind of people does the virus eliminate? The people who died from the virus are all in line with the above types of eliminated populations! "Covid Virus" Elimination: 1. "Covid Virus" Eliminates "Poor People"! There is no doubt about it! If you are poor and you have to work, you will be infected, and you will be infected with the virus. You have no place to isolate, so if one person is infected, the whole family will get sick! And the number of viruses is increasing, of course, the disease will be aggravated, and death will become inevitable! If you get the Covid virus, you may not die, but if you don't get good treatment and recuperation, you will die of course! 2. "Covid virus" eliminates "unhealthy" people! This is beyond doubt!

Finally, the "Covid virus" eliminates "stupid people"! I must tell everyone that there are quite huge amount "stupid people"! If the people who die from the Covid virus are not poor and healthy, it can only prove that they are all stupid! Why do I say this? "Covid Virus" is not SARS! The fatality rate of the original strain of "Covid viruses" is at most 1%, and it is in the elderly with underlying diseases! Why do I say: it is stupid for many healthy people to die from the Covid virus? It's easy! They trust the experts and medical team too much! Too much trust in those messy scientific reports! Fooled still thanking those experts and medical team! Let me tell you again: people with interests involved should not be trusted! First, why is the "Covid virus" spreading rapidly? Do you remember that at the beginning, Trump kept telling everyone: "Covid virus" is not a big deal, it's just a cold! Many young people didn't even wear masks! Later, the virus spread rapidly, and New York became the hardest hit area! The situation in New York in the past is now the Chinese version is broadcast! How many people have been killed by the ignorance of these experts and national leaders? Britain has idiot leaders too! Spreading false news caused so many deaths in New York, and the "Covid virus" in the United States has never stopped for 2-3 years! Are these rich people dying of their health stupid? Second, there is a problem with the "test kit"! Just like I just said to my friend: Why did someone cough serious to death and have fevers, but the test result was negative? Why are there so many "asymptomatic infections"? I can only say: the fraud group is really powerful! Do you know how the "Covid virus" spreads? Detection kit! The test kit turns "confirmed patients" into "negative" reactions, and they are free to go out and spread the virus! And the "undiagnosed patient" becomes a "positive" reaction, so you must stay at home obediently! Why do you want to do this? Only in this way can the virus spread faster! This can also explain: Why so many asymptomatic infections! And China has only opened up for a few days. China was so strictly controlled before, how could it get out of control all of a sudden? Many people did not go out at all, and turned into positive patients for no reason! There are still many hidden truths about the usage of "Covid virus". The time has not come yet, so I can't tell you! Because these interest groups will use the "Covid virus" to earn a fortune from the Chinese people and people all over the world and hit China's economy!

Dealing with corruption in New York. The government has to deal with it! If the New York government does not deal with corruption, we will never have a good life! These people think New Yorkers are fools and idiots, they can trample and kill us at their will! Ways to deal with government workers 1. "Pay compensation"! Residents who lived in New York after 2015 will be compensated $50,000 per person! In the past few years, we have been worried, lost our jobs, and loved ones should be compensated! As long as you have lived in New York for 7 years, you are eligible to claim compensation! 2. "Salary cut"! All New York government staffs are calculated at the minimum wage, and all government staffs are paid at "hourly wages"! Benefits can be kept! There is no differential treatment by position, as long as the government salary is calculated, it will be calculated according to the minimum hourly wage, and it is an hourly wage system! Why do I want to do this? Are they running for governor and government officials for "money"? Are the teachers in the school doing it for "money"? Are government employees doing it for "money"? Including "policemen and firefighters, as well as soldiers", all government sstuff alaries are based on "minimum hourly wages" and "calculation of working hours"! Salary cuts must start with government departments! In this way, corrupt and badly behaved government employees can be eliminated! Government departments cannot become temples of corruption and crimes!

3. "Investigate corruption"! Anyone who accepts "bribes" exceeding the $25 limit will be confiscated! No matter how much you charge! "Briber-takers" and "briber-givers" all confiscated property! (Deuteronomy 27:25) Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person. And all the people shall say, Amen. ~ As long as they have received or delivered bribes, their property will be confiscated! New York stipulates that $25 gift card can be accepted! Anyone who exceeds $25 will start to accept real-name reports! Why do I want to do this? Because the school takes bribes and turns into a school shop, the children will be quite injured, and the teachers will treat the children of the rich differently, which is especially good! And New York has firefighting equipment in many buildings, as well as restaurant sanitation and police...etc. These government departments are all closely related to people's lives. If these departments "take bribes", our people will be miserable! All "bribery- receivers" and "bribery-givers" will be confiscated! Only in this way can we cut off "bribery"! Goes back 30 years! Start to set up private bribery investigation agencies, and welcome to report these current corrupt officials with their real names! As long as the industry is related to more than 100 people, it is called "public profit enterprise"! And "public profit undertakings" must cut off "bribery"! My suggestions are definitely not suggestions! New Yorkers take actions! Bribery must be wiped out of New York government, if we want to live....we have to spare no blood! We confiscate their property!