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Constitution Myth2

December 7, 2022

Let's talk about the US Constitution today! The U.S. Constitution is really interesting, simple, but fun! For a manipulator, the U.S. Constitution is a great tool for manipulating the American people and government! Let me talk to you about the amendment first! Why is there an amendment? Because the amendment is to make up for the shortcomings of the constitution! When I finish talking about the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. may have to go bankrupt~ to appease the world's anger! And a lot of people have to go bankrupt, there shouldn't be a gap between rich and poor in America, we've got it all wrong, America is not a "capitalist" country at all, America should be a federal system, and federalism has nothing to do with capitalism! Everything must start with the amendment! How many amendments does the U.S. Constitution have? The U.S. Constitution has more than 11,000 amendments by 2016! Are there still American troops and justices dead? You let the traitors harm the United States and the world at all?


The U.S. Constitution was enacted in 1789, and 10 amendments were issued in 1791, because the 1789 Constitution was enacted by 9 states, and 13 states signed it, and the amendment was also signed by 13 states! So, the real U.S. Constitution is the text of the Constitution in 1789 and the 10 Amendments to the Constitution in 1791! Therefore, the amendments after 1791 do not belong to the US Constitution! Because we need to know: Whoever made the law must have the consent of the person who made it, so that the change can be considered effective. Therefore, any law that has not been approved by the 13 states... is invalid! The US government is really outrageous and too much! From 1791 to 1992, there were only 27 amendments, and by 2016 there were more than 11,000 amendments! What do you think of the laws? Can the "laws" be amended at will? (Revelation 22:19) And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.~The U.S. government can amend the constitution at will. How reliable is this government? And the U.S. Constitution definitely protects the people!


(The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protect the right to keep and bear arms.) Let's talk about the Second Amendment to the Constitution: guaranteeing the right of the people to keep and bear arms. We must remember that people have the right to wear "weapons"! Trump is talking nonsense, this is not just the right to own guns, but the people can have howitzers and any "weapons"! Therefore, the Constitution and the Constitutional Amendment are weapons to protect the people! These judges are violating the Constitution if, people are accused of illegally possessing guns! The U.S. government really treats the people as fools. You unite with these consortia and oligarchs to betray the country and the people! You take our tax money, but you support consortiums and oligarchs! You better step down and go home to farm, or you will be miserable! And the army and the police, you are here to protect the safety of the people, you are not following government officials to do evil, your salaries are paid by taxpayers, not government officials! Is it difficult to make a howitzer? It's not difficult at all! And the American people have the Constitutional basis to protect themselves!


After I read the Constitutional Amendments carefully, I really understood that the first 10 Constitutional Amendments are necessary! But the subsequent Amendments are all purposeful, and they are all dispensable! The 18th Amendment banned alcohol in 1919! The 19th Amendment 1920 Women's Suffrage! 22nd Amendment 1951 President re-elected once! American politicians are really ugly! Does Presidential Reelection Need an Amendment? The Constitution has clearly stipulated! Amendment needed for women's suffrage? The Constitution has given every 18-year-old equal treatment! These were already prescribed in 1791! And after 1900, the constitution was amended frequently, the purpose is to benefit the consortia and those business giants! Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, people's hearts have become quite ugly. These politicians have used all kinds of political resources in order to hollow out the country and enslave the people. Why do I say that the US Constitution is very good? Because the U.S. Constitution has seen the ugliness of government!


Why does the U.S. Constitution allow the people to have arms? Because the government cannot regulate the evil, the people must stand up to protect themselves! It seems that now is the time for the people to rise up and protect themselves! The U.S. government not only hurts the American people, but the U.S. government hurts people all over the world! I will have more important content of the US Constitution text tomorrow! The whole world should open their eyes to see! Keep your eyes open to see how God punishes these villains in America! God has warned these greedy people in January 2020, but they have not repented! Americans wait... God has his own timetable! We need God's howitzers, better than we make our own!