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Constitution Myth4

December 9, 2022

Let’s continue to talk about the U.S. Constitution today, and we will know how evil the U.S. officials are. 100 shots by these beasts are not enough! American journalists do not expose the real situation of 911! American journalists do not expose corruption in the US government! American journalists do not expose the chaos in American society! American journalists will only care about how China has no human rights. I would like to ask: Does China have human rights? You useless people! Really full! There are 1.4 billion people in China, I can tell you: Chinese people have a more sense of justice than you beasts! I have lived in China, I know Chinese people! The Chinese can bear it, but once the Chinese get angry, no one can resist it! We are not cowardly, let alone easy to bully, but we should not be too selfish, we need to take care of the overall situation! One person's sacrifice is nothing! We cannot let 1.4 billion Chinese suffer, this is the real Chinese people! The Chinese people dare to bear it! China is willing to suffer! Chinese people are willing to think of others! Chinese culture teaches Chinese people can't be a selfish person. What do Americans have? Americans just have "lies" and "selfishness"! Do you think your aircraft, cannons, and biochemical weapons are powerful? The Chinese are not afraid! You don't know much about Chinese people! If I am a selfish person and I wouldn't be banned accounts by America social medias! Poor Americans do everything just for profits!


How many traitorous officials are there in the United States? Let's see for ourselves! Article 2, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution clearly stipulates that corruption and bribery are prohibited! Those who accept corruption and bribery must step down immediately, and their property will be confiscated! Why is the corruption of American officials so serious? Elected officials, in particular, are blatantly corrupt! Because in the United States, once you are elected, you will never step down. Just like the US justice, you will grow old and die, and you will still do evil until you die! Is it easy for US officials to "impeach" now? Is it easy to "remove"? There is "no justice" in American politics, only "partisanship"! That "party" controls the American political arena, and that "party" can embezzle and betray the country. The U.S. Constitution restricts the government, but can human nature and the deceitfulness of the human heart restrict it? The United States has gone to today with four words "politicians destroy the country"! Eliminate the "Fed"! Destroy the "Democratic Party"! Destroy the "Republican Party"! Only America can truly belong to Americans!


Article 3, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution clearly stipulates that wars cannot be launched casually and state-owned assets cannot be bought or sold! How many wars has the United States waged in the past few decades? The U.S. Constitution stipulates that there are principles for waging war: the enemy must invade the country! It is the enemy attacking the United States! The United States is qualified to wage war! After the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the United States has been constantly launching wars and detonating and supporting wars. Why? Because these are controlled by business groups! The purpose of the United States launching the war: to help the military industrial groups sell weapons! How evil is the US government? The U.S. government not only helps military-industrial complexes launch wars and sell weapons, but also transfers U.S. oil shale and natural gas resources to commercial oligarchs! We have been completely controlled by the "Federal Reserve" financially, and our "oil shale" and "natural gas" resources have become the capital of these business groups to exploit "people all over the world"!


How evil is the US government? Does weapon development, high-tech development, and biomedical technology development need funds? Funding is needed of course! These funds are all out of the pockets of our taxpayers. Why does the United States have 30 trillion in debt? We, the American people, pay for the development of weapons and high technology, who benefits? Benefit from different business groups! Why does the United States have Fortune 500 companies in the world? If they don't have government support, where are they going to have money for R&D? The U.S. government has never wanted to focus on people's livelihood. The U.S. government must emphasize ~ strong America! The US government just wants to control the world hegemony! Because the whole world is a slave to these oligarchs! "Politics" is fun, but American politicians are overplaying it! You politicians are really greedy! Use "high-tech weapons" to continuously create wars! Use "biomedical technology" to treat people's health as a cash cow! Using "high technology" to constantly fool and fool the people! Your time is up...

American citizens must begin to implement the "citizenship" of the United States! We must pledge allegiance to the United States of America! Our allegiance is not to "Corrupt America"! The "corrupt state of America" ​​is the public enemy of the people of the world! Are U.S. citizens really useless? Are American citizens just to show off and vote once a year? Are U.S. citizens left to be abused by politicians? If the United States has 150 million citizens, are you going to let this group of politicians ruin it? Let these politicians continue to betray the country? I wonder how many "true Christians" there are in America? Can you open your eyes and watch the United States continue to endanger the world? Why LGBTQ? Why is gay marriage legal? You talk about democracy and freedom, but do you really know what democracy is? Where did all this start? You don’t even understand the truth of the Bible, yet dare to be pastors! Do pastors only need to be ordained by famous pastors? What do you take the law of God for? Let us all wait for Jesus to judge!

”(Mark 12:30) And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.(31) And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. ~Seeing American Christians self-blaming, I was thinking: are these people? These Christians are not human at all! They are not even as good as animals! Chinese people have a sense of justice even if they are not Christians! Why don't Christians participate in politics! Because you are cowardly and have no sense of justice, you see Americans suffering, you see the whole world being persecuted by American politicians, you pretend to be peaceful and prosperous, and you pretend that the United States is the country of justice, these Christians are really disgusting! However, it is a good thing that you do not participate in politics! Because Christians like you who are selfish and only for your own benefits, without right or wrong, continue to stay in your own ivory tower! Let your evil American government protect you until the judgment of Jesus goes straight to the lake of fire!