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Constitution Myth5

December 11, 2022

In the past few days, I have worked hard to read the U.S. Constitution, and suddenly I understand the world pattern! If my prediction is not wrong: there will be a big war in Europe and Asia in the future! Taiwanese and Chinese must be mentally prepared! Fortunately, China has food! Now it is like this: the future war must be ~ all Europe against Russia, Belarus, and Iran! The Asian battlefield should be ~ all Asian countries unite against China and North Korea! The people are always the most innocent! Because we can't solve the corrupt groups and they keep wars to make money! I must be honest and say one thing: America was never independent! The United States now inherits the United Kingdom, and the United States is controlled by the British corrupt group! And we seem to be independent of India, tell everyone: India is not independent at all! India is also in the hands of corrupt groups now! If we look back at World War II, we will find a lot of interesting history!

World War II 1939-1945! Chinese Anti-Japanese War 1931-1945! India was founded in 1947! Israel was founded in 1948! Why are these all connected? Because these are planned! Britain was originally a monarchy, but Britain was later taken down by a corrupt group! Britain persecuted the Puritans, and the Puritans went to the American continent! These people must be supported by the British government, they are the so-called pioneer cattle! Later, the United Kingdom kept increasing taxes, and finally the independence of the United States came into being! Because the people in the continental United States have had enough of the greedy British government! Unexpectedly, as soon as the United States accepted the industrial revolution and established the US federal government, it became a thug and tool of corrupt groups! I don't understand why the British royal family was established in 1714 and the US pays taxes to the UK? Was the US originally a British colony? Sudden headache! Was the Mayflower 1619 real? And were there really Puritans persecuted? Or is it all a lie? To deceive the American people? Is it to deceive the people? Is it easy to control the people?


What has the US government been doing for 100 years? The US government has been fooling the American people for 100 years! How did they fool the American people? "(1 Samuel 12:17) Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive and see that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king. ~When America strays away from God, the spirit of America is dead! I don't know if the United States is really a country founded by Christianity? But I really find that America is completely against the spirit of Christianity! There is no right and wrong and no justice in the United States! If the United States was established because of worshiping God, the original intention was indeed blessed by God, but now I find that is not the case at all! The United States has made too many mistakes in the past 100 years! How come so many Christian leaders but American Christians are so bad? Selfishness and greed are enough to describe Christians! Did the missionaries go to China to preach? Or assimilate wrong ideas? Because American democracy is not real democracy at all! There are also hospitals and education, which are contrary to traditional Chinese culture! When Western medicine was introduced into China, Chinese medicine began to be suppressed! And corruption starts from the hospital! The most important thing is that education is totally against Chinese culture and Chinese moral. Our kids lost moral because Western knowledge and education system.


The United States has two-party politics, but who controls the two political parties in the United States? Profit groups control both political parties! That is, both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are controlled by the same profits groups! What is it called? Left hand hit right hand! Doesn't matter if the money goes into the left hand? Or into the right hand? They all go into the pockets of profit groups! And the Democrats and Republicans are a bunch of greedy politicians who serve profit groups! Without the support of a large consortium, it is impossible to enter the American political circle! The American political circle does not serve the people, but uses the people, oppresses the people, and treats the people like garbage! Take Michigan for example! Michigan was originally developed in agriculture, but was later turned into an industrial city! And I can assert that they are doing this: the Republican corruption group builds the city, and the purpose of building the city is to attract people, so that people will flock to this city. The original agricultural city was changed into an industrial city in the hands of the Republican Party. They called this: It is to help the economy develop, and the Republican Party is also transforming the city and making a lot of money! Because they cooperated with big consortiums to destroy the agricultural value of Michigan!


Then the Democrats took over the city! Why let the Democrats take over the cities? Because the Democratic Party has a bunch of thugs! The Democratic Party is destroying and destroying the city. The law and order in this city has begun to deteriorate. More and more crimes have come in. Housing prices must fall and the population will decrease. Why is this so? Because profit groups want to completely change this city into an industrial city, they don't want high land costs, they want to use low land costs and low labor costs to build their industrial cities! Think about: the government spent a lot of money to build the city and when people gone.... profit group can get all benefits from city and government! In this way, the available arable land in the United States has been greatly reduced! Why did industrial cities choose desert areas in the past, why do more and more industrial cities choose coastal areas now? It used to be Nevada, they're going to use it as an industrial city! Because many consortiums invest in casinos in Nevada, and casinos are also one of the financial sources of the consortium! And the most important thing is that water resources in Nevada are too expensive! Therefore, California is already preparing to transform into an industrial city. The California Democratic Party has destroyed California in seven or eight years, but California has been short of water in recent years, so it does not meet the needs of these profits groups!


Now the target has moved to New York! Both New York and California are coastal cities! Why is the law and order in New York getting worse? This is to drive away New York residents and turn New York into the next Detroit, another dead city in the United States! New Jersey next to New York has been transformed into an industrial city! The pollution in New Jersey is really serious. As soon as we entered the New Jersey border, we wanted to leave this state as soon as possible! We always think that automobile emissions will cause pollution, and the pollution caused by automobile emissions must be hundreds of times lower than that of industry! Even if there is a traffic jam on the 495 every day, and then we see the air pollution in New Jersey, we understand that the traffic jam on the 495 is called ~ fresh air! The United States is completely against the spirit of Christianity! American politicians care not about the American people, American politicians care about their own profits! Who can tell me inflation has anything about US government officials? They can increase our taxes bill just for their salary, so they never care about inflation!


Why did the Israelites offend God by asking for a king? Because the Israelites no longer valued God! They put their King above God! That's where I last shared Jonah's story! If so, would Jonah dare to offend the king? Just like Jeremiah, Jeremiah obeyed Jehovah God, but the king of Judah and the people of Judah hated Jeremiah! The people will offend God because of serving their king of the world! And America is going the same way now! Regardless of whether the Democratic Party or the Republican Party in the United States has been doing things with non-conscience just for money and partisan profits! These politicians are really ~ devoid of conscience! Why do I say there will be a third world war soon? Have the opportunity to share again!