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Core Devils!

January 7, 2023

America's Axis of Evil: The IRS and the FED! The IRS and the FED are two big monsters! These two demons control the world economy, and if these two demons are eliminated, each of us can live a good life! We must eliminate the IRS and the FED. These two institutions are simply illegal regimes. They kill, burn, loot and torture everywhere in the name of Americans. They have nothing to do with us. The American people are also victims of these two evil institutions! The Taiwan government sends you two words ~ too blind! You follow the United States ~ wait to eat shit! It's enough for you to be blind! Why blind all Taiwanese? You guys are so blind that you can't even tell "shit" from "gold"! This is so blind~ Whoever has breast is a mother! Count the classics and forget the ancestors! You only see "breast" but you don't care your mother or not! The corrupt officials of the US government have completely lost their "humanity", and you are still following this group of corrupt officials to kill the people of Taiwan! Corrupt officials in Taiwan do not repent again ~ wait for God kills you! Go to hell with your money, buy hell ghosts and bull-headed horse noodles, and see if they want NT dollars! You really like to be "sheep-herding children", "Wolf is coming" called 5 times, does anyone still believe it? It's hard for a fool to believe you!

How did the IRS and FED kill the American people? These two agencies are money management agencies, but I don't know who gave the IRS the right to collect taxes? The U.S. Constitution clearly stipulates that taxes cannot be collected. Why can the IRS openly collect taxes from the people? And why can the IRS arbitrarily raise tax rates? The U.S. government is really the same as the Taiwan government now~ playing hooligans! As long as the people do not obey the government, use all public power to eradicate the people! Is this democracy? Do you still believe that the United States and Taiwan have democracy? I don't believe in democracy at all! Since LinkedIn banned my account! Democracy in America is dead since Facebook blocked my post! People who rely on the US government to protect themselves are fools! Many people have worked hard all their lives and cannot afford to live in a nursing home. They are quickly killed by the virus released by the government when they live in a nursing home! The American government really loves its people! Whoever supports IRD and FED, I wish you hell with these two devil institutions!

FED's ass is on fire now! FED desperately printing money! Do you know how much the U.S. debt was before Trump took office? 17 trillion! The U.S. debt under Trump is 30 trillion! Why did the U.S. debt increase by 13 trillion after Trump took office for four years? Do you still think that Trump is good and Biden is bad? There are a lot of things don't look at the surface! Digging the east wall and repairing the west wall will only make the hole bigger and bigger! America is really hollowed out now! The resources of the "United States of America" ​​have been completely "hollowed out"! They "hollowed out" the United States with all their financial products! They are now going to "hollow out" the American people! They want to make America "Haiti"! Both "Haiti" and "South Africa" ​​have a characteristic ~ they used to be beautiful! The people of Taiwan really have to think: Why did many African countries in Taiwan break off diplomatic relations with Taiwan? Why do many South American countries cut off diplomatic relations with Taiwan? They don't only see the Chinese market, but the national character of a country! If our Taiwan really helps the other country, they will not break off diplomatic relations with us! We use "money politics"! It's very convenient to follow the "corruption" and "bribery" routine. Officials help the government give green light, but fattening officials hurts the people! The money diplomacy of the Taiwan government ~ a complete failure! American officials are also being fattened and cultivated to be inhumane!

China was originally the largest holder of U.S. debt, but China has now desperately dumped U.S. debt. Why? No country is stupid enough to help the United States pay off its debts! The United States desperately prints money and borrows money, relying on "American credit." If the US credit goes bankrupt, what will the United States use to borrow money? The way the U.S. uses U.S. debt is very simple, and anyone with a discerning eye who has studied mathematics can understand it! It's a pity that Americans have never learned mathematics! Americans have been messed up in mathematics since they were young. If they don't have calculators, they will fall. Think about it: how important "electricity" is to the American people! And the American people are a bunch of stupid and blind people, just like the Taiwan government! Believe in the Taiwan government, just follow them ~ stupid and blind! I just understand now: Why did I quarrel with my math teacher in middle school? This is my only teacher who quarreled in Taiwan! Although later he was nice to me too! My physical chemistry and biology teachers love me very much and treat me very well! I quarreled with my math teacher because: I don't think there is any need for such a stupid proof formula! Obviously 3 formulas can be proved, but he must require us to write a bunch of proof formulas to be right! He said: You must prove more formulas, otherwise points will be deducted in the entrance exam! Is this stupid? I also counted the number of words in my composition for the joint entrance exam. The Chinese teacher said: The number of words must be enough! I often meet the minimum word count requirements!

All in all, all in all.... The IRS and the FED are working hand in hand! Why do the American people work so hard all their lives and are always so poor? ! Don't dare to retire even if you die! If I grow up in America, I will be a waste all my life as a dog! Poor in math and blind! What will be the consequences of China's dumping of US debt? FED is great! Print money by Fed self to borrow the world, and then continue to "raise interest rates" by FED. "Rising interest rates" has nothing to do with "curbing inflation"! "Rising interest rates" will "increase inflation"! Understand? "Rising interest rates will increase inflation" This is the truth! Because interest rate hikes cause the appreciation of the US dollar, and the US dollar is the trading currency of bulk commodities, the appreciation of the US dollar will cause "food" and "energy prices" to generally rise! Now you understand why "inflation is getting worse"? What will be the consequences of China's dumping of US debt? The FED must continue to raise interest rates to attract more countries to hold U.S. debt. Do you think inflation will drop? If no country holds U.S. debt, the U.S. must repurchase US debt Fed self!

We need to know that FED is not a department of the US government! The IRS has nothing to do with the US government either! Because they are all unconstitutional institutions! These two departments have violated the US Constitution! The FED has been printing money and raising interest rates all the time. This is an operation method that will kill the American people! The banknotes printed by the FED are called "U.S. debt"! The "US dollar" we use now is illegal, the "US dollar" we use is not "US currency", the US dollar we use now is "US debt" issued by the FED! And the FED keeps raising interest rates, which means that the American people must repay US debts with higher interest rates! The American people may forget about the Lehman Brothers storm in 2008. Lehman Brothers triggered the subprime mortgage crisis. What did this mean? The financial turmoil in 2008 was the day when the FED harvested the people! We have to understand one thing: all money borrowing by the American people has a price! And it's "loan usury"! FED printing money is like me drawing a pig on blank paper! Let me tell you that the pig on the white paper is worth $100, and you have to exchange the equivalent labor value of $100 for this piece of paper! The most important thing is if they think you only have $50 valuse and you should work double to earn $100. And politicans just do nothing and they can earn $200k more per year! And if you borrow $100 from Fed, you have to pay Fed "high interest"! Lehman Brothers lost a lot of money in the storm, where did it go? Go to the U.S. debt! That's all I can say today! The IRS will continue to raise all knd of taxes in the future! You know the devils always thinks they are smart... The American people are bad at math, it's really troublesome!