December 25, 2023

There is a saying in the Bible: Where the corpse is, there the eagles will gather! Many pastors simply do not understand the true explanation and meaning of this sentence in the Bible! The Bible is really not a book that ordinary people can understand! Wherever the corpse is, the eagle must be there. Why? We need to integrate the Bible into the "era". The Bible can indeed be integrated into every era, and it is applicable to every era! I now interpret this sentence from a modern perspective: "Eagle" represents the United States! "Eagle" represents hegemony! Wherever the corpse is, eagles will gather there! "Corpse" represents "profit"! The eagle's profit is the corpse! Without benefits, eagles will not gather together! This sentence explains it more clearly: Where there is "profits", there must be "hegemony"! A more modern explanation: Wherever there are "profits", there must be "the United States"! After reading my explanation, have you discovered that the Bible is really miraculous? There is something even more amazing!

Why is there the "corpses"? You may have never thought about the relationship between "profits" and "corpses". If there is "profits", there must be "corpses"! Behind every "interest chain" is the "corpses"! Let me give a few more examples: Will "drug trafficking" cause "corpses"? Will "gambling" cause "cadavers"? Will "prostitution" cause "corpse"? Will a "car accident" cause "corpses"? Will "virus" cause "corpses"? Is the appearance of the "corpses" an accident? Or is the appearance of "corpses" allowed? Of course we cannot say that the creation of "corpses" was "deliberate", but we know that the creation of "corpses" was "permitted"!

The Federal Reserve plays finance and plays it very well! Why can the Federal Reserve use "foreign exchange" to harvest the world? Why can the Federal Reserve use "interest rates" to harvest real estate? There was a time when I spent several years searching foreclosure houses for sale! I really feel that these families are so miserable! Because of the "mortgage rate high", the property they had worked hard to save money to buy had to be auctioned and confiscated by the bank! Some houses are auctioned because they cannot pay the "mortgage", some houses are because they cannot pay the "land tax", and some houses are auctioned because they cannot pay the "medical expenses" and "maintenance fees". These are all true. New York homeowners! I never knew how the US government could be so evil! Are the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve planning to kill the American people? Isn’t the U.S. government doing enough evil? Are American Christians still “blind”? Don’t you still see the evil of the US government? Why is "drugs" and "guns" rampant in America? Why is America so full of "violent crime" and "drug addicts"? Why is America full of homeless people? All of these are "corpses", all of these are "profits"!

The Fed is so evil! I can’t finish to point out of their evil by a year! I just want to destroy the Fed's plans! Since the Fed wants "corpses", I will keep people alive so that the Fed will not get any "benefits" at all! The Federal Reserve uses "interest rates" to harvest "land resources" across the United States. It uses quantitative easing and low interest rates to allow people to "borrow and consume" and push up "real estate prices." If real estate prices are high, local taxes will rise! When interest rates are "raised", people will simply not be able to survive, because all industries will be depressed, "unemployment" will inevitably surge, and people will inevitably sell their properties at low prices! I am telling all the American people now: Never invest in the Texas and Florida real estate markets! The housing market bubble in these two states is too big! In addition, the housing market in many states in the United States has risen to a state of chaos. These are all propaganda tactics of the Federal Reserve! If you don't want to become yourself into a "corpses", don't just take advantage! The real bargains are in "New York" and "California"! Why? There is no need to be afraid of investing in a state where the media around the world is saying bad things about it and it is about to fall! Why are there no homeless people in New York City when Giuliani was mayor? Because he drove all the homeless people to New Jersey in order to drive up "New York's housing market"! The purpose of 911 was to "explode housing prices in New York"! New York City housing prices have dropped by at least half! They use these "trick operations" to make profits! There are so many tricks and mysteries in real estate!

Let’s talk about “exchange rate”! The U.S. maintains a "high US dollar" on its books, but in reality, the U.S. is secretly "harvesting RMB." Why? The Federal Reserve now has 33 trillion U.S. dollars on hand, and the interest rate on U.S. dollars is too high. If the U.S. dollar cannot be used effectively, the Federal Reserve will definitely shoot itself in the foot with stone! Why doesn't the Fed cut interest rates? Because the Fed doesn’t have enough RMB in its hands yet! Where will the RMB shortfalls of Evergrande, Country Garden and China Aoyuan go? They are all in the pocket of the Federal Reserve, but these are not enough to control the RMB exchange rate yet! If US$34 trillion is converted into RMB, can the RMB exchange rate be controlled? I really don’t know this? But I know: The Federal Reserve keeps "raising interest rates" in the name of "inflation" just to create "corpses"! Why "inflation"? Ask Trump? "Tariffs" and "COVID-19" are both the main causes of inflation! China had better "currency reform" as soon as possible and let the "RMB appreciate"! I have been talking about these two things for 1-2 years! If you act faster, there won't be so many "unfinished buildings"! These financial operations are difficult to explain one by one, but I have never harmed any Chinese! I often send money into other people's pockets. If you follow my advice, you will definitely make money by investing!