The heating has been turned on to 65 degrees, but it still keep in 57 degrees. It is really cold those days, and if heater goes any lower than 60 degrees it will burst the water pipes. . . Do you still want to support these corrupt politicians in the United States? These corrupt politicians should be thrown to Siberia and sent to forced labor camps! They are working with energy dealers, arms dealers and pharmaceutical dealers to kill people all over the world! These politicians are sending them to hell! Don’t support any America officials! Don't cast a single vote! Let this group of politicians have no votes at all! See how they play political games?
Are you really that stupid, American people? Think about it for yourselves: Does "illegal immigration" really drag down the U.S. economy? Are you stupid? Of course "illegal immigration" helps the U.S. economy! The "U.S. debt" in the United States is growing at the rate of "trillions of dollars", and the "interest" paid for the United States on U.S. debt has reached 2 trillion U.S. dollars every year! Where is the "U.S. debt" spent? "U.S. debt" is not spent on "illegal immigrants", U.S. debt is spent on "military giants", "energy giants" and "biotechnology giants"! Even if illegal immigrants take money, it's "tens of millions", not even "hundreds of millions"! "Illegal immigrants" do contribute to the U.S. economy! Should "illegal immigrants" "consume"? The more children they have, the more they consume! Think again: for every dollar an illegal immigrant makes, their American boss makes at least $10! Stop being so "ignorant"! Trump gives us shit to eat, and we must say: Shit is delicious! Epstein’s Loli Island, do you really think there is no Trump? Why did Epstein die during Trump’s term? Now there is no proof! How can we not doubt: We have only seen part of the real situation in Loli Island! We haven’t seen “all” yet! Just like Israel has controlled the Palestinian people for 56 years! The Republican Party must be hiding information that is "unfavorable" to itself! Both the Democratic and Republican parties are a bunch of bad politicians! Behind them is the "Consortiums"! We must eliminate the "Consortiums"! Otherwise our children will be "drug addicts" and "bums" for generations to come next generations! The corruption of Democratic and Republican politicians is getting worse and worse, and there is no institution that can stop or prevent these politicians from being corrupt! The only thing we can do is: don't vote! Let’s not accept “fake democracy”! We don’t need to support politicians even with a single vote! We can really drive them out of the United States! We must get "corrupt officials" out of the United States!
"Corrupt officails" are betraying the country and betraying the people! Such people are not eligible to stay in the United States! Politicians who betrayed the country and betrayed the people... leave the United States forever! They can go to any country they want, but politicians who sell out our country and people are not qualified to stay in the United States, let alone Americans! Now we don't have the FBI and CAI, we can only rely on the American people to save ourselves! The American people need to save ourselves by no longer voting, no longer trusting any politicians, and no longer supporting any politicians!