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Culture is "FamilyHeirloom"

October 9, 2023

(Luke 16:27) Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:(28) For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.~~When I read this passage, I understood that this is a portrayal of all "true Jews and false Jews"! What is a fake Jew? They are fake Jews who only have "profit and money" in their eyes and have no moral sense at all! This is what we say: He who calls a thief his father! There are also rich people who deceive the world and steal their fame! Those who are rich and no conscience are all Jews! These people are also modern "Qin Kuai"! There is no need to pity this kind of person! Just like what the Bible says: The rich man not only suffered in the fire lake for himself, but his whole family will also suffer in the lake of fire! This is fate or not fate! This is the result of a choice!

The “source of chaos” in this world comes from the “Jews”! I want everyone to think about this: What culture do Jews have? The Jews are completely uneducated! The Jews only have two books, "Torah" and "Talmud"! "Torah" is the Pentateuch! "Talmud" is a book that teaches Jews how to make money! In the Jewish world there is only "money,money,money"! The Jews use "money" to control the world! How much "innocent blood" was shed by the Jews? There is no beauty in our current world! We live like those Jews without conscience! We work hard every day and the purpose of our work is to pay a bunch of bills! Is this “life” we are living now? We are simply "worse than pigs and dogs"! "Pigs and dogs" can rest, but how many people can stop their hands and mouth have no food? How many people have to sell their blood to support themselves? This is a true portrayal of the American people! You nasty bastards! You follow the Jews and enjoy the good life! Of course! The United States has 32 trillion U.S. debt! If the Jews casually throw away a trillion U.S. debts for their dogs, the dogs around the Jews will be full! A lot of Jewish dogs in America! These people are hopeless! What Bible to read? You people are destined for hell! Not only will you go to hell yourself, but you will not be able to save your family members! This is retribution!

The United States has always said that China has no human rights! Are people all over the world blind? How many dialects are there in China? How many tribes are there in China? How many dialects are there in the United States? How many tribes are there in the United States? Does the United States care about and value Indian culture? Why does America have no culture? Because they are just like the Jews: They only have money in their eyes! Do these Americans think that "lies" can really dominate the world? You Jewish dogs, you'd better shut your "dog mouth" as soon as possible! Otherwise, I guarantee that you will be like the Jews: both humans and gods will be angry about them! You will soon cease to be dogs and become street rats! Are you blind because Israel is doing evil? Can't you see it? You are selfish. Even if the terrorists in the Middle East seek revenge from you today, isn't it just right? Why is it okay for Israel to bully people? Why can the United States bully the whole world? Why can't these people seek revenge from you? Do you think of everyone as Jesus? Not all Christians are Jesus! Jesus was crucified by Jews, and Jews already have created thousands of devil Christians in the world! Now it's "ghosts fighting ghosts"! Look at what group of demons you were crucified by!

The essence of Chinese culture is "tolerance"! We have so many different traditional arts! This is why Chinese culture has been preserved for 5,000 years! Our culture is not just about “making money”! We all have different cultures in terms of "food, clothing, housing and transportation"! Different nations have different cultures, and we can accept different arts. Why do we have different cuisines from different places! We have different customs! We have different costumes! We have different buildings! We have calligraphy! We have paintings! We have sculptures, grottoes... these are all "culture"! Is it worth giving up "culture" for "money"? Is it worth giving up "moral conscience" for "money"? This is something we should think carefully about! We can't change the world, but we can change ourselves! We can change our families! Chinese culture has never been about "destroying" other people's culture! Seeing the United States today, do we really feel that I need to learn from the United States? Only stupid people will become "uneducated" and "rich" person! Leaving wealth to your children and grandchildren is the most stupid thing! "A house that accumulates good deeds will always be rich"! As long as we "accumulate good deeds", our children and grandchildren will surely be rich. There is no need to worry about money! Stop following the “dogs of the Jews”! These "bastards" have "no heirs" at all! Why has the Jewish population been unable to grow for thousands of years? So wicked! The Jews are good at giving birth, but at the time of Moses there were more than 2 million people, and today they have a population of almost tens of millions! What about the Chinese? God really bless the Chinese people! This is the reason why the origin of Chinese culture is spread! Break the legs of those Jewish bastards, and they will stop barking and spreading rumors!