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Democracy of Corruption and Lies 3

December 13, 2022

Why is there an "American democracy"? We can find that "American democracy" is the product of the "Industrial Revolution"! What exactly does "American democracy" want? Let's first ask what does the "Industrial Revolution" want? What the industrial revolution wants is "productivity"! And "American democracy" is to promote the productivity of the industrial revolution. American democracy is to strengthen the value of the industrial revolution, but I have to be honest: the industrial revolution has no value at all! What did the "Industrial Revolution" bring to mankind? "Waste" and "accelerated death"! Why do we now have more and more people ~ premature aging? We used to say: birth, old age, sickness and death! After a person is born, he will be prone to disease when he is old, and finally he will die! But now many of us are ~ not old, already sick and dead! Why have human beings suffered more and more ailments since the "Industrial Revolution"? Why did more and more young people die of various diseases after the "Industrial Revolution"? The "Industrial Revolution" is the same as "American Democracy". Are they creating human values? Or devalue human beings?


We have been brainwashed since childhood: when people are old, they are useless! When a person is old, he has no value! It is more correct to say: it is not that old people are worthless! It is that the elderly are not productive, and the elderly do not conform to the value of American democracy! If old people have no value, why did the US justices work to die? If old people have no value, why are those politicians so old and still run the country? It’s not that the elderly are worthless, but that they have no “labor force”. In fact, it’s not that the elderly have no labor force, but that since the industrial revolution, these American-style democratic beasts have used humans as robots! Therefore, when our labor rhythm cannot keep up with the young people, basically we are the group eliminated by this world! And American democracy is feeding these people medicine! What medicine do we take? We take the medicine of "indulging lust and material desire" poison! Do humans really need an industrial revolution? Can we really eat clothes, shoes, cars? "Waste consumption" is the killer of all mankind! In 2020, God has revealed to me that in the future, the United States must return to "animal husbandry" and "agriculture" to survive! And in "livestock" and "agriculture" the value of people has no age limit!

Why do I say: "American democracy" is the product of strengthening the "Industrial Revolution"? What do we humans really need? We only need "livestock" and "agriculture"! And American democracy has killed our real needs and has been feeding us medicine! Feeding us "poison" all the time! American democracy continues to expand government power! We must follow the government! The government does not engage in public transportation, but the government builds many roads and bridges. First, this is not called infrastructure! Infrastructure must be in the public benefits! Roads and bridges are in the profits of car factories and builders, while bridge tolls are not for the government's profits, but for the builder's profits! Second, large-scale construction houses! We must understand that the land in the United States belongs to the American people, and it is the builders who profits from the construction of high-rise buildings with corrupt officials, and the builders have never-ending income from building maintenance fees! The management can collect any money that they want! That is, the maintenance fees belong managements and land taxes belong to the government revenue! Third, why can people live in these building complexes? This is all thanks to the government! A place with convenient road transportation and convenient living functions, of course, the housing price is high! If Trump does not have the buildings to help him collect rent, what does Trump have? These are the products of government-business collusion!

The "Industrial Revolution" produced American-style fake democracy, which is not fake at all! American-style fake democracy enacts many laws, and these regulations and laws are all linked to financial projects! To put it bluntly: financial projects are "fraudulent groups"! This "fraud group" is relatively advanced, because they cooperate with the government, and the government backs them up! American-style fake democracy has been betraying the United States again again! American-style fake democracy sells out American land and steal the benefits of the American people to give business groups! We have less and less arable land, we have less and less livestock land, and it's all now industrial and commercial! Does the United States need so much industry? Does America need so much business? Our land and energy resources are all in the hands of consortiums because of American fake democracy! The United States is a country of immigrants. How could it be possible for natural gas and oil shale to be in the hands of consortiums? This is all based on American fake democracy and America government officials sold Americans' benefits!

What does "American-style fake democracy" give Americans? "Diseases"! America is a bunch of diseases! "Heart disease", "High blood pressure", "Diabetes", "Cancer"... Have you noticed that we have been brainwashed by the "Industrial Revolution" to become ~ I want to be a "money making" machine! We are not "money making machines", we are "slaves" to money! We are at the bottom of the pyramid all our lives! If you want to get to the top of the pyramid, you must cooperate with the government and businessmen! Just ask Trump! It's pretty easy to take advantage of brainless people! Just keep you working! Finally, I will give you a "dream" ~ Pension! But many people in modern times will not be able to use their pensions until they die! In the United States, it is really the green dragon on the left (snake politicians) and the white tiger on the right (stupid tiger for idiots)! Who is left green dragon? American snake politicians! Who is right white tiger? A group of stupid criminals in the United States who smashed, looted and burnt brainless! (Leviticus 25:14) And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest ought of thy neighbour's hand, ye shall not oppress one another:(23) The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.~Have American politicians hurt with American people? They themselves know best! And God His own land must be recovered! We must eliminate Left Green Dragon and Right White Tiger, that is, we must eliminate snake politicians and criminals, so that we can live a long and healthy life!