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Democracy of Corruption and Lies 5

December 17, 2022

Is there anything wrong with American democracy? What is missing in the U.S. Constitution? I will not tell you like other experts and scholars, and a bunch of freedom fighters, and a bunch of false pastors and anti-Christians: Freedom and democracy, American-style freedom and democracy are good! Just want capitalism! Capitalism is the symbol of freedom and democracy! These are all "lies"! Regardless of capitalism, socialism, communism... Deviation from the "truth" is poison to mankind, and it is a murderous dictatorship of the devil! What is missing in American democracy? I will not tell you: American democracy lacks "virtues"! Because Americans and Westerners culture have no "morality" at all! I am not talking nonsense! Looking at American and Western education, besides the Bible, which book teaches "morality"? Thanks to the Chinese ancestors, our ancestors are too wise! Our "Confucianism" has really laid the cultural foundation of the Chinese people for 5,000 years!

A few days ago, I remembered Zilu's words: "Words must be believed, actions must be resolute"! Zilu was a disciple of Confucius! What does it mean? It is Zilu who said: what he says must be credible, and as long as he does it, there will be results! Confucius said: Zilu's words are neither good nor right! Why did Confucius say this? Zilu is a disciple of Confucius, and Zilu is like Peter ~ a brave and no a foolhardy person! He's good at fighting, but not strategic! He asked Confucius: Why should I study? Confucius replied: Learning is to let you how to lead troops and how to manage more people! Therefore, Zilu followed Confucius! I think of this sentence because I think of the Bible: "The Bible" is "words must be done, faith must be fruits"! How can this be explained? "Words must be done" means that the Bible is the words of God, so act according to God's words! Why do you have to do what God says? Because "Faith must bear fruits"! Believe in God's words and act according to God's words, you will definitely get the "fruit of life"! This is the promise of the Bible, not mine! Do you think my "words must be done, Faith must be fruits" is better than Zilu?

We must admit: the Jews, that is, the Israelites are indeed slaves! And the slave nature of the Israelites has not changed! Why did God choose the Israelites as his chosen people? First, God commemorates his covenant with Abraham! What God has said will come true, because He is God! Although the Israelites didn't know it at all and didn't take it to heart, this is God's faithfulness! A faithful person will not change his commitment just because others don't remember! Second, because of the bad nature of the Israelites, God chose them even more! But the Israelites have never seen their own inferiority, and the Israelis affirmed their sense of superiority. Therefore, the Israelites have been slaves for generations! The Israelites have been slaves by "money" since they came out of Egypt!

(Exodus 20:2) I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.(3) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.(4) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: ~A few days ago, the teacher said in class that many pastors who do not read the Bible choose scriptures to preach by pointing their fingers. He gave an example Example: Judas! Click on Judas to hang himself, what message does the Holy Spirit want to give him? Then click on ~ if you want to do it, do it quickly! What does it mean? Finally click on: It’s done! Is the way OK? This pastor must have misunderstood it, right? The Holy Spirit should tell him to die, not let him tell the congregations to die!

A few times when I read the Bible, I feel that God is very humorous! Why do I say this? Because I saw the Israelites worshiping the golden calf, I thought God was very humorous! The Israelites worshiped the golden calf and then said: This is the God who brought us out of Egypt! I thought: This golden calf should be the god who brought the Indians out of Egypt! So, God didn't wipe out the Israelites immediately, isn't God quite humorous! I thought: The American people should point their fingers at the scriptures to prove the truth! They should often point to being possessed by ghosts and having infinite strength, and then there is a group of pigs who are possessed by ghosts and dive into the water! Therefore, the U.S. government relies on demon possession, force, and numbers, and in the end a group of pigs dive into the water to die! The ability of the American government to govern the people is like: a pig being possessed by a ghost and diving into the water ~ stupid and ridiculous! Why do I say: stupid, ridiculous? This "group" of idiot ghosts! Cast out of ghosts by Jesus, they tell Jesus: Let them be on pigs! Jesus promised to put them on pigs! The idiot ghosts chose to dive to his death! They probably thought pigs could swim like people! Ghosts are as "stupid" and "lazy" as pigs! The pig wanted to be the ghosts, but he didn't need to move...the result was drowned! Is it stupid and lazy? Ghosts and pigs have to cooperate with each other to survive! Is the Bible very scientific? Very funny? More science in the back..

What is missing from the U.S. Constitution? What is missing in American democracy? The U.S. Constitution lacks the "Ten Commandments"! What are the "Ten Commandments" that American democracy lacks! Americans are so stupid! It is true to say that American pigs! You are really the latest permanent energy released by the United States, called nuclear fusion! What is this concept? That is, China, France and the United States...the whole world is researching "renewable, non-polluting and clean energy", and this energy is more straightforwardly an artificial sun! I have seen that China has been researching, while the United States has spent 60 years researching, what is the whole world spending so much money and time researching? How to control and effectively use "hydrogen energy"! Because "hydrogen energy" has huge energy, it is difficult to control! I almost didn't laugh! Why did Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses has no GPS, no microphone...Israel knows how to get there? Where to camp? Why? Because Jehovah God leads! So, what is the world researching now? How to call the wind and shake the rain! The person who can call the wind and rain and control the weather is the king of the world! Don't we already have the Creator? The Israelites had the pillar of cloud during the day and the pillar of fire at night, so that the Israelites did not die in the wilderness! This is why Moses could lead the Israelites out of Egypt! And American democracy has no Ten Commandments! The U.S. Constitution has no Ten Commandments! God must not be with the US government and the American people! Because of Americans don't how to obey God! They never obey God and Ten Commandments!